Hope you are feeling better Nat and PB!
And happy holidays to L_A!
I had a totally rubbish day yesterday - A was so grumpy all day and I put her down for her second nap at 12.30 and then my dad came round at 1 which woke her up. I wouldn't have minded because she was so tired that if I had put the dummy back in she would have gone back off I think, but my dad picked her up and so I went in such a huff. Put my jacket on, told her to put her back in her pushchair because now I would have to take her a walk to get her back to sleep. Took me 40 mins to get her back off
Then, she seems to have dropped her late afternoon nap but I don't know why because she definitely needs it! She is teething so maybe that has something to do with it, but she will sleep a max of 20 mins now instead of the hour she used to have. This is making my evening hell because I have to sort dinner out for S, bath both girls and try and get both to bed, without going totally mad! Last night, I managed but then our bloody neighbours started revving their motorbike at 9.30pm and woke A up!!!
Baaaah, I tell you I was so glad when yesterday was over...
Today A is still grumpy as anything but I'm dropping S at her mum's after school so at least I only have A to deal with. Hopefully if she won't nap later I can just get her to go to bed a wee bit earlier so she is less grumpy!
I have LOADS to do this weekend with S's birthday so I doubt I will be on much but home you all have a lovely weekend
