Morning mummies
This is the 3rd time ive pissin wrote this and my iphone wont put it up and kept deleting it grrr!
The dr said to give arthur water as he had that tummy bug, he said hes old enough now to have established his feeds from me and have water, ive never given it to him till now as i was dead strict with water and weaning early on baby rice as i was sick of hearing folk say give it him we did it early, but also im not a big water drinker, it hasnt effected his poo's he just seems to really enjoy it, so why not hey

arthur has porridge in the morning, we started with a bit of banana yesterday and for bfast today, but he scared me yesterday as he really bit a big piece off and his mouth was full so i quickly got it out as it made me jump and then him cry lol
This is what we won from cow n gate.

£1.50 in asda at the min

He loves it for his 2 front teeth to nuzzle on and im sure water cools his gums.
He slept really well last night only woke at 1am and 4am for quick feeds then back off. We have been reading the gina ford sleeping book and its working a treat

he slso didnt co sleep and didnt stir in between his sleep

so happy mummy n daddy lol.
Mmm wine i love rose gallo white zinfindel, may have a glass in the sun today
Hows the head nat, this morning?
What do u mummies like to drink?
Any plans today girls? Daddy is out golfing this morning so im just sorting the washing out then will have a bbq later