**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Evening ladies

Well arthur went fown at 7.30pm havent heard a peep from him till now where hes moaned to go on his side so popped him on and hed gone bk to sleep, :O wish me luck lol.

Mrsw we have the vtech ball too, there are local groups on fb that sells alot of clothes n toys, and alot of good chesp toys, i was showing sally the other day :) xx
Good luck Amanda! C slept 8-6 last night, I'm hoping she does the same again today but she's decided she hates milk today and has only had 15oz :( so she will probably be up once or twice tonight xx

Argh I knew I would be up after our 15oz day but she has still only taken 2oz from this bottle? I don't mind night feeds as they take so little time and she usually falls straight back to sleep but I can't sleep afterwards :(

Hope everyone is having a good night xx

Oh dear hun :( he must be such a hungry boy :( C has me up at 6:30 after I got back to sleep at 5:30. Oh the joys!!!! Xx

Those toys / books look good! I will def get the v-tech ball to start with and a few books.

James was a nightmare last night (by his standards anyway!)

I put him down at 8:45pm and he didn't nod off until 10:15pm. He was actually being super sweet and chattering to himself but I was so tired and I was in with him trying to get an early night.

I would say I had to get up and pop dummy back in about 8 times and he was up at 5:45....

I am glad it's cooled down today as maybe he wasn't keen on the heat?

Can't wait for bed already :nap:

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Is anyone giving their LOs water? With the recent hot weather and now we are combi feeding and weaning C could use a little extra water but I find it bloody impossible to get it into her. She refuses to drink from her bottle, chews on the spout of her sippy cup, spits it out if I syringe it in and ditto if I squirt it in. I just feel awful as she is getting constipated now :( any tips ladies? Xx

Morning all :)

Chloe didn't go to sleep till about 11 last night but think coz she had an extra long sleep during the day (around 4 hours) so was wide awake what's fine as she just sat on Daddy's lap sucking her hands and watching football. She woke up at 5.30 for a feed and is still asleep now. She likes to sleep till about 9-9.30am and gets a bit grumpy if you wake her.

It's really raining today, iv got a friend staying over tonight so told OH to sleep at his mums what's fine as he plays football on a Friday night near her so saves him getting the train home. X
Morning everyone

Poo pants u all have had a rubbish night :(

Sally we have tried water in the sippy cup but he just looks at me with disgust that ive even gave it him lol.

Well today we tried self feeding portidge ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366965278.323778.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366965410.523255.jpg

He just wanted to eat the spoon and not the porridge, little sod.

Heres a piccy of the drum and rattle maze we have from mothercare arthur places withImageUploadedByTapatalk1366965373.789637.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1366965431.006258.jpg

The drum is 6 months plus but he loves to look at himself on the mirror on it, and the mini shapes are great as they have different feels to it, also went to meadowhall yesterday and bought a paddling pool from poundland and balls from asda to go in it, our poundland actually has some good weaning kits, and baby toys, its worth a lookxx
Hi everyone

Wilson, sorry about your neighbour, how awful for her :(

Sorry it seems you've all had bad nights too.

J has so many toys we don't know what to do with them all. We've bought very little ourselves, just the jumperoo and his baby nest. He loves the baby nest because he can sit in it by himself and sitting is his new favourite thing. The rest came from a friends little boy who is now 3 and some were presents. He particularly loves the Lamaze elephant - he's been fascinated by this since birth, but just started to play on his own with it. He also loves looking at books, especially if you sit him on your lap so that he can turn the pages. We have a few monkey ones (presents from our friends because his nickname is little monkey) and a peekaboo Peter rabbit one he likes. J is quite independent and doesn't want to sit on my lap all the time, he gets fractious after a while and only settles when you put him down to play on his own. But still his favourite toy is us, funny faces and swinging him around get the best squeals.

Today we have waterbabies and then we're driving up north to stay overnight and tomorrow a birthday party for my cousin's 1 year old twins. Should be fun.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx
Amanda what a cutie Arthur is lol. He probably likes to chew the spoon for his teeth? C has the same reaction whenever I try to give her water lol. I've resorted to using some cooking water from apples and diluting it, she has had 2oz of that this morning. Not what I wanted to do as my niece and nephew refuse water and always get juice but I worry about her :( xxx

Sally I'm not sure if this would work for C but when we try and give calpol or gripe water using a syringe A learnt to spit it out so now we squeeze her cheeks a wee bit when we do it and it stops her spitting it out...or at least most of it! She tries but can't quite get it out her mouth when her cheeks are pushed up so she just swallows it instead.

Lie LO right back in your arms and she won't spit it out, this is what we do when giving M calpol :)
James only has water by deception. I alternate his milk bottle and bottle with water in. Mean I know but he'll still drink all his milk. I haven't been giving him much lately though as he has been poo'ing OK?

James hate baby porridge, we've done it for 6 mornings now (with a bit of apple puree in in the last few times) and he just looks so upset when I give it to him. He loves sticking his hands in the bowl though and wiping it all over himself / me / his chair.

Off out soon, just a little bit of shopping (may pop to Mothercare LOL) and will grab a coffee with OH on route home as he is still working locally.

My sister is moving house tomorrow so she'll be about a 60 second walk from me, she also finds out gender of her 3rd baby a week today (she has 2 boys already!!) so she has an exciting week. I want to order a few bits from Next but I'll wait until we find out what she is having. I so want a little Niece... on my side there are 5 grandsons!

Aww thanks sally xx

Arthur doesnt spit it out he just wont suck it lol, as for medicine no problems getting it down him, anything with flavour he will have.

Thought id try to prorfidge but wasnt intrested so going to lay off it a few days as 10mins later his tummy was msking griping noises and he was screaming :(

Katie r u heading bk up to derbyshire? Xx
I've tried laying her back and she still spits it out... She is crafty! Also tried alternating bottles but she is wise to that trick now lol.

I will try the cheek squeeze next MissYeovil ;) kind of like how grannies squeeze them so your mouth goes all squashy?

Amanda have you been to docs about Arthur's digestion problems? Did you make the porridge with his milk? Rumbling noises in his tummy, farting and explosive poos are all signs of lactose intolerance. Did he get worse when you gave him formula as that is harder for them than breast milk xx

Sally ive never thought about thst, i tuck him to the drs the other day and he said it was a bug :(

Ive just spoke to the hv who said its highly unlikely for babies to be intolorance through breast milk, but i will get colrelief, and try that xx

Also soya milk isnt good for baby boys :( xx

Sally when u give her water quickly pop her dummy in and it makes them swollow, :) xx
Apparently they can become temporarily LI after a bug/gastroenteritis but this has been going on ages hasn't it? Big hugs hun! Xx


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