**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Celene - nice to see you hun. Time really does go so quickly. I remember when you had your lo.
Do you mind me asking how you knew lo had a lazy eye?

PB - doesnt matter if your a december mummy hun. This is an open thread.

Sally - hope cathy gets better soon hun.

Nat - i know you asked about la the other day....ive just seen some pics on fb of the view and her lo! Safe to say i am very jelous xx
Hey Celene,

So lovely to hear all is going well. Your little man is a beauty and of course I remember my due date buddy :lol:

PB, is there no December thread?? You can't be the only December Mummy. Shall I change the thread title to Nov / Dec Mummies in-case anyone else wants to join?

Sally I've just had a quick flick through the book and it says the fussy period can occur anywhere between 22.5 weeks and 26.5 weeks so potentially a 4 week fussy period :shock:


Carnat - you could do Hun as no Dec mummy thread so might encorage others to join, even though you have put on there everyone welcome but must admit I didn't write in here at first as it was a Nov mummy thread. Don't do it unless you want to though Hun.....I don't want to change things that you are all happy with. X
Celene hello!!!! Welcome back your little man is gorgeous, time is flying too quickly.

Nat..la's photos are fab and line kerrie I am very jealous!!

I think AF is on her way back the stupid witch, thought I'd get a few more months free of her?! But on a positive note M slept through till 5.45 fed then back down till 9 :) woo
Hi everybody,
Hope you don't think I'm barging in on the thread but I noticed somebody else has written about December babies and there is no thread?
If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to join this thread as I seem to be a bit of a lurker, I joined very late pregnancy!

I'm Emma, I'm 29 and I have Harry James born 4th Dec and weighed 6lb 11oz (kind of glad he was early!) He was due 22nd but decided he couldn't wait! I developed OC late pregnancy and this was how I came across the forum. I'm a supermarket manager for a living and I live in Manchester.

So hoping to get to know you all and your babies a little better!!


Here we are (sorry for the writing, nicked it off the Internet as I wasn't paying a tenner!!)


Hi Emma :) lovely to meet you Hun. As the thread title says everyone is welcome here.

What a lovely pic of you and your little boy. He is just gorgeous! Xx

Hi Emma,

I've added you and Harry to the first page (you and Chloe too PB)

He is such a cutie pie

Welcome aboard

Thank you ladies :-)
It's nice to be part of this, and to see what me and Harry have coming from the November babies!

Hi girls! I'm technically a December Mummy as Lyla was born 15 minutes into 1st December but been with the November mummies whole way through pregnancy and you'll really enjoy the atmosphere in here. We are like a big extended family :lol:

Evening ladies :) u dint usually post at night, usually only get a chance when Chloe has had her 1st morning feed and I'm waiting for her to fall back into a deep enough sleep so I can put her back in her crib.

Well iv just been watching Chloe on my iPhone as she woke up what never usually happens as wants she is asleep she is out for the count until the morning. She wasn't crying so me and my OH just watched her.....she had a fight with her bumper for about 10 minutes (think trying to lift it up to see if I was next to her in bed) and wiggled and made a few little noises then just went back to sleep....what a good girl :) so please so wanted to tell you all. X
Hi everyone!

Thanks for the holiday wishes.

So we're having a lovely time in Australia. It's a madhouse here so I don't have time to read/post much. My family out here have such busy lives - my brother and SIL both work full time and have a patchwork of childcare for 2 kids. It's making me very glad I'm going to (mainly) be a SAHM. It's great to see them though, the kids are really lovely.

The weather is awesome for this time of year. It's just coming into winter and the days are sunny and over 20 degrees. It's cold at night though. They're having a good spell, hope it lasts. I know the weather at home is appalling at the moment.

J was a star on the journey over here. He slept most of both flights, even though the second one would have been our daytime. The cabin crew loved him and nothing was too much trouble. One assistant even bought him a warm bottle before I asked because she saw he'd woken up! I'm glad my mum was with me, because the logistics were tricker than I was expecting. They managed to check my buggy through by accident so I didn't get it back at the layover or at the end until the baggage hall and I had way too much to carry with J as well. Travelling home on my own I will have to cut down the hand luggage significantly in case it happens again.

I took cartons of milk because i thought it would be easier and I'd taken extra so that they could open a few to check, but at heathrow they insisted on opening HALF!! it was fine in the end because i put it into the bottles, but it meant the milk had to be refridgered after that (which I don't suppose you could do if you were flying economy without access to lounges). Will be flying back with powder and flasks which can be filled with boiling water once we're through security.

The jet lag hasn't been a problem either. J is sleeping through as usual and waking after 7am. When he naps during the day he looks like he'll sleep all day, but I just wake him after a suitable amount of time and it seems to work.

I hope you're all having a good week.

Wilson - glad your first WB went well :). Mrswoody - lovely pic of M underwater.

Sally and Wilson - hugs for lack of sleep :hugs:

:wave: to Celene

Welcome to Emma :yay:

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I'm a December mummy to as A was just a bit too comfy in there! Everyone's welcome here :)

PB I'm so jealous of what a good sleep Chloe is! A has always been terrible...in fact most nights she sleeps in her pushchair these days as it's the only way we're getting any sleep! We need to sort it out soon but just now we both really need to catch up on a bit of sleep and she sleeps so much better and longer in her pushchair!

She just woke up there mind, sounded incredibly upset! She woke up the other night really upset and we thought she must have been crying for a while and we'd not heard her, but I don't know now because she just woke up screaming there! I'm not sure what it is, maybe her teeth. She's had some teething powder and some mummy cuddles and gone back to sleep though, so hopefully she'll get a few more hours sleep! I'm just heading to bed now...

L_A - Good to see you! Loving the photos on facebook, so jealous! Glad J was good on the flight and it hasn't upset his routine too much! Must be lovely catching up with the family :) Have lots of fun!! xxx
We had another 5am start today.

I don't get it?? He isn't hungry as he won't have his first feed until 7am?

He came in with me for an hour and I kind of dozed but he was pretty much wide awake the whole time. How can he just lie there for an hour???

Glad you had a good flight L_a. I am sure even if you were in economy they would have let you use the fridge (they wouldn't let your child starve??)

Sounds like you are having an amazing time. I am not on FB so haven't seen the piccies.

PB, Chloe is such a good girl. James was great last night (he slept through and he didn't have his dummy all night :lol:) but he does get up so early!! If he slept until 7 he'd be perfect!

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Morning all!

I know I'm very lucky but I know that babies can change at anytime so one day I might be up 2-3 times a night pulling my hair out :-/

Chloe did wake up a few times from 5am this morning but only for a few minutes, she pulled her bumper about ( maybe trying to see us) then fell back to sleep so I just left her, then she done it at 6.30am and it sounded like she was more awake (poor bumper in her crib) making more charting noises so got up and done her a bottle (nearly put Bot Bot then lol) she is asleep now in my arms so just waiting until I think she is in a deep enough sleep to put her back in her crib so I can go and do some exercises.

The problem I have got with Chloe is although she is a good sleeper, she falls asleep for approx 20 mins after each bottle plus has an hour approx an hour after 1st bottle and around 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon she wakes up when I put her down so a lot of the time I'm stuck with her in my arms sleeping what is nice in a way as get lots of cuddles but also a little annoying iykwim!
James sleeps on me some times PB.

He has his morning nap in his chair, he may have a snooze when we are out but he has to have his afternoon nap on me??

I can put him down eventually but I have to give it a good 45 minutes :shock: good excuse to catch up with Two and a half men (my new addiction since having bub!!)

Hi everyone.

Hi celene emma and kerry. You'll love it in here.

Nat its hard when they wake soo early.
Pb I know what you mean. Toby used to be like that but putting him down whistle he was just out seemed to help.

Toby had me up a lot last night. He was very restless. Its always when oh is away. He text me this morning complaining of being tired. Hmmm yeah, its hard staying in a quiet hotel.

At one point toby got stuck by is cot bumper on his front and it nearly wokr him fully. He then decided before 6 was a good time to start the day. I managed to get him to stay in hid cot till half past. Needless to say friday night oh will be on settle duty.

L_a oz sounds amazing. The pics look lush. Right got to go clean up banana from everywhere after little mans breakfast. X

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We're having pitta, humus and cherry tomatoes for breakkie again today :lol:

With some apple and pear fingers.

Sazz, Banana is a beast to clean - it stains black??? :shock:

Love reading up on all the babies. Rarely get chance to write anything though!
We've not tried banana yet, though now I don't want to! Baby porridge is the worst! It sets like cement on our glass table!
Do you make the humus yourself nat? I've got some pitta but I'm not sure whether shop bought will be okay? I checked the salt in some types in tesco then realised I don't know how much salt is allowed so pointless! Xxx
Morning all,
Can I pick all your brains about teething?!

Harry is usually a big drinker (about 40oz + a day) and a big sleeper (2 naps a day and sleeps 8/9pm until 7) but since Monday he hasn't??
His milk intake had halved and he hasn't been going to sleep till half 10-11!
Tried the teething granules and he's threw them up both times (never sick) and he's cranky!
Managed to settle him last night with bonjela and a teething ring that had been in the fridge.
Is this normal or has anybody had this with their babies?

I think they are allowed 1g of salt per day Kitty.

It's shop bought pitta and humus, I am not worried at the moment as obviously he isn't "eating" it, he's having a lick and nibble but not actually taking much at all.

I will def find a baby friendly humus recipe though!

Banana is a hit here, James loves it. I let his have half a banana (still in skin) and I mash up the rest with a fork to add to baby porridge.


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