**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Carnat - I remember you were saying a whole back that EK pouches taste sweeter than the "real" stuff. I just found out that foods in jars and pouches are cooked at a very high temperature (this is what gives them such a long shelf life) and it caramelises the natural sugars in the foods which can make them taste different - just thought you'd like to know. So they are totally safe, they just taste a bit different to homemade purées! Xx

Carnat - I remember you were saying a whole back that EK pouches taste sweeter than the "real" stuff. I just found out that foods in jars and pouches are cooked at a very high temperature (this is what gives them such a long shelf life) and it caramelises the natural sugars in the foods which can make them taste different - just thought you'd like to know. So they are totally safe, they just taste a bit different to homemade purées! Xx

That is super helpful Sally, thanks hun!!

I've stopped the pouches (have a few in the cupboard) and I've stopped pureeing so we're pretty much BLW. Only the early stages but I feel very happy with it so far.

James loves melon - seriously he was flirting with his melon fingers LOL!

How did weigh-in go PB? I am taking James in an hour. Will be interesting to see as it's the first time we have been 4 weeks between weigh-ins??

We'll pop back home for breakkie and a feed and then we're off to friends picnic.

After being a grumpy bum yesterday, James slept really well (8.30pm - 7am, I was up before him LOL). He is rolling non stop now, he did it at my parents yesterday in front of everyone and in his cot.... so pretty much nowhere is safe to lay him down now.

Anyone heard from Amanda on FB? How did Sunday go for them?

It interested me too so it was good to get a bit of an answer, particularly as my mum bought us about 24 jars the other week! Sigh. Love the melon idea I hadn't thought of that. Does he not find it slippy to handle? C struggled with the red pepper at first cos it was quite slippy.

I've heard off Amanda the christening went great apparently :) pics looked lovely xx

I actually bought a prepared melon finger from Morrisons, just to try and I found that cutting it into thinner pieces helped, he couldn't handle it halved for example so I had to quater it.

He was OK with red peppers though, he has an iron grip when he gets hold of something as well.

Glad the christening went well :lol:

Off to get fatty weighed in a minute. He is missing a nap though so I reckon he'll scream the place down [we've been to this clinic loads before so they know him and they know he isn't generally a screamer]

I am also taking him in the sling, couldn't face getting the pram out twice in one day LOL!

C managed a good suck on the pepper once she got hold of it, but it took her a while to get used to the new texture bless her.

Let us know how you get on at the weigh in :) xx

Am I weird that I love weigh ins? :lol: Let us know how it goes Nat!

Well tried Lyla on her first purée today! Mummy's favourite fruit, mango. I was having some for breakfast and she kept trying to rip it out of my hand with her mouth wide open so after he bottle and during her nap I blended some and gave it to her once she woke up. Needless to say it was a hit!





15lb 13oz, so he's only gained 12oz in 4 weeks

However he is still on the cusp of 25th centile so back in another 4 weeks...

He is sound asleep now, I had to wake him up as he had just nodded off (I hate to do that)

Glad Lyla enjoyed her mango! Red pepper was his fave until he had some melon LOL!

Getting ready for picnic, gosh there is a lot to take? We're not even going to stay long...

I have got some nibbles (cubed feta, olives, mini pitta's, humous, chicken skewers) and we're going to take a blanket and some toys and even some food for the ducks! I am also taking water for bub it is so hot out I need to start getting him back on daily water. Very importantly I have his sun hat and sunscreen, it it glorious already here today.

Now the big question - what to wear? Currently he has on a shortsleeve vest, a short sleeve baby-gro and I popped a cardi on him.

That should be OK for today? I can strip him to his vest if he gets hot?

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At least he's just on that centile still Nat! A has gone up a centile because she's such a wee comfort feeder! The important thing is that he is still putting weight on, and babies all do that at different rates so I wouldn't worry about it.

Enjoy your picnic! I find it difficult to believe you have sunshine as looking out my window all I can see is grey sky and rain!!! Unfortunately I have no choice but to get out in a bit as the lecky is about to run out :\

Apart from a wee wander to the shop we're not planning on doing very much today! Step-daughter has gone already up to her mum's and OH is on a split so we shall see him for a couple of hours at 3. Yeovil are on the telly tonight so I'm thinking I'll let A nap a wee bit later and she can go to bed a bit later so I don't miss anything crucial :P Terrible I know!xx
Oh and I forgot to say, A is 5 months today! My teeny tiny baby is growing up far too fast!xx
Aw Chloe Lyla looks like she really enjoyed that mango! Yum yum!

Carnat at least James is gaining weight, although he is on the slower end of weight gain I'm sure if they were still concerned they would have you back for more regular weigh-ins.

MissYeovil C is a comfort feeder too and has also almost jumped a centile! I got a very strange look off the HV and asked if I had any concerns?! Dunno what she wanted me to say really?

Bit lost today as C is staying out overnight at my auntie's. Usually my whole day is taken up by her so I'm not sure what to do? Think I will have a nice glass of wine and an early night lol! Xx

MissYeovil C is a comfort feeder too and has also almost jumped a centile! I got a very strange look off the HV and asked if I had any concerns?! Dunno what she wanted me to say really?

Ha! Well my HV never even said about it to me! It's only because I noticed it in the graph! I was actually relieved because I felt like I didn't have enough milk for her as she fussed quite a lot on the boob but I obviously do! She's just a wee greedy monkey. It doesn't worry me as she's actually quite a slim baby, I think you said Cathy is quite long and slim too didn't you? They'll probably just turn out to be 6ft models!xx
A glass of wine and an early night sounds like a plan.

I am sure HV just ask you questions from a standard 'book' so to speak.

I'd be concerned if bub was losing weight, other than that gaining is all good in my eyes regardless of centiles.

My clinic are shit hot on weighing, that why we had to go back so often. They wanted James in 25th centile for 3 weigh-ins in a row before we could go to monthly.

I was slightly more worried as he was dropping centiles but I think it's only a real concern if they go up or down by a few centiles?

Sorry, this makes no sense?? My brain is fried LOL! Yesterday I did a food shop and forgot bread and milk - that's baby brain for you.

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Yes C is really long and skinny, she's never had a single roll anywhere but her legs (she has my legs LOL poor child).

I agree Nat, putting on masses and masses of weight obviously isn't healthy but she's barely gained much more than she should have? It's nice that your clinic are so on the ball though, shows they care!

Lol baby brain incidents are so funny. In the last few weeks I've gone to the shop just for sugar and come back with everything but sugar, forgot to boil the kettle so had a cold coffee, put a knife in the fridge and the butter in the sink... I thought it was supposed to get better by now lol xx

My brain is turning mush by the day!

Just spoke to my sister who has just had her 20 week scan and she is is carrying a perfect little boy!!! Her 3rd boy. My 5th nephew and my folks 6th grandson!

Still no girlies for my side of the family!

awww yay for another little boy. xx

It wasn't a shock for her although I was convinced girl. Had loads of stuff picked out to order today :shock:

More boring boy stuff it is LOL!

Actually I am surprised how much variety there is out there... Some of James' bits are adorable BUT I want a girl to spoil one day (not bothered if I have another boy but am hoping sis or SIL give me a niece one day) OH has two nieces but it's not the same... I am so close to my sis and SIL. My SIL has been with my bro for 17 years so she is practically my sister!

I'm sure there will be a girl to spoil one day Hun. You should probably count your blessings lol I had a quick look for clothes on Next online and "spent" we'll over £100 (in my head of course lol). Glad all is healthy and well though.

The range of boy's clothes baffles me, I spent at least an hour trying to find an outfit for my nephew (which he then grew out of in 2 weeks :shock: maybe I shouldn't have spent so long choosing it lol?) there is such a huge variety out there! Xx

Hey ladies,
Congratulations Auntie Nat! Maybe you could just buy a pretty pink dress anyway for your new nephew, who said boys can't wear them?! In my neck of the woods men wear skirts.. Ha!

Been very quiet today oh and I had a really yummy dinner last night so I thought I'd treat myself to a glass of wine. Well I finished the bottle and god my head has killed all day. Lady M has been a sleepy baby today too...

I love Next clothes! There is an adorable outfit on there I want for M but it's more Autumn/winter so may order it in 12-18months. Jeez ill need to start stocking up on that size soon..noooo!!! :(



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Hi Wilson,

Lovely piccies as always!

I hope the children's consultant can give you some answers as it's just not viable to be up so much each and every night, not to mention poor baby and his tummy issues.

I hope it doesn't take too long to get some answers.

So glad all went well with christening.

James is a proper roller now, he rolls anywhere you put him down so I have to be super careful. It's only the past 3 days he's really started going for it.

We have a party this afternoon (nephews 2nd Birthday, it was his actual B'day on Thurs though)

Weather here clouding over but Monday is meant to be 22c - whoop!!


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