**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

It's been super warm in London, I am sunburnt too (just my arms??) I've not seen sunshine since 2011 as I couldn't abide the heat when I was preggers. Not that we had much of a summer last year mind.

I think I'll take him out of sleeping bag, It's better to have him a little chilly rather than overheating.

Horrible about the poor girl and her baby. Things like this really upset me. I had 3 early miscarriages but I don't think I could cope with losing a baby that late.

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I cant imagine losing 3 pregnancies either :(

I think she will have to have the injection to stop the baby from growing then they will deliever. She has to tomorrow go for the amniotic fluid test to see if shes a carrier for bifida :( xx
Poor poor lady. She'll be OK though, she'll have to be?

How do you get over that :shock:

We had a tough year when we first started TTC (all 3 losses were within 8 months) but we got there in the end.... You never forget but it does get easier.

James is asleep minus his gro-bag. I've just popped a cellular blanket on him. I am going to join him as I am shattered :lol:

Nighty night November Mummies

Ive just crawled into bed too :( im pooped. Quick question how does yr ickle ones like to sleep? Arthur will only sleep on his side, refuses to go on his back snd rolls from back to side :o im not sure if to keep putting him on his back or leave him on his side

Night xxxx
God Amanda I missed that post about your friend. What a horrible, horrible situation. It reminds me of how lucky I am to have my perfect little girl :( I hope she is able to have a healthy baby in the future :( xx

Nat - what size Grobag is James in? C has been in 6-18m for ages now and is just fine :) I don't know if you have TK Max in London but they have really reasonable prices on Grobags, about £12 instead of the usual £20-odd xx

Hope your friend is ok Amanda. I couldn't even imagine how that would feel :(

Nat, Lyla goes in any size gro bags tbh. She is in a 12-18 month one tonight. The smaller ones don't give her room to kick about and she is more restricted. In the bigger ones she can stretch out and they are all the same size around her neck so no slipping down inside.

Our bedroom is a constant 21 degrees which the groegg says is too warm but its just right for us and Lyla goes in a 2.5tog gro bag without overheating. I would rather she was warm than cold. I always check her neck and she is just the perfect temperature so it might just be her because she is like me and has bad circulation so cold feet and hands.

We get our grobags at TKMAXX Sally. I love them. Really good quality too xx
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Hey ladies,
Been a little AWOL but I've been lurking just not had time to post.

Nat I'm jealous of the weather you Londoners are getting at the minute. We had one warm day yesterday and today was a little chilly.

Wilson so sorry to hear about your neighbour, it really is horrible to hear that. I just hope she will be ok xx

We had waterbabies class today and m was a little superstar! We did an underwater swim where the parent has goggles on and goes under water and the instructor will swim LO to you, it was amazing :) underwater swim shoot next weekend and I can't wait to see the outcome :)
Oh is amazing with M and will help out in everything. He loves to change, bath, play and help with her weaning which I am so grateful for as I often worry he feels left out from feeding and bonding at groups.
We have heard the oh maybe getting a job down in Portsmouth so will be away mon-Fri and home for a night mid week so just waiting to see if be will take the job. It will be odd on our own but I've managed before so I'm sure lady M and I will be just grand :)

On the subject of sleeping bags, M is just about to go into the next size I only have one so need to stock up. She is in a 2.5 and a fleece babygrow as it can get chilly at night. She has taken to pulling covers over her head?! A little worrying but I keep a good eye on her :) xx
Thanks ladies, it's going to get chilly again after today so we'll stick with normal sleeping bags LOL!

James is a long baby but he still fits fine in 0-6 months, the bigger size will drown him.


Both are proper Gro-bags?? Look at the size of the second one.

Now bub's are getting a bit older what are you doing about toys??

James will still go in play-gym but I am not sure how much longer this will keep his attention.

Most of his toys are Lamaze and he is quite violent with them now. Freddie the firefly in particular gets a beating :shock:

I have no clue what I should be getting for him though? Books I guess (touchy / feely / noisy books?) also I am thinking he'd like toys that light up and make noises?

Any suggestions or better still tried and tested toys that your LO loves?

Morning ladies!

Haven't caught up with the posts yet as Chloe is still asleep but she will be awake soon.

She went to sleep at 10am and I was so tired and felt yucky I went to sleep also then she woke up for a feed at 6 but only had a little as fell asleep while drinking,

She has been a bit fussy with her milk over the last couple of days, also poo bit runny, and she is dribbling all the time and grumpy one min then happy the next......can this be all due to teething?

Hope everyone is ok, will try and catch up with all your posts later

Enjoy your day! X
We are still in 0-6 sleeping bags. Just because i havent brought the next size/tog yet.

Livvi loves books at the minute. Anything she can chew. Toys/teddies with tags on are her fave and she loves sucking them. We have a musical drum which she loves and now she can sit up it makes playing with toys so much easier as she can reach them and hit the drum herself. Her favourite thing is like and activity arc which i took the toys from and dangled some of her own down to make them easier to reach. She loves it xx
Hi ladies.

Just had a chance to catch up.
Wilson is Arthur any better today? Your poor neighbour. That will be so hard to get over bless her.

Thanks ladies. Yesterday was just screaming all day from toby. His last nap of the day was half hour of trying to get him down as he was soo tired but I gave in and let him stay up and he was in a fantastic mood till bed. He slept really well last night.

I went out for dinner with friends and even treated myself to a crabbies. It was a nice break.
Today little man is in a wonderful mood. Hes had porridge fingers for breakfast. I made them using his milk and they were a hit.we've got swimming today and his underwater shoot on sunday. I'm really looking forward to it.

Toby is in a sleep suit and a 2.5 grobag and he seems happy. We keep his room at 18deg though. I need to by the next size bags as hes running out of room lol.

Hope everyone had a good night with their little ones. Xx

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Yep Carnat C has been in that size for ages now and hasn't drowned LOL ;)

We barely use toys :/ the play gym was put away a long time ago. Usually I just sing and play with her, now we are weaning that takes up some time and I give her finger foods to play with (she gets mixed up between finger food and her own fingers though LOL and starts eating her hands instead.

PB, that does sound like teething. Hope it doesn't last too long as it is a bloody pain!

C had banana porridge for the first time this morning, it was the first time OH had ever remembered to give her her breakfast lol. She had broccoli puree last night and loved it so I'm going to give the hospital a ring as there must have been a mistake - no child of mine would like broccoli! Lol xx

Now bub's are getting a bit older what are you doing about toys??

James will still go in play-gym but I am not sure how much longer this will keep his attention.

Most of his toys are Lamaze and he is quite violent with them now. Freddie the firefly in particular gets a beating :shock:

I have no clue what I should be getting for him though? Books I guess (touchy / feely / noisy books?) also I am thinking he'd like toys that light up and make noises?

Any suggestions or better still tried and tested toys that your LO loves?


I've bought some stacking rings, he obviously can't stack them up but enjoys taking them off one by one. We've got books, bubbles, a little basketball hoop but he can't really do it until he can sit up and he's more like a weeble at the minute. We're lucky because jack got a lot of 6 month old toys at Christmas from people who were thinking ahead! Just go on the ELC site and it shows you all the age appropriate toys for an idea xxx
Morning girls

Arthur was very whingy last night, daddy brought him down at half 7 and left me in bed till half 9 as i was up alot :(

Nat arthurs sleeping bag is as big as the big one, he hates been swaddled, but a sod for laying on his back, pulls is self over im just worried if he has his bag on he cant pull his self back if he wants then goes head into the matress.

As for toys we have put arthurs play gym away, he just has his jumperoo and like sally i play with arthur alot, sing to him and bounce him, read to him etc,
But ive made some colour water bottles with food dye, which he loves wobbling about and plays with, hes also got an early learning play drum with different shapes, colours and patterns he likes, and some gadgets rattles from their too hard to explain. He isnt really into toys at the min his feet are a fasination for him lol xx

Haha sally that made me laugh, i hope u got evidence of the green lover lol xx
Sazz yr lo sounds like hes teething, is he dribbling more and pulling his knees up xx

Pb also yes teething bring lovely watery poo but if its often it could be a bug i thought this with arthur xx

Aww mrsw glad m enjoyed her swim how does she like being under water? We start ours in 3wks i think xx
Wilson M loves swimming and going under the water. She has just started to properly kick when we are in the water which is great :) it's amazing seeing the progression, we start the next level middle of may so lots of new things to learn.

M took from the bottle this morning!! Woohoo she had about 1.5 oz which is really good, she didn't play with the year just went straight in for a good suck! So pleased. Now I know she will suck I can hopefully start expressing some milk for her :)

So jealous of you all with your waterbabies classes! Wish we had something like that here. I think there is a toddler swimming class so I guess I'll need to wait till then to do stuff like that but for now I just swish her round in the water. Thinking I may get her a wee floaty seat for her so it's not always me holding her in the pool.

A got her 3rd set of jabs today. She was meant to get them last week but the HV was ill. Luckily OH was off this time so he came for moral support. Got her weighed too and she's 16lb 1oz now, wee chunk. She's gone up a centile but they never mentioned it so I guess they're not really fussed. Probably because she's a wee comfort eater! Poor thing is tired out now and she's been sleeping in her pram ever since we left the surgery.

That's great M took the bottle mrsw! I'm going for my first night out on Saturday so mum is taking A and giving her bottles of ebm. I really hope she's okay for her! I'm worried about leaving her but also excited :) If it all goes okay we've been invited to a wedding in June so providing mum and A get on okay on the weekend we can make plans to go to that :) Will be nice to have some time just me and OH.

We've been looking at new toys for A Nat, I'm still undecided on what she will actually need/use. Don't wanna buy expensive light up toys she'll not want! She does have a wee book with a flashy octopus that speaks that she likes to look at which is 6m+ I think or possibly 9m+. The listing changed 3 times in the catalogue! I just hold it and she looks at the light so I guess light up things are good :) xxx
These are two toys that I bought Lady M recently

I know the walker is a bit 'advanced' but the front comes off and because M is so sturdy when sitting she can sit and play with it. She still enjoys her baby gym so I haven't bought anything else yet.

Still to get M's last set of jabs, we had to cancel the last lot as we were on holiday, so next set won't be till May!

These are two toys that I bought Lady M recently

I know the walker is a bit 'advanced' but the front comes off and because M is so sturdy when sitting she can sit and play with it. She still enjoys her baby gym so I haven't bought anything else yet.

Still to get M's last set of jabs, we had to cancel the last lot as we were on holiday, so next set won't be till May!


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