**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Well done to Arthur getting these teeth through! Aela's are close to popping up I think - she's really not a happy bunny unless she's had her teething meds recently! We're alternating between powder, and two different gels at the moment trying to work out which is the best! Still haven't really decided - she doesn't like the taste of the Bonjela stuff though, I will tell you that much! Her wee faces all crinkles when we use that!

L_A Aela has been screeching and squealing for a while too - it's horrible! I try to ignore it when she does it in the hope that she'll soon learn not to do it if she doesn't get the attention. But I think she just likes the sound of it herself to be honest!

I POAS this morning btw and I'm not pregnant! Phew. Was getting a bit worried as I suddenly got really tired yesterday lunchtime! Must just be down to BFing that AF has disappeared - I don't mind if she stays away as I was gutted she ever came back! xx
What are toothy pegs? Sorry as iv got a Dec baby I'm a bit behind than all you ladies. X
Just a way people say baby teeth PB.. it's funny because it's the way my OHs parents say it too :lol:
Missyeovil have u tried iburofen for infants, works a treat :) xx

The carseat was £20 brand new boxed from a lady who was selling it on a fb group, was well chuffed. Xx
Yep my parents say teethy / toothy pegs as well.

Had a lovely morning out walking and shopping and I was a bit cheeky when we got home... I made a cuppa and took my BLW book out on the balcony. James was happily playing on the play-gym just inside (in the shade) but the moment I settled down he wailed like a banshee... So we had a nice sofa cuddle instead.

My days of sun worshiping are well and truly over :lol:

I'm washing all of James' 6-9 month stuff at the moment so I can gradually start packing away the smaller bits.

I feel slightly bereft that he is going to be 6 months soon, that is half a year where has the time gone?? I feel like I just blinked and all this time passed.

I know there is still so much to look forward to but I also know you never get this time back - all these "firsts" with my firstborn.

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Afternoon girls

Well had a lovely stroll out with my friend today with Arthur and had him weighed, he now is 16lb8oz, shes really pleased with him but thinks what ive discribbed with his tummy the last week is a gastro bug so arthur is booked in the drs tomorrow morning

Some of the christening things came today heres the banners
Getting really excited now :) cant believe its sunday eeekkkk!

Well ive tried to get a peggy picture but this is the best i can do lol

He had my fingers off at this lol.

Its amazing where the time has gone, brings tears to my eyes xx
Here my life xxx i love you artie bear xxx
Morning ladies

How are we all? Aw wilson the banners look great and Arthur is such a sweety.

Today has not started well. Toby didn't sleep well last night. Not actually waking up just very restless and noisy. I feel shattered. But just put him down for his first nap as he's been screaming at me for the oast hour bexause he's sooo tired still. I tried everything to settle him but in the end I've had to leave him to cry it out. I feel awful and such a mean bad mummy. I know sometimes you've got to leave them to it but that was the worst to sit through. I hope this leap ends soon. He's just not himself at all. I really hope he wakes up happier.

Sorry for the rant but its just made me feel awful.

I hope you all had a good night with your babies. Xx

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Aww hun i feel your pain its not easy, we have had it for 5 months, however i feel rotten as arthur has rotavirus :( so me thinking his weaning was giving him a poorly tummy he actually has gastroenteritis and is poorly :( xx
Aww no hun. Poor Arthur. I hope he feels better soon. Toby is still out of it. He must of exhusted himself. Poor little man. Theres been lots of gastroenteritis going round at the moment. My neice had it and she's a year old. Poor little lady was so unwell.


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Wilson, saw this on FB, poor Arthur, hope he feels better soon :hug:

Sazz - sorry you've had a bad day, it's so hard when they fight the naps isn't it? :hug:

I've had a good day but got a cracking headache now. Looking forward to DH getting home later. It's hard work not having him to help at all.

Get well soon poorly Arthur!

Hope bub sleeps tonight sazz.

We had a lovely day, the weather really does make a difference.

James is just down, although I am worried he'll be too hot? He has a baby-grow and a sleeping bag? I've left window open a bit but gro-egg says room is a little hot?

Shall I take him out of sleeping bag?

Aww poor arthur. Hope he gets better soon wilson.

Sazz fingers crossed for a good night.

L_a i know how hard it can be. Im on my own 6 nights a week but im used to it now. Im so lucky that livvi is so good.

Nat, is he in a 2.5 tog or do you have smaller tog now? Its hard cos then you dont want him to get too cold?

I need to buy some smaller tog sleeping bags.

You ladies are all so good coping without your OH?

Mine doesn't do much in the practical sense (I feed and change etc..) but he does play with James and always thinks of new things to make little one laugh. He comes in from work and literally takes over which is a lovely break for me :shock: it works well as OH is desperate to see baby and I can get dinner sorted and have a little breather

Kerrie, I do have smaller togs but they are a bigger size and James is still too small to go in them? He needs to be 18lb and was only 15lb last weigh-in.

I'll see what the gro-egg says soon and maybe take him out of the bag.

I am so used to dressing him for winter I don't know how to dress him at the moment..

We're back at Dr's tomorrow as James' skin is still really dry??

Today we tried carrot, I steamed some batons and tried some as puree (he hated) and the rest as actual batons (he loved) but I think they were a little overdone as he could very easily chomp them with his gums. I then tried him on a non steamed baton as I thought there was no way he'd be able to chomp that in half but he did?? I am not doing well with BLW as I take things out of his mouth. He had half a carrot baton in his gob and I was scared he'd choke???

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Thanku girls, hes done nothing but be sick and have chronic runs today but remains very happy baby still, a very sad day today too :(

My dads family dog was put to sleep and our next door found out they was having a girl yesterday to also be told that baby has a cyst on the head and it looks like spina bifida with brain damage and she is ending the pregnancy bless her. Xx
Get well soon Arthur :( poor wee sausage.

Sazz... Hope your day got a bit better hun. It's just awful when they're like that!

C is in a 1.5 tog sleeping bag at the moment. I noticed she was getting very sweaty in her 2.5 togs :( need to get another lower tog one tho xx

Ive taken arthur out of his sleeping bag as its quite warm at nights now, hes happy in his sleepsuit and a think blanket.

It is hard on yr own, i do 2 nights a wk when daddy goes down south to work xx
Mine is good but we tend to spend time all together in the afternoons and he goes to work at about 6. To be honest i think i see him more now than i would if he worked days but when he went back to work after paternity leave it was so hard to do the nights on my own as she wouldnt sleep at all! Luckily she just woke once from 3 weeks and slept through from 9 weeks so i cant complain.

It does mean i have a clingy baby at times :-)

Mmm i see what you mean about the bigger sizes. Its so hard isnt it

Its been hot in london too?

We went a walk yesterday and i put cream on livvis face just incase. It was windy and she had a cardi, sunhat and sunshade on. But i got sunburnt so just shows how careful u need to be xx
Thanku girls, hes done nothing but be sick and have chronic runs today but remains very happy baby still, a very sad day today too :(

My dads family dog was put to sleep and our next door found out they was having a girl yesterday to also be told that baby has a cyst on the head and it looks like spina bifida with brain damage and she is ending the pregnancy bless her. Xx

Oh my goodness that is so sad wilson. How far gone is she? 20 weeks :-(
Yes kerrie had her 20wk scan yesterday :( its awful i didnt know what to say, thought of you are terminating your pregnancy snd then have to give birth to your baby is awful xx

Nat arthur is in a 12month baby bag and hes fine, gives them room to move xx

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