**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Nat, I am excited, but also a bit sad that my husband can't come. I feel guilty that I'm taking J away from him for 3 weeks. He's a very hands on daddy and I know he misses him when he goes away on business. I'm happy to be going to see my family though, because I miss my brother and want to get to know his kids.

I'm not very prepared at all! I have bought enough formula to take and I have a generic list of stuff I take when we go away (we've done that a few times already), but I haven't done much other than think about it. My brother has an 18mth old though so he has a lot of the kit I need.

Wow l_a how exciting! What an amazing experience it will be for J.

Chloe, this photo makes me broody haha. Lyla is so beautiful.

We looked after my nephew for the morning yesterday who is 13 months and Olivia obviously who's 5.5 months. Very hard work and definately stopped me feeling broody lol.

I love this age though. Olivia is amazing xx
I've never been to Oz, I'd love to go!!

I know you don't post piccies on here L_a but if you have any scenic ones when you get back then feel free to make me jealous :lol:

Kerrie OH's niece is nearly one and two of my nephews are 2, seeing them in action just me think James will be like that soon :shock: :shock: :shock:

James is a very good baby, I don't have anything to compare him to really but he really does make my job of being a Mummy easy.

Aww lovely pics Chloe :) I'm broody already but need to wait a bit longer till I can have another one! Only a few months I think though. I'm glad to hear the babies who have flown have done it without too much of a fuss! I think flying is the easiest way to take A down to see family in Somerset when we eventually do it and I was dreading it but maybe A will be the same as Lyla and just giggle!

A has gone to sleep in her cot without me needing to go back in with the dummy - yay! Yesterday I wasn't feeling great and gave up and put her down in her pushchair but then felt bad about it for the rest of the night that she wasn't in with me. She sleeps so much better in her pushchair mind, but it's just not a habit I should get in to!

My cake for OH has turned out quite well...haven't tasted it yet though! Hopefully it's alright!xx


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That cake looks bloody delightful.

Take another piccie when you cut it?? Just so I can pretend I am having a slice :lol::lol:

I've been up from 6am so I need to get myself off to bed!

Nighty night lovely ladies

Morning ladies!

Chloe woke yp for a feed at 6.15 so has just gone back to sleep, now usually I just let her sleep in my arms until she wakes up again around 9 ish but going to try something new this morning.....I'm waiting until I think she is back into a deep sleep then I'm going to put her back in her crib so I can actually lay back down and have a few more hours sleep rather than falling asleep half sitting up- wish me luck :-/

My friend Natalie came round after she finished work yesterday to try and cheer me up a bit, she brought chocolate, cupcakes and cashew nuts (yum yum) and my OH put a girly film on for us even though we was just talking and giggling through it so OH had to keep rewinding and in the end gave up and just left us to it. It was nice, we did talk about my cat for a little bit but decided we wasn't going to talk about it to much....it did take my mind of off it a bit and made me feel a lot better :)

Chloe keeps fidgeting....think she can read my mind and knows what I'm going to try abd do! Lol x
Glad you had a bit of distraction last night hun!

James goes in his cot just once.... If you take him out that it is.

He has been waking before 6am again past few days (he does everyday but normally I can take him in with me and get another hour). Past few days he's not gone back to sleep - he just lays there with his big eyes staring at me and then starts pulling my top / hair / nose LOL!

It is meant to be nice today but still looks so grey?

We were going to be adventurous and walk to a massive park (well it's a heath actually with it's own lido and everything) it's about an hours walk....

A few of his new toys arrives today (I got the V-Tech ball and a few other bits!) excited for playtime now... Little man is napping so I had better wash up and load up the washing machine!

Carnatt - yeah they know how to keep you awake don't they! Lol

Chloe did fall back to sleep in her crib until 8.15 (so an hour and 15) I know she would of slept longer in my arms but think if I do that each morning so might get used to it and sleep until her normal time of 9-9.30am.....I hope!

Well that will be a long walk but it is nice to get out if the sun is shining....have fun :) x
It's lovely here, bright sunshine but still quite cold. Should warm up soon though.

Nat, Australia is great, I love visiting, which is a good job because I spend a lot of my holidays there now my brother lives there. I used to want to emigrate, but now I live in the country here and it's so much nicer I don't think I would go. The economic climate has changed over there now too and it's not nearly as attractive as it used to be.

Stop making me jealous with pictures and talk of cakes!! That cake looks amazing missyeovil! My weight loss is going well, it's coming off slowly but people are starting to notice which is always nice.

Today we're going to sing and smile, a local group. We haven't been since he was 3 weeks because it was too loud and he hated it, so we'll see. Then coffee with village mummies.

Hope you all have a lovely day xxx
Time for porridge soon, James likes to feed himself though (which I am so happy about) so time to get me and him into some old clothes LOL!!

He has been amazing with his food actually - a little too amazing - he takes lumps out of raw carrot and raw red pepper and he had the pea out of a sugar pea within about 5 seconds. He also likes to shove things right down his throat and chomped off half a baby corn last night. It all gets spat out but it's scary.

James seems to have no concept of what is manageable and he just wants to put the lot in his mouth. Also I can't eat in front of him as he wants my food :shock:. I am currently on such high alert with him choking that I don't eat when he does?? We all sit down to dinner but I tend to watch him as opposed to eat.

He is 24 weeks today and seems to be well up for weaning (he is 5.5 months but was a week late too so he's all but 6 months?)

He also had avocado yesterday which he loved and he was putting his face in it.

Nom Nom (he did actually get quite a lot in his mouth believe it or not!!)


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La..it will be such a great holiday for you and I'm sure J will have a ball. Are you travelling out there on your own?

Nat..what did you do with the avocado? I have one but have no idea what to do with it lol
James sounds like he is doing so well with his food. Blw is scary and I've had times when I've had a little panic but just let her deal with it. Strawberries are a hit with us :)

Lovely day here today I've got flip flops on! We have our singing group this afternoon then waterbabies later and dinner with my friend.
Childcare is booked and I'm taking the deposit down today, after all my Indecisiveness I have booked M into a nursery. They have an "outstanding" from ofsted and the manager really did convert me from wanting a childminder. So I am very pleased with myself for actually getting it sorted. :) I still don't want to go to work though hehe

Mrswoody - I'm travelling out with my mum (business class on DHs points from all his business travel) and back alone with J. Scary thinking about going back to work, when are you going back?

Nat - sooo cute that piccie!

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Lyla is 5 months old today!

Where has the time gone and how do I get it back?!!

Happy 5 months to Lyla.

Gosh time seems to be just whizzing by.

Well done on sorting out a nursery mrs w.

L_a, this is excellent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAAMx_R523o

James and I walked all the way to Hampsted Heath, had a nosy and then walked all the way back. I was on my feet for almost 3 hours!!! So a good work out for me today :lol:

We've got some melon to try later, exciting.

I am not sure I am brave enough for strawberries yet?

It is glorious here but James seems to know that Mummy wants him to have his nap so she can have half an hour outside. He is wide awake and he's not had his big nap today??

Glad you had a nice time at the park Carnatt, it he have his nap in the end or even a better sleep last night after the long walk?

Getting Chloe weighted today, I'm a bit worried (am every time) but with her teething a bit and having a cough and cold so not drinking as much milk and having runny nappies I'm worried she is losing weight so think best to defo have her weighted today and then if needed speak to the HV after.

She had her bottle at 6.40 this morning, she is asleep in my arms. Going to try and put her back in crib in a minute but think instead of going back to sleep I'm going to do some exercises as think (apart from when she has her afternoon nap but want to do a bit of housework then) this is the only part of the day that I will get a chance.....that's if she lets me!

Have a great day today all you mummy's :) x
Well we have a grumpy little boy today. James is hardly ever grumpy (he'll have a moan don't get me wrong but on the whole he is so sunny and smiley)

It's either leap time or teethy pegs. I am going to give him some cucumber fingers later for his little gums.

Touch wood James has been OK through all the other leaps so if it is that hopefully he'll be OK with this one too.

He is now rolling all the time [only really since yesterday or the day before?]. Every time you put him down he flips over... He doesn't like being on his tummy though bless him.

That is the end of me being able to pop him in the play gym whilst I quickly doing a chore or have a wee.

Today is food shopping - we'll walk the long way along the canal though, then popping in to see my sister then hopefully cuppa and newspaper in the sunshine if Mr decides to sleep and finally off to see my nephew this evening as it's his 2nd Birthday.

Tomorrow is weigh-in first thing, lunch time we're heading to meet a friend as it's her Birthday so she is having a picnic. Lots of her Mummy friends and lots of little toddlers will be there too. Then by 4pm I should know if I have a little niece or nephew cooking.... I am stupidly excited about this actually.

We've had a lovely week actually, a little sunshine makes such a difference.

Nat I think our November babies are gearing up for their leaps. M hasn't really shown any signs as yet. Maybe once she's had this leap she might sleep?! Lol

Lovely weather again today so will take full advantage and get out and about once oh is home from work at lunch time. I hope it stays this way for the bank holiday :) x
Hi ladies hope everyone is enjoying the gorgeous sunshine! It's lovely and warm here I didn't know what to put C in when I went out!

We have started finger foods here so I can sympathise with the BLW-ers, C bit off a massive chunk of broccoli earlier and gagged, very scary but I didn't let on and she spat it out no problem! She had roasted bell pepper slices for tea which she found a bit difficult but managed a good suck in the end. I'm so proud of my little girl! Xx




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