**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Baaaah I think I'm going to die. Birthday party was stressful as anything! Will catch up tomorrow but for now, I'm off to scoff some cake...xx


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Kerrie..sounds like she is loving the food! M is getting there making more
progress the past few days, green beans and red pepper and a big hit!

Sally..yeah I love my Manduca. I really should use it more than I do as it is super comfy. My oh likes to wear it as well. You can do the side and back carry but I have tried them yet. Let me know how your ok gets on with it.

Yay to James finding his feet! I swear M is going to be some sort of gymnast her legs are very flexible! I think maybe babies are just very bendy?

Missy..the cake looks scrummy!!!!

That cakes looks amazing miss y, nom nom have a slice for me!

Omg miss Yeovil that cake looks fantastic!!!! Nom nom!

Mrsw glad you get on with it, I have read all the reviews and have heard nothing but good things about it, but it's so much more reassuring hearing it from someone you "know"! Now I'm torn about whether to give him it when it arrives in a few days or wait until its properly Father's Day lol I can never keep secrets I'm rubbish! Xx

Happy 6 months to a very grumpy James who has been up since 5.30am :nap:

Ah happy six months james. I hope he cheers up for you.

Toby's philosophy for the day is if I can't eat, rub it on my gums I will scream at it. My ears hurt already and we only been uo since half 6 :banghead:

How is everyone?
We're just waiting for our underwater phitoshoot pics to be sent. Hoping there are some good ones.

Mrs w the ones of m look really good.

The oh is away this week and just like last time toby has been really unsettled all night. This morning I had a bucket of coffee in my super sixe mug for emergencies/hangovers.

I hope this crap weather goes. I was hoping to get out for a nice walk.

Heres my checky boy with banana and crumpet over his face.

The last couple of days he has dicovered sitting and loves it. Xx
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He looks like butter wouldn't melt :lol:

I love his baby-grow Sazz. Where is it from?

James is 'celebrating' with scambled eggs and tomatoes for breakkie!!

Just had a look at the forecast and it's going to be shite all week. We'll go out anyway as I go stir crazy sitting in all day but after the world's longest and coldest winter is it too much to ask for a nice spring / summer??

We got it from sainsburys. They have some really nice stuff in there every now and then.

We're off out for lunch in the local town but its nice to get him and the dog out. This feels like winter just won't go away. I'm gonna get a rain cover for my ergo as getting the buggy out with the dog can be a bit of a handful.

Since he's started rolling. Changing toby has become a misson and sometimes a messy one. Its like trying to dress an eel.

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Happy 6 months James!!! How did he like the eggs?

Sazz..Toby looks so cute I love his baby grow!

We have Ms last set of jabs today :) we were on holiday for the last appointment. Hopefully they go ok.

He's not had his eggs yet. He is having a nap as he must be worn out after his early start :shock:

James was fine with all his jabs to be honest. The last lot are just boosters of what has already been given (nothing new) so touch wood if M was fine the last few times she'll be OK today.

They are late though hun??? James was all done by almost 17w? I remember you had trouble getting an appointment in the beginning though so it made everything late?

I hope m's jabs go well. Toby seemed ok after his just a little tired. Thats a while to wait to get her final set now but at least thats it till 1.

Just treating myself to a rare sit down. Toby is having a nap and all chores are done :)

Might even have a cup of tea. X

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Morning all :)

Hope James likes his eggs Carnat, happy 6 months to him :) I bet you can't believe 6 months have gone already!

Sazz - Chloe is starting to try and sit up, she can do it if she is already half way up (like on your lap) but the thing is she doesn't stop and falls forward so you have to catch her :-/

MrsWoody - hope the jabs go well today :) Is it the 3rd lot?

Well little miss woke me up this morning at 4.30 for a feed then tried to keep me awake by smiling at me and waking me in the face but I put her back in her crib gave her a toy and she played for about 15 mins then fell asleep until about 7.45an

Well got to go as she is trying to grab phone......thinks she wants to chats to you all :) she hates me using the phone! Lol

Enjoy you day everyone :)

P.s - do you know if Chloe is in a leap or maybe it's a growth spurt as she has been waking up early last few days but before it was never until at least 7-7.30am?!? X
How many weeks is Chloe hun? There is a leap at at 19 weeks!!

We are late with these jabs as I couldn't make the last appointment, they seem to hold the clinic for jabs once a month.

Pb..you count from due date for the leap x
You count from EDD hun!

Well scrambled eggs were not a hit!! This was moments before the bottom lip went bless him. So we've just had some porridge and apple


Could well be a leap then hun, maybe she's just had it a little late (they are just rough estimates anyway)

Morning ladies. I seem to have slept in really late as OH took his turn with C last night. It's bloody lovely! Haven't had a lie in past 7am for over a week.

Good luck with M's jabs today Mrsw. We had a few tears but they were forgotten about in minutes and the rest of the day was pretty normal :)

Sazz Toby is SO cute! Honestly what a gorgeous little man he is :) C started sitting up a few weeks ago and screams if you lay her down lol. Hope he behaves himself for you today!

PB Chloe waking must have been a shock as she is such a good sleeper usually! I don't know about growth spurts though now, as C hasn't slept through for months, I've forgotten how many weeks C is in fact lol xx


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