**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Whoops! To get them used to drinking from one. But Cathy hates hers lol.

I had a glass or three of wine last night! Enjoy Nat I was very giggly xx

Yeah I've seen them on amazon, keep meaning to get around to buying one! Xx

Morning mummies

This is the 3rd time ive pissin wrote this and my iphone wont put it up and kept deleting it grrr!

The dr said to give arthur water as he had that tummy bug, he said hes old enough now to have established his feeds from me and have water, ive never given it to him till now as i was dead strict with water and weaning early on baby rice as i was sick of hearing folk say give it him we did it early, but also im not a big water drinker, it hasnt effected his poo's he just seems to really enjoy it, so why not hey :) arthur has porridge in the morning, we started with a bit of banana yesterday and for bfast today, but he scared me yesterday as he really bit a big piece off and his mouth was full so i quickly got it out as it made me jump and then him cry lol

This is what we won from cow n gate.


£1.50 in asda at the min :)
He loves it for his 2 front teeth to nuzzle on and im sure water cools his gums.

He slept really well last night only woke at 1am and 4am for quick feeds then back off. We have been reading the gina ford sleeping book and its working a treat :) he slso didnt co sleep and didnt stir in between his sleep :) so happy mummy n daddy lol.

Mmm wine i love rose gallo white zinfindel, may have a glass in the sun today :)

Hows the head nat, this morning?
What do u mummies like to drink?

Any plans today girls? Daddy is out golfing this morning so im just sorting the washing out then will have a bbq later

The head is banging LOL!!!!

No more drinkies-poo's for me for a while :shock:

I love a beer in the sun (usually a Corona and lime) but I am a wine drinker - a nice Pinot Grigio is my poison, I also love Prosecco.

It's making me feel slightly ill talking about booze though :eh:

Popping out for supplies later as we're having a picnic tomorrow.

James has been an angel so far today, touch wood after a grumpy few days he is back to normal

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Age, booze n babies dont mix well do they lol.

How come james hasnt been good? Sorry still not reas back yet :(

I expressed for Arthurs christening last week and had 4 glasses of wine, however because i was up at 5.30am and had nothing to eat i had to take a beta blocker for my heart as it was banging out of my chest and making me feel faint lol.

Well u might think im mad for mentioning this but its fathers day in 6wks i think, what are your plans??

I really want to make it very special for brucie as he looks after us so well and is an amazing daddy, so ive bought him some bruno mars tickets he doesnt know about, :) xxxx
I have had a few drinks since having James and it doesn't take much to give me a hangover. You'd think at almost 33 I'd know better??

James had just been a bit whingy and clingy the past few days, very unlike him? It is leap time though.

Father's day is the day before my Birthday (last year it was actually on my Birthday and the day before 20 week scan LOL) so I think we'll get glammed up and go out for steak and cocktails.... We're not big pressie buyers but we've not been out for so long?

Aww that will be nice, and u cant beat steak :)

Bruno mars is something special of me and bruce and arthur thats why i got him tickets, bruce always sings talking to the moon when we lived so far apart for a year and locked out of heaven was no1 in the charts when arthur was born and he laughs his head off when i do the chours to him lol xx
Before C I was very much a Sambuca girl! Lol. Nowadays I think I'm going to stick to the odd glass of wine or fruit cider especially now it's summer.

Quite honestly I have no idea what to get for Father's Day, we are in a real bind just now financially. OH use to work over the road and walk to work, but they have transferred him to a store 30 minutes drive away which is effectively adding a bill of £120 a month to our outgoings and our income hasn't gone up. I think probably just a card to be honest as that's all we did for birthdays, valentines day and Mother's Day! Xx

Your so crafty sally couldnt u make something??

Thats pants about travel expenses but he can claime it bk on a p87 i think it is xx
Probably but I've not a clue what to make him!!! Lol.

We aren't eligible to claim it back as the law is strict about it and won't cover commuting costs, I think they basically say "well if it costs you to get to work move closer!" Lol xx

Hi ladies,
We had our underwater shoot with waterbabies this morning. Lady M did very well with 3 dunks all longer than I do them but she coped with it very well. It was nearly nap time as we were finishing so she was a little grumpy. I can't wait to see the photos next week :)
Off for a little stroll in a minute nice(ish) day so fancy a wander.

Not sure about Father's Day. Maybe just a day the three of us go out somewhere if it is a nice day. Maybe get him a mug with the little lady on it for work? Cheesy but he likes a coffee :)

I've started knitting!! A long way off making anything amazing but it's been great learning. It's amazing what you can teach yourself from the Internet these days!
Hi everyone

Well we tried our first taste here - DH made puréed carrot, it was quite nice but J made a right face and spat it out! Not sure we managed to get any in him :lol: will try a little something every day, but not in any hurry.

Mainly chilling this weekend, going well so far.

Mrswoody, let me know how your piccies turn out, I'm not sure whether to do a waterbabies shoot or not.

Wilson, have been thinking about Father's Day, not sure what to do yet.

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Well I am James-less and bored out of my mind. OH has taken him to Granny's and they've only been gone since 5pm. I've hoovered whole place, washed up, made tomorrow's picnic and mopped floors...

I think we're finally going to leave James this week. We're going to see the new Star-Trek film at the iMax cinema. We're getting a lift there and back and hopefully MIL will come over to our place and have James here so he should go down as normal?? Yeah right :lol:

I can't believe he is nearly 6 months and we've never left him! OH and I haven't been out just the two of us since my EDD 5th November :shock:

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La..I will do. They are expensive but I think it's worth it for just this once? At least that's what I tell myself. There was a little girl there who was nearly 2 and she was doing amazingly in the water! How is J doing with his swimming, are you moving onto the next stage?

Nat..snap! We haven't left M yet and the first time we do we have an overnight stay. Taking OH to see Muse! Im nervous about it already and it's still 3 weeks away!! My mum is coming to look after her so I know she is inn good hands but still. Let us know what the movie is like oh fancies seeing it so I might arrange it as a treat for him?!

We leave J all the time, but only with his nana who he sees every day. When she's around she has him most Thursday nights so we can go to running club, then this week she sat for a couple of hours while we went out to the local wine bar. We've not left him overnight yet, but I wouldn't mind at all, it's just the need hasn't arisen yet. Am I weird? Why don't you leave LO? Just curious, is it you don't trust people to look after them like you do? Or can't bear to be away from them? Mostly when we go out J is asleep anyway, so I'm not missing much...

Mrswoody - we've finished this course (there is one more next week but we will be en route to Australia). I'm not booking on another just now. The pool is quite a way from here and I found it quite restricting - it took a whole day out of our week. I'm not convinced that J needs to "learn to swim" just yet and I'm more interested in taking him myself and him being comfortable in the water. I also found that he liked it some weeks and hated others, so it was often quite pressured for him. I'm planning to have the summer off and go when we feel like it and possibly book onto the autumn or winter term. I might do the photoshoot though. As you say it's expensive but it's one off. I wasn't bothered about baby pictures for Joe initially, but my friend who is a wedding photographer did some the other day and they are gorgeous! So I'm now thinking underwater pics would be nice too.

L_a I leave C all the time (ok once a month for a couple of nights). It's the only time I'm without her, I miss her something awful but I'm quite happy to have a date night with OH and a couple of good nights sleep! :) so you aren't weird at all xx

I actually think I am weird for having not left him yet L_a.

It's purely because I don't want to leave him, I have a queue of people ready and willing to babysit :lol:

MIL or my Mum would be fine with him and James is pretty good with people (he hasn't had a clingy phase yet) but its just worked out that we've never left him.

OH has him on the rare occasions I go out and we tend to have "our" time at home after bub is asleep. We've not really got the cash to go out much anyway.

I can't see the need for anyone to have him overnight though as we live less than 60 seconds from the in-laws and 2 minutes from my folks. So someone can pop round to ours to have him? There is nowhere we'll be going in the near future that will require an overnight stay.

We've not left M yet as she was refusing the bottle and I didn't want to go out knowing of she woke that there would be no settling her. BUT now she has mastered the art of sucking from a bottle I will be taking up the invitation from my many offers to babysit M. ;)

Got sent a photo of oh earlier when he was a little boy.
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