Hi Wilson, good to see you here, glad the christening went well. Lovely pics
. Hope they come up with something to help Arthur's tummy. We did the low lactose milk (comfort) by accident in the early days because the HV recommended it for reflux because its a bit thicker. It definitely helped his tummy too and then when he was a bit older we changed to the Hipp without any problems. I hope Arthur isn't fully lactose intolerant because that makes life difficult for you both. I think you've read about lactose overload? I think we also had problems with this at one point, which only improved when we managed to stretch the feeds out to more like 3 hourly.
So J slept in his nursery for the first time last night! He's been waking very early with the sun coming into our bedroom and we were hoping he would sleep later on his nursery with the blackout blind. He was such a little star. Went off no problem, woke once in the night for the dummy and woke at 7am
. He's rolling regularly from back to front, but not back yet.
DH decided he wanted to know more about weaning, so he bought and read the Annabel Carmel book. He says to me "it says we should be giving first tastes now!" He's so keen and J is near as dammit 6 months and I know he wants to try him on something. Also J is showing the right signs for the first time this week. He sits unaided very well, he has lost the newborn reflex to push things out of his mouth with his tongue, and I gave him a sugar packet to play with the other day (as I've done many times before) and it was straight in the mouth. Has to fish it out! So daddy is making him some carrot purée to try later. I'm so impressed with DH, in the past he would have let me research and lead with everything, but having J has changed him - he's so much assertive in our relationship, which I love. It seems fitting that he should take the lead on weaning, because he's such an excellent cook and does most of the cooking in our house.
I'm just letting my breakfast go down (and hopefully the rain stop) before I go out for my long run. I entered a half marathon last night! It's not until October so I have plenty of time to train. I've always said I would do one this year, because I don't know if I'll get the chance again (hopefully I'll be pregnant again next spring and then with two under two, it will be that much harder to get out to train).
We have a fairly quiet BH weekend planned. Today there is a beer festival at a local pub, so we thought we'd check it out. Tomorrow, the boys are running in a local 10 mile race, so J and I will go and support. Then Sunday lunch for everyone back at ours. Monday not sure yet.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxxx