**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lyla cut her first tooth! Had a feel this morning because I've been able to see them just under the gums for ages now and it's poking through! My baby is growing up too fast!

Sorry you are having a bad time of it Nat. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

Yay for teeth Chloe :)

I am shattered. C was shouting at 11pm last night in her sleep and the night didn't improve. She woke at 1:30 for a feed then I was up and down from 5:30. C wanted to be up but I gave her some milk and popped her dummy back in a lot and she stayed down til 7 when she started grinning at me and I gave up. OH is at work til 10 tonight too so I have to do her bath and bedtime alone. Ugh! Xx

Oh Nat, sorry to hear your feeling a bit down. Do you think your calfskin might be hurting coz you do a lot of walking? Do you do some stretches when you get home...maybe that will help? X

Chloenat - it's so exciting when they learn and develop but at the same time you want to keep them as your little babies! Chloe is just starting to learn how to sit up while on my lap and she is so proud of herself when she does it that she has a big smile on her face each time :)

Sallybee- what a nightmare! Hope you have a easy day with him today....maybe you could get a hour or so snooze ;) x
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PB I wish but she never sleeps that long. Will probably just have an early night xx

PB I wish but she never sleeps that long. Will probably just have an early night xx

Oh no! Not like you can even have a nice hot relaxing bath later if your OH isn't home until 10pm :( I'm lucky as my baby is still lazy but that might be coz she is a bit younger (Dec baby) x
She goes to bed at 7:30/8pm so I will probably just go with her. I'm scared of bathing when I'm tired as I fell asleep in the bath when Cathy was newborn, I'm scared of drowning lol xx

She goes to bed at 7:30/8pm so I will probably just go with her. I'm scared of bathing when I'm tired as I fell asleep in the bath when Cathy was newborn, I'm scared of drowning lol xx

Yeah don't blame you, I only have baths with Chloe when OH is here so he passes her to me then helps play and clean her then takes her out to dress her and stuf then I put some more hot water in bath and have a nice relaxing bath after iv cleaned myself :) x
Can't remember the last time I had a relaxing bath! OH is usually the one to bath with her, I have very rushed showers! Yesterday I had a shower, put a steriliser load on, got dressed, and packed two bags for us to go out that day in the space of ten minutes lol. Xx

Can't remember the last time I had a relaxing bath! OH is usually the one to bath with her, I have very rushed showers! Yesterday I had a shower, put a steriliser load on, got dressed, and packed two bags for us to go out that day in the space of ten minutes lol. Xx

Wow that's got to be a record! No messing around! Lol x
Can't remember the last time I had a relaxing bath! OH is usually the one to bath with her, I have very rushed showers! Yesterday I had a shower, put a steriliser load on, got dressed, and packed two bags for us to go out that day in the space of ten minutes lol. Xx

Wow that's got to be a record! No messing around! Lol x

Lmao. I forgot a few bits but I was quite proud of myself lol! Xx

Can't remember the last time I had a relaxing bath! OH is usually the one to bath with her, I have very rushed showers! Yesterday I had a shower, put a steriliser load on, got dressed, and packed two bags for us to go out that day in the space of ten minutes lol. Xx

Wow that's got to be a record! No messing around! Lol x

Lmao. I forgot a few bits but I was quite proud of myself lol! Xx

If I had to do that in 10 minutes I'd prob forget the baby!!! Lol. X
We only have a bath :shock: so I have one everyday. I can literally be in and out in about 3 minutes if I am not washing my hair.

We've had a frantic day. Was at my parents all morning sorting through baby clothes and lots of my old stuff. I have two IKEA bags my Dad is dropping round at the weekend LOL.

Then headed out food shopping, it was so busy?? Weird for 2pm on a Thursday.

Back home to the chores - put laundry away, hang more washing out, make late lunch, steam all babies veggies for later.. Not to mention entertaining a very easily bored baby.

OH had hoovered and washed up - I am still not speaking to him - also I've cancelled cinema - iMax is £20 a ticket and there is no way we're paying that when he has just lost £120 by having today off.

Not feeling any better mood wise. I feel like I have serious PMT!! It's not even that time though.

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Sleep is also bad in our house, arthur was up feeding every 2hrs, and it tuck well over an hour for him to go down.
It seems if he doesnt want to sleep he will whing and cry the house down, hes only having little sleeps now in the day and is just a mare to put down says we are in a leap so im hoping its this.

Nat i think vino is called upon lol

Today we have his the shops and we bought some tops and bottoms in primark for £8.50 BARGIN AND WE GOT 2 linen trouses and shorts for £15 from h&m sorry for the caps, pissin phone!! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368122290.937937.jpg £1.50, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368122308.503459.jpg£3
How good is that?? They actually look next quality. I love a good bargin.

Well today we have had pear and he loved it, yesterday he had a stem of brocoilli and scoffed the lot, he really loves fruit n veg :) esp sweet potato, when can u start to mix them?? Xx
Hi everyone.

Its not good having sleeping issues. Toby is not sleeping well at night at the moment. I thought it was because he's not been well. But he was loads bettwr yesterday and kept waking up at night.

Wilson those tops are so cute. I love a good bargain.

Nat you manage to do so much. I can only get stuff done if t is in his door bouncer but thats not worked thw last couple of days.

Even though toby has been abit under the weather weaning has been going well. Today was the first day he had 3 meals as such. He had wheatabix and his milk for breakfast. Half a crumpet and yellow mellon for lunch and for dinner some gammon minty spaghetti and he loved it.

I've decided to push the weaning on as he's waking at night and hes not happy with his milk at the moment. Luckily my oh and me cook everything from scratch. Just not sure about spicyish things. My oh does an amazing rogan josh curry. Its warm but I'm not sure tobys tummy will be able to do it now.

He gets so excited when you put him in his high chair.

How are you all? Xx

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Toby is just super cute!!!

I love Arthur's bits, I have got tons coming round from my Mum's tomorrow (granted they are second hand but they are free!)

We already mix Wilson. Tonight James had mini sweet-corns, avocado, carrot batons (raw) and broccoli.

He loves the baby sweet-corns but also loves his broccoli. He literally has a little nibble / suck so there is a lot of waste but so far he is happy to eat anything you give him.

I do banana with his porridge which is a huge hit but tomorrow I am going to try pear - he doesn't like 'just' porridge. Not sure about tomorrow evening, I'll see what tickles my fancy when we go out. We have sweet-corns and broccoli left from today so I'll do that but I may throw in some tomato and cauliflower. He seems to like a mixture of cooked / raw??

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Sorry it's a bit belated, you are probably halfway to Australia now.

I hope you have and J have a wonderful time

Morning all mums and babies

Well Chloe woke me up at 7am this morning for her feed as normal and I managed to get her back to sleep after around 7.45am but I felt so tired and crappy that I got back into bed after putting her in her crib then just ended up laying there for an hour as couldn't sleep so finally got up and done my exercises, Chloe is awake now but we are both in bed as I'm still not feeling good. She's ok at the moment watching Fake Britain :) but I know it won't be long until she gets bored.....just feel like sleeping today but baby comes 1st as we all know. X
Hope you are feeling better Nat and PB!

And happy holidays to L_A!

I had a totally rubbish day yesterday - A was so grumpy all day and I put her down for her second nap at 12.30 and then my dad came round at 1 which woke her up. I wouldn't have minded because she was so tired that if I had put the dummy back in she would have gone back off I think, but my dad picked her up and so I went in such a huff. Put my jacket on, told her to put her back in her pushchair because now I would have to take her a walk to get her back to sleep. Took me 40 mins to get her back off :wall2:

Then, she seems to have dropped her late afternoon nap but I don't know why because she definitely needs it! She is teething so maybe that has something to do with it, but she will sleep a max of 20 mins now instead of the hour she used to have. This is making my evening hell because I have to sort dinner out for S, bath both girls and try and get both to bed, without going totally mad! Last night, I managed but then our bloody neighbours started revving their motorbike at 9.30pm and woke A up!!!

Baaaah, I tell you I was so glad when yesterday was over...

Today A is still grumpy as anything but I'm dropping S at her mum's after school so at least I only have A to deal with. Hopefully if she won't nap later I can just get her to go to bed a wee bit earlier so she is less grumpy!

I have LOADS to do this weekend with S's birthday so I doubt I will be on much but home you all have a lovely weekend :D xxx
Happy Birthday to S, hope you have a good weekend MissY

James is driving me nuts but also making me laugh.

He rolls each and every single time you put him down but he hates being on his tummy so I put him in play-gym, he rolls over and yelps. I pop him back onto his back and he rolls over and yelps... repeat x10.

He occasionally rolls back over but mainly he like to roll and then moan about it...

I used to get away with about half an hour on the play-gym now it is about half a minute :lol:

We got our baby door swing today and I put him in it, he looked terrified and tried to stomp on the cat as she passed under him...

Going to have a glass of wine with dinner, it's been a long tedious week so I am going to treat myself...

Just going to give James his dinner (broccoli, green beans, carrot batons and baby sweetcorns)...

Hope nat and pb that your feeling better.

I hope a feels better missyevoil. Toby is the same with his afternoon nap. Today his last nap before bed was 2pm and has just gone to bed now but god its been hard keeping him going. Luckily dinner is a great distraction for him.

I hope S' s birthday party goes well.

Toby has been hard work today but I know why. He has 2 top teeth that have just broken through the skin this evening. So tonight could be awful.

Hope its not. Hope you've all had a good day.

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