**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Morning all!

Hope everyone is good!

I had a horrible night, not because of Chloe but because my cat started fitting during the night. I held her for hours until we found somewhere to take her. They said that they don't think she was in pain as such but was stressed and wouldn't of lasted the night, couldn't handle the thought of her fitting all night and us watching and trying to comfort her so had to take her and say goodbye......iv had her for approx 17 years, I feel so numb and haven't really slept but got to face today somehow for Chloe. X
Sorry to hear this PB, as you know I am a cat mummy as well.

17 is a bloody good age and you must take comfort in the fact kitty has had a wonderful life.

Chloe will be a good distraction for you today, having to fake a smile sometimes helps when you feel like shite.

Big hugs

Sorry to hear this PB, as you know I am a cat mummy as well.

17 is a bloody good age and you must take comfort in the fact kitty has had a wonderful life.

Chloe will be a good distraction for you today, having to fake a smile sometimes helps when you feel like shite.

Big hugs


Thanks Hun, even though I'm sitting here crying my eyes out while feeding her I do think I would be a lot worse if I didn't have Chloe. Before Chloe my furry baby would sleep next to me every night and was always on my lap.....I know some ppl will think it was just a cat but I know you understand x
awww PB, so sorry. I don't think anyone who has had a pet will think "just a cat". We all love our pets and I was heartbroken when my childhood dog died even though I no longer lived with my parents. Big hugs :hugs: xxx
awww PB, so sorry. I don't think anyone who has had a pet will think "just a cat". We all love our pets and I was heartbroken when my childhood dog died even though I no longer lived with my parents. Big hugs :hugs: xxx

Thanks Hun....I just feel numb and can't stop crying. Got to sort myself out for Chloe's sake but all I want to do is go to bed and sleep. X
As L_a says all pet owners understand how sad it is to lose a pet.

Our childhood cat had to be put to sleep when she was 18 [I was 21 so had known her my whole life]. Still makes me feel sad now and it took my Mum 11 years to feel up to getting herself another pet.

Give your little lady lots of cuddle today and try to focus on the fact you have given your cat a wonderful life

As L_a says all pet owners understand how sad it is to lose a pet.

Our childhood cat had to be put to sleep when she was 18 [I was 21 so had known her my whole life]. Still makes me feel sad now and it took my Mum 11 years to feel up to getting herself another pet.

Give your little lady lots of cuddle today and try to focus on the fact you have given your cat a wonderful life


Thanks Hun, Chloe keeps doing raspberries at me....think she is trying to cheer me up. Lol x
Babies just know don't they?

Get yourself out in the sunshine for a walk and maybe stop for some coffee and cake???

James and I are off to feed the ducks in a bit. The park we go to has posh ducks though, you can only feed them halved grapes or defrosted frozen peas :shock:

Aww I'm sorry to hear about your cat PB. I'm not a massive animal lover but I do like cats and I was heartbroken when my wee kitten was hit by a car a few years back. It's really horrible when you lose a pet as they really are one of the family.

I like the sound of these posh ducks Nat! The people behind my mum and dad's house have pet ducks and they seem to spend more time in their garden with mum's hens so my step daughter loves going round to feed them. They keep trying to get in the house though everytime someone opens the door! They have also started laying round mum's too so I get duck eggs occasionally for my baking :)

Today I am going to make a chocolate fudge cake for OH - think he needs something to get him through the day and he's on a split shift so will be home at 3 until 5. Hopefully I will have it finished and he can have a big slice before he has to go back to work. He was up half the night with A as I wasn't feeling great so he just let me sleep apart from feeds.

I finally got him to order me the BLW book though and also some OPK's as I was thinking I might use them same as you said about Nat and avoid sex at fertile times...I've never used them before though so I might not in case I bugger it up!xx
Hugs PB. I've have a dog so totally understand how sad it would be to have you pet put down.
Infact yesterday he went all limp on me while out walking with the pram and I started flapping!! Thought is have to put him in the pram and carry M, what a site!
I hope your day passes quickly for you x

I'm having a coffee afternoon at mine soon there will be 10babies here! My god! Oh is escaping and leaving me to it! Fingers crossed it goes well. :)

Hugs PB. I've have a dog so totally understand how sad it would be to have you pet put down.
Infact yesterday he went all limp on me while out walking with the pram and I started flapping!! Thought is have to put him in the pram and carry M, what a site!
I hope your day passes quickly for you x

I'm having a coffee afternoon at mine soon there will be 10babies here! My god! Oh is escaping and leaving me to it! Fingers crossed it goes well. :)


Thanks Hun, all I want to do is go to bed, my head and body hurts but gota man up and look after my little one. My OH is also in bits and he has only known her for nearly 4 years bless him.

Anyways hope you all have a great day with your lo and loved ones :) x
I'm having a coffee afternoon at mine soon there will be 10babies here! My god! Oh is escaping and leaving me to it! Fingers crossed it goes well. :)


Good luck! I can barely cope with my mum and dad coming for coffee :P xx
10 babies - blimey!!

Most I've had is 5 or 6 (various ages though - James being the littlest)

Miss Y, your choccie cake sounds divine!!

I am due to start pill again tomorrow so I need to make a decision ASAP. You can still get preggers avoiding fertile times but it is much less likely.

I've been preggers 4 times but only with James were we proper TTC so I have no idea when we had sex the other times? Also I get pregnant pretty easily :shock: :shock: :shock: [I was pregnant 3 times in 7 months in 2011 - all NTNP as opposed to actually TTC]

The posh ducks were fabby, I saw a Mummy duck with 5 little babies and was all duck broody ha ha!!

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La.. When are you off to Oz? You'll have a great time, are you stopping anywhere on route?

Well the afternoon was a success :) very hectic but everyone had a good chin wag and some cake so all is good. Lady M is pooped so is fast asleep upstairs now :)

Nat your afternoon at the posh dicks sounds grand, did you take them anything to eat?
La.. When are you off to Oz? You'll have a great time, are you stopping anywhere on route?

Well the afternoon was a success :) very hectic but everyone had a good chin wag and some cake so all is good. Lady M is pooped so is fast asleep upstairs now :)

Nat your afternoon at the posh dicks sounds grand, did you take them anything to eat?

Posh dicks :rofl: what a great typo!

I took them some grapes and stood there like a dope biting them in half [signs say they can only have halved grapes :lol:]

Glad this afternoon went well, you deserve a big pat on the back

Haahahaha what a dafty! I didn't even see it!! I'm pooped after this afternoon. Posh ducks!
Glad you enjoyed it there isn't anything round here like that, a little pond but blink and you've walked round it.
Hi ladies!

Got back from Manchester yesterday. Lyla was great on the plane just giggled away at all the other passengers.

I am soooooo broody though! My new little nephew is so teeny tiny! I want one :lol:

Here's some piccies from the weekend!

Teeny tiny Thomas

Comparing sizes... Lyla feels so big now! Hard to imagine her ever being that tiny!

Lyla with all her cousins on my side... these 12 were in the same house for 6 hours!
554706_10151563065149336_722521995_n (1).jpg

On the plane

Smiling at her Aunty Jen.. this child will smile at anyone :lol:

Got lots of work to do for uni but will properly catch up when I can xx
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Chloe, that little baby is just adorable! As is Lyla as always, she is cute as a button.

I have two coming this year my SIL is due number 3 end of July and my sister is due her 3rd end of September!

L_a, you must be so excited?? Are you are prepared?


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