**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Wilson..no problem. Some things rang true for M a few weeks back. I actually fond that at 2am when M was up feeding! Lol need to pass the time as I end up dosing off when she is feeding! Good luck with the rehearsal and I hope everything goes well for Arthur's Christening tomorrow :)

Nat..M pushes the food round her tray and the majority ends up on the floor but she will 'taste' most things and not eat a lot of it. I try and offer a few different colours. Sweet red pepper was a hit the other day and sweet potato. I place a lot of it in her hand to help her and once she has she will have a lick a small munch and that's it. BLW is so messy though I get a little stressed with it but I just let her get on with it :). I hope you get the pink bundle you are all hoping for

Missy..good to see you have a fab night out. I can barely handle 2 glasses of wine without having a headache the next day so I dread the day after the night before when I do go on a big night!

Went for my first run last night in 14 months, so glad I actually went so having a break tonight and will go back out tomorrow :) x
Morning ladies, im sorry i havent commented on your last few posts, i dont want you to think im just talking about myself & arthur all the time :(

The lack of sleep is awful and my consentration skills have gone out of the window, i go to scratch my head these days and end up scratching my arse lol.

I do read everything everyone puts and i know i dont always straight answer you but i do read and really appreciate all your advice and support and i love seeing all your piccys of your beautiful ones, esp sally :) not only does she offer support and listens, she offers her lovely friendship and i could text her in the night and she would reply to me :)
So thankyou again, cant believe ive been a member on here a year already :O lol

Well after taking on mrsw advice on lactose overload, i expressed 10oz off last night and chucked the first 2oz as it was pure foremilk (the big imbslance ive had for months) to which arthur had 3oz to go to sleep on at 8pm, then 5oz at 10pm, but puked a good oz of it back up :( he then went through till 1am where he woke up crying so i picked him up tried his dummy which he wont have no more to sooth on, so i rocked him but still wouldnt have it so i laid him at the side of me rolled him on his side into me like he was going to feed and popped his dummy in and he went off till 2.30 and then i breast fed him which he then co-slept, he woke again about 4 to feed but again i rolled n dummy n hushed him back to sleep, then he woke at 5.20am to breast feed from the same boobie, little sod bit it with his teeth lol.
And he went back in his cot at 5.40am and we have had no griping or farting through the night, however still the constant waking but because ive co-slept for them 4hrs and not physically got up n down i dont feel as bad.

Well today is his christening day :) i will post a puccy up of us once we are ready, hope you all have a fab day xxxx
I am the same Wilson, some times I come on and there have been so many posts and people seem to have already "answered" or commented so sometimes it looks like I have just randomly wondered in and totally ignored everyone.

The whole purpose of this thread was for us Mummies with babies of a similar age to have support and somewhere they can ask questions and generally vent :lol:

I can't imagine how difficult it is for you at the moment, I really struggle without a decent few hours sleep and I have been getting that for months now.

It will all be worth it though hun, Arthur is thriving and you have done amazingly with BF'ing him and not giving in (I know you've had a few tough moments!)

I hope you all have a wonderful day!

:love: Happy Christening day to Arthur :love:

Thanks nat it means alot.
The past year for me has been soo hard, accepting i had a heart condition, over coming panic attacks and still battling through the anxiety that it brought, a tough child birth and now a constant battle with bf :( and no sleep.

It is very rewarding bf but now i feel maybe im coming to the end of the road if its causing tummy upset. Ive tried my best thats what ill forcus on :)

Well just sitting down with a cuppa and arthur before the mad day begins lol
I finally finished my cake at 11pm last nightImageUploadedByTapatalk1367130995.480609.jpg

To be honest im very nervous xx
Your cake is amaze-balls!!! It is so unique.

Don't be nervous hun, it's just all the people that love you and OH coming together to celebrate your gorgeous little boy :lol:
You'll have a ball.

Get that cuppa down you quick time!!

See how you feel about it all in a few days? Have you spoken to HV recently to see what she thinks about the tummy issues. I can't see how moving to FF would help? James got horribly constipated and obviously A has been having your milk for so much longer.

As I say don't make any rash decisions and whatever happens you have done fantastically so far.

I am off for a morning of cleaning at my sisters new house - very glam!!

Will be looking forward to seeing your piccies later lovely!! You should be one very proud Mummy today

Ahhh crap, I got it wrong!! Haha, Im excited for you that you may have your first neice! I think it will be a girl :) xx

tapatalking x

LOL, I think girl too!

OH has two nieces but it's not quite the same iykwim? The oldest is 17 and I hardly know her.

I am dying for a little girl in the family.


Yeah I get what you mean!
Fx its a wee girly!! X

tapatalking x
Double post, my phone had a nervous breakdown..

tapatalking x
You both look beautiful sweetie!

Arthur is looking delightful as always but check you out!! Looking very hot :lol:


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Aww wow wilson you look amazing hun and arthur is so cute. I just popped in for a quick read. I'll catch up later.

I hope arthur and you have an amazing day. Happy christening arthur. Xx

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Amanda you look fantastic a real yummy mummy! Thanks for saying that about me hun. One day we will have to meet for that cuppa and C can meet her brother from another mother lol!

Have a wonderful day xx

Amanda you look fab! I LOVE your dress. Little Arthur looks adorable :)
I hope your day went well and the cake went down a treat x

Sally I really feel for you. Families can be so hard to contend with especially when you have another head strong character in the mix. I have my fair share of this myself (I won't go into details as I've been snooped on in the past on forums). It really isn't fair to compare babies in the first place and just remember little C is doing so well and at least you know there is no need to boast (or lie) about her progress, that makes you a better person already. Sorry I can't be more help xx

Does anyone sometimes just look at LO and think my god I love you so much? This happened to me while out for lunch with oh yesterday and I came over all emotional! It really is just amazing how you can love these little people so much after only being with them for 5/6 months! Just so overwhelming sometimes x
We've been with our babies for much longer than 5-6 months though?

From seeing James' heartbeat I was a Mummy (I couldn't fully accept it wa sa sticky bean before that point)

I was talking to my BIL earlier and nearly welled up when I was telling him about being a parent [he is a father of 3]. I love my OH, we have a very strong history and he gave me my baby but James is the love of my life. I've never felt anything that comes close to how I feel about my little monster. Not the love for my parents or siblings or nephews or OH or life long friends even comes touches how I feel about James.

That sounds terrible as I do have strong love for many people but it is just not comparable to what I feel for my son and I am sure he will never feel this love until he himself has a child.

I sometimes wonder how I'll feel about number two (if we are lucky enough) and I know it will never be the same. your firstborn is your firstborn but I don't see it having to halve my love, I'll just open my heart even more and have double the love??

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Yeah that's true Nat over a year now! It's just madness how you just feel about them.
I know what you mean about loving LO compared to anyone else, I love my oh dearly but M is on a whole different level .
It has made me think about ttc again and I've decided that I want to enjoy all of her before we ttc so a good few years massive U turn on before!
Wilson - you and Arthur look lovely, I hope you had a lovely day!

mrswoody - turns out I cannot handle my drink thesedays either! Bent double spewing half the night and even yesterday morning! Luckily I had plenty milk expressed for A! I didn't drink that much but it just went straight to my head! Don't think I'll be going for another night out anytime soon!

I am on my third load of washing today! I only didn't do the washing for one day...no idea where it all comes from!xx
Well I've finally finished the BLW book! I started reading it when James was napping on me instead of watching TV :roll:

I love, love, love the method and was happy to read at the end that you can still do a little spoon feeding (yoghurt and porridge, although it's best to load up the spoon and let baby feed themselves!)

I hate pureeing, my hand blender is crap and it just feels such a waste of time?

I am buying lots of different veggies and learning how best to cook them [I am mainly steaming] tonight James will have some carrot batons and mini sweetcorns to play with...

To date we're doing porridge for breakkie, just two spoons which he finished for the first time today (day 10). I have also been mashing up a few pieces of banana and adding this to the porridge.

We normally do something else in the evening but that is more for playing (we've done broccoli, cauliflower, carrot a good few times plus we've tried apple and pear) He still doesn't pick much up but accepts it when it's handed to him and it goes into his mouth.

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Yay to finishing the book Nat! I am still waiting for OH to order the bloody thing for me. I've only reminded him about a hundred times! :wall2:

Sounds like James is really getting to grips with this proper food malarkey though :) We've still got a month to go till weaning but I am so looking forward to it :) Can't wait to see A smothered head to toe in food...as if I don't do enough washing! :P xx
Wilson, you both look great, hope the christening went well. We did a flying visit up to Derbyshire for the party, but had to come back Saturday night because I had plans with some friends yesterday.

I always feel the same posting on this thread. I can't keep up with replies to everyone, so I end up talking about J all the time and not commenting on other people's stuff. Makes me feel selfish!

Having a lovely time here, J is quite easy at the moment, napping well and enjoying being out and about in the better weather. I'm not going to think about weaning until we come back from Australia at the end of May, J will be 6.5 months, but he's still showing no sign of needing it. I'll probably give him little bits to play with while we're away but I don't want to mess about with purees while we're away.


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