**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

My OH is the same PB, he sleeps like a log and often doesn't hear James. He is also a night-owl and at weekends stays up later and gets up later!!

I hear even the tiniest little murmur so I normally get up at that point and soothe him (as opposed to letting him get properly fretful). Normally James jut needs dummy popped in or even just a little rub and some soothing words.

If OH has to have James when I go back to work I'll be making sure he is up every morning with baby. There'll be no sleeping in!!! Looking after baby is a fill time job and needs to be treated as such!!

Yeah I agree Carnatt! Iv just reminded him that when I go back I will be leaving at 7.30am so want him up at 7.00am and he said yeah no problem.....why have I got a feeling it's not guna be as easy as that?!?! X
I'll probably be leaving at a similar time. Hoping to start at 8am and finish at 4pm (or 4.30pm) so I'll be home by 5pm at latest. Still got lots to sort out with work though! Still not even sure when I'll go back LOL, official date is 28th October but I want to take some leave and go back 25th November.

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I will not get home until about 7 :(

Oh well maybe we will win the lottery before then so I can stay at home :) x
Yes please to a lottery win!

Not even the jackpot, just enough to let me have a few more years as a SAHM (and one more baby LOL)

Yes please to a lottery win!

Not even the jackpot, just enough to let me have a few more years as a SAHM (and one more baby LOL)


Yeah just enough to clear the mortgage and a bit extra to stay at home would be nice......we can only dream! :) x
We didn't end up going out for lunch! My friend was coming over from South London and there were no trains running. Lucky really as it started tipping it down just as I would have been leaving.

Instead James and I had a 90 minute nap on the sofa. I must have been shattered as OH was there playing PS3 and on the sofa too but I slept the whole time.

OH has now taken James over to see in-laws and as usual I am twiddling my thumbs. Love the first half an hour then I roam around aimlessly and will no doubt end up cleaning.

Screw that actually, I have a new book (non baby related LOL) so I am going to have a brew and start on that!

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Nat sounds like you have a few busy months ahead of you :)
What book are you reading?
I'm in need of a recommendation as I've just finished a book.

We've had a lovely peaceful weekend yesterday was a pyjama day and I spent most of the afternoon in bed :O I think I've just been doing too much and it all caught up on me yesterday.
Today we went and viewed our water babies photos and chose one that we are going to frame and put in Lady Ms room for her.
Weaning is going well, today she has broccoli carrot sweet pepper and green beans :)

Her second tooth is on its way as I can see it right next to her first one so hoping it pops in without any problems for her.

Here is a picture of one of our under water photos. I took this on my phone so not the best quality


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Oh wow hun, I bet the actual photo's are amazing!!!!

I am going to attempt to read Sophie's World, started it when I was preggers but never got far and left it at work when I finished. Just got a nice new copy so going to start with it.. Didn't get round to it today!

Just waiting for our takeaway as I seriously cannot be arsed today at all.

James had a hissy fit at dinner so I have left it tonight?? No sense in forcing it.

Other than tonight he has been amazing though. To celebrate 6 months I am going to do him some scrambled eggs - I am super excited LOL!

Nat sounds like you have a few busy months ahead of you :)
What book are you reading?
I'm in need of a recommendation as I've just finished a book.

We've had a lovely peaceful weekend yesterday was a pyjama day and I spent most of the afternoon in bed :O I think I've just been doing too much and it all caught up on me yesterday.
Today we went and viewed our water babies photos and chose one that we are going to frame and put in Lady Ms room for her.
Weaning is going well, today she has broccoli carrot sweet pepper and green beans :)

Her second tooth is on its way as I can see it right next to her first one so hoping it pops in without any problems for her.

Here is a picture of one of our under water photos. I took this on my phone so not the best quality
View attachment 37054

Wow...pics are amazing. Love them.

We go to swimbabes and im so excited for our shoot x
PB...my oh is the same. I think he would sleep through an earthquake!

But i do think they sleep so well because their minds know that we will wake up and sort the baby. I think if we werent there then their body/mind would know to be more aware.

Nat...we celebrated livvi's 6 months birthday yesterday with a petit filous.

My child never turns food down but her face was a picture lol. She's definately a savoury girl x
Happy 6 months to little Livvi!

Just watched Prometheus, wasn't impressed to be honest?? OH saw it in the cinema and raved about it. I kind of wished I'd gone to bed instead...

I am off to sleep now though, night ladies :nap: :nap:

Thank you ladies, they are fab some of them Lady M looks a little fed up!
Kerrie..when Is your shoot? You'll have to let us see a photo! Can't believe your little lady is 6 months already, where does the time go?

Nat..night night lovely. I'm sitting watching Ted! Not impressed with it but oh sat through Brave last night lol

PB..my oh will sleep through Lady M waking in the night and says "oh I didn't even hear her, how many time were you up" argh! If I wasn't here though I reckon he'd wake up :) x
Mrswoody - wow, I didn't even know babies can go under water!?! Until what age can they do that and how to they know to hold there breath?!??

Well when OH stayed at his mums in Friday night he slept down stairs and put Chloe next to him in her carry cot but is mum set her alarm for 6.00am, she couldn't hear anything so stayed in bed and listened out until 6.45am and then decided to go down and check on her and she said that she was awake and just chatting to herself so she fed her then changed her nappy then put her back to sleep so OH STILL didn't have to bloody wake up!

Well Chloe woke for her feed at 6.00am this morning, it seems like she is waking up earlier than she used to.....could this be because of a growth spurt? She did drunk 1000ml yesterday what is her most by far ever?

OH got a job interview today near his mums and tomorrow has to take her to a hospital appointment in London early in the morning so he is going to stay there the night what means I'm going to Bevin my own with baby all today, tonight and most of the day tomorrow.....must admit I'm a bit nervous! X
We watched Ted last week. We didn't even watch it all in one go.

I am not a big film person as I did film studies for a year when I was at uni (I was doing a Media degree and this was one of my elective subjects). It meant deconstructing films and looking at them from a theoretical, historical and psychological perspective. It ruined my enjoyment of films for years and years :shock:

Gosh that was a bit deep for before 7am LOL, although we've been up since 5.30!!

Hope you all have nice plans this week?

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I rarely watch films, unless there's something i really want to watch. It just takes up too much time and I get bored.

I dont watch much tv anymore to be honest, just soaps and I had a bit of an addiction to masterchef lol! I like the quiet and peace now.

MrsW....Im not sure when livvi's shoot will be. They do them twice a year and we have been going for 3 months so im imagining it will be soon. Exciting! I'll defo post pic for you.

They are so worth the money I think. Such a good thing to capture on camera xxx

Hope everyone had a good night with lo x
Well I THINK M slept through the night! Lol I woke up at half 6 and thought its light why haven't I been up yet? So I assume I didn't get up in the night. I'm not hopeful for another full night but it did feel good to wake up after 6 hours sleep :)

Pb..during the lessons we teach Los commands that they associate with going under the water and they adapt to it. We do water babies and so does la. The lessons are pricey but so worth it, in my opinion anyway! Lol it really is amazing how much progress M has made. She is by no means "swimming" but loves the water which is the main thing.

Nat..jeez that's deep! Lol I'm similar though I studied Music before I joined the military and often find myself listening out for things which is really annoying!

I just can't be bothered with movies sometimes oh hardly ever let's me put my films on so I just fall asleep when he puts an action shooty film on.

Kerri..how is your weaning going? I'm looking forward to giving M eggs and toast! Makes a change from baby cereal.

No major plans this week taking m to get weighed I think and that is about it! Just hope the weather picks up soon

Yey to M sleeping through. Half 6 is good.

Weaning is going great. We are doing tw and she loves it. Never turned food down. She screams when I stop feeding her. I have created a monster.

She screams when I eat, someone else eats or when she sees a bottle or another childs bottle. She loves food lol.

How is M doing. Mmm egg and toast yummy x
Hi ladies! I am still a wreck although a much better last night 3:00-3:30 and 6:45 wake up after sleeping from 6pm-7:30 then going back down at 8?! Was really weird.

We never watch movies as we don't have the concentration now but we love settling down with a tv series (Dexter at the moment) and our Netflix subscription is probs the most used thing in the house!

Kerrie your post made me laugh, Livvi is such a good girl eating all her food.

Mrsw I remember reading you have a Manduca? I've just ordered one for Father's Day as OH loves carrying C in the baby Bjorn but she will outgrow it soon and he is always complaining about his back. What do you think of it? Xx

Well James has finally found his feet??

He's never been fussed with them but in the past few days he is touching them all the time and putting them to his mouth... He is so bendy, I am sure he wasn't this bendy a few days ago :lol:

We had some cheese today. I just cut him off a finger of mild Cheddar and it went down a treat.

Tomorrow for his special 6 month breakfast we're having scrambled eggs and tomatoes.

Broccoli, cauliflower and butternut squash is on the menu this evening!!

God this time 6 months ago I was in the worst pain I have ever experienced (and still almost 7 hours from delivering!!) and I didn't even know that I had a son. It seems almost unimaginable there was a time I didn't know James.


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