**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Amanda, I hope Arthur feels better soon. Poor thing. Lyla's two front bottom teeth look like they are going to emerge together they are visible through the gums and look like they are nearly there!

The last two nights it seems Lyla has dropped her 2/3am feed. She has gone back up to feeding properly now thank god and is taking anywhere between 34-36oz a day. I'm so happy she's better. She goes to bed at 7-8pm and has a 6oz bottle then when I go to bed usually around 11pm I dreamfeed her another 6oz and when she wakes during the night I pop dummy back in. Usually, she would take it but then cry again few minutes later which means she is hungry and looking for a bottle. The last two nights she hasn't woken up again after she got her dummy! :cheer: so I am now going to bed at 11pm and only having to get up one or two times to pop dummy in and she sleeps until 7am. So we are down to one feed a night and thats only because I dreamfeed her. Might see if this continues and then try and not give her that one either!

I got a good 8 hour sleep last night only had to get up twice to pop dummy in so I'm happy :)

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Oh yeah I meant to ask if any of you ladies are planning on TTC again before September this year.

I've got 10 one step ovulation tests 6 one step pregnancy tests and 1 clear blue digi pregnancy test that all expire in september this year. We won't be trying again for a few years but if any of you ladies are planning to this year you are more than welcome to them. Thought I would ask in here before I asked in TTC if anyone wanted them.

That's great news she's dropped the feed Chloe! Hope it continues for you :)

We're not planning to TTC until September and I was thinking the same thing as I have a digi that expires in Sept!

However....think I might have to use it tomorrow. One too many danger pokes and AF has gone AWOL. I was gutted she came back even though I'm BFing but now she's gone away I'm worried! Hoping it's just because I'm BFing and my cycle has all gone a bit irregular...!xx
Missyeovil..I've not had AF yet and I'm still bfing :/
I had to take a test the other week just to make sure I hadn't got preggo lol
I want to ttc around sept for a early summer baby and M will be 19months ish :) nice age gap I think x
I'd love to be TTC but won't be for some time yet :shock:

Miss Y get yourself a test just to make sure hun, but I am sure it's related to BF'ing!

James has gone into his first 6-9 month baby-grow tonight.

Someone bought us some lovely Jasper Conran sleepsuits. The buttons are on the back though?? So I got James all ready for bed and couldn't figure out why the feet were back to front. I had to change the whole sleepsuit round LOL!

Got James' footmuff today http://www.johnlewis.com/bugaboo-neon-footmuff-yellow/p231905575

It's not needed until Autumn but I am glad I got it, there was only a few left yesterday and now it's out of stock.

I also ordered two John Lewis sleeping bags for next winter as they were half price, they are not even on website anymore.

James is fully stocked in size 6-9 months so I'll gradually start stockpiling the next size.

God I hope our next baby is a boy as well :lol: :lol:

Bless him! I can't believe how quick they grow! When Chloe was first born even new born cloths where to big let alone 0-3 and now some of her 0-3 cloths don't fit her (some still do) saying that she is 4 months now so suppose she will be going into 3-6 month cloths soon :( they grow so quick! X
Lol Nat! A friend of ours bought Jasper Conran ones too and the buttons are on the back. Poor oh hates being challenged when it comes to baby clothes. He hates putting Ms tights on she always plays games and pulls her legs out! Lol
The footmuff looks really cosy for the winter :)
We have a buggy snuggle for Ms pram and it is so cosy.
I am seriously lagging in the 6-9months so need to get to it as she'll be in them before I know it!

PB.. It's a pain when they are between sizes as you can get really caught out. x
James still fits into all of his 3-6 month separates (so trackies, jeans, jumpers, jackets, t-shirts and PJ's are all good) but it's just the baby-grows that are getting a little snug.

I am going to start packing them all up today :roll:

It looks glorious here this morning, hence us being up early. Plan is a long walk then heading to H&M to get my last few bits for James. The stuff in there for boys at the moment is lovely!

I think I have the start of a cold though. Boo!


Chloe's just woke up for her feed, she did fall asleep last night round 8 ish so can't complain, she might go back to sleep after for a big but think she is growing out of that what's a bit of a pain.

I've been up since 6. DH is away so I have the late shift and the early. Can't really complain, J only got me up once in the night to find his dummy for him. He's learnt to squeal in the last few days and he's been at it all morning.

Looks nice and sunny outside!
Well it took Chloe about 20 mins to go back to sleep but she is still asleep now, dont think it will be long now until she wakes up :) think we are just having a lazy one today after being at his OH from Friday until yesterday.

Hope all you ladies have a great day :) x
Morning ladies

Better night for us too, only up twice and slept well in between, found another tooth of arthurs poking through this morning, so his 2 bottoms ones are out, trying to take a piccy but he wont let me keeps biting my fingers lol.

Yesterday we bought arthurs next car seat it was a mission and a half let me tell you!

Lovely weather here today, going to take a stroll into the village and have Arthur weighed, any plans for you lot?

So at what weight do you need to buy stage 2 car seats?

Hope you and Arthur enjoy the weather? X
They can go in their next car seat from 19lb, he was 15lb 1oz a month ago so i reckon 17.8-18lb he will be. Ill take the bets now lol.

Thanks pink, are u doing anything xx
Morning ladies!

James is getting so big Nat! Lyla fits in 6-9 months everywhere except her legs they are still too little :lol: James must be very tall!

I'm trying to get some more use out of her 3-6 months clothes. As much as possible as she has loads :lol: she has worn them all though unlike some of her newborn stuff.

We got Lyla a pink cosy toes for her pram

This one

Off ebay really cheap and I'm really happy with it. She's so snug in there! Still need it in Ireland at the moment. Very windy and cold, need to wrap up to go out!

Lyla went to bed just before half 6 last night. She was soooo sleepy must have been a fun day at creche! I went up not long after at 9 as had been doing coursework all day and needed a break from my computer. Been getting headaches a lot lately, that's the problem with doing a computing degree! She then woke for her feed at 11pm then at 3am when she started fussing I gave her her dummy and she went back down until 6 so I fed her then because she wouldn't take her dummy. Then had to play put the dummy back in for about an hour and she eventually went back off until 8. OH has just taken her to creche so round 2 of coursework!

Have to get it all finished before Friday as it's due next week (last week of uni except for exams woo!) and I am away to visit my family in Manchester for the weekend! So excited to see my new baby nephew and get some teeny tiny baby cuddles in. Probably make me extremely broody :lol: Nervous for the flight with Lyla though even though it is only an hour!

Yay to more teethies, Amanda! Is Arthur the first November baby to sprout teeth? He's so big now!

L_A, Lyla has been squealing now for about a month. Get your earplugs ready because it gets old and very painful very fast :lol: Squealing when happy, squealing when excited, squealing when sad, squealing when bored... the list goes on

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Morning everyone.

Yey to toothy pegs but it don't half hurt when they give you a bite.

Hmm I might need to get his next car seat as toby is 17lb 10 at last weigh in.

So glad everyone had a better night. Toby is becoming a bit of a pain to put to bed.he really wants to sleep on his front but hasn't figured out the best way to lay so gets upset and cries.

We already have two bottom teeth and I think his tops are getting ready. Hes been teething and his gums have gone very hard. Plus hes giving his sophie so serious abuse.

Not sure what to do today. I need to do a shop run and since its lovely will go for a nice walk with Toby and the dog. Xx

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Yay to more teeth Wilson and Sazz well done you for coping with a teething bub!

OH's Mum said all her 6 kiddies got their teeth late so we'll see about James, he def takes after Daddy - even down to his long legs :lol:

Thinking I need to go up nappy size now as well, have a few more left in size 3 and I hate to waste them? Will see how well the other ones fit they start from 15lbs and James was 15lb 1oz last weigh0in so I bet they'll swamp him.

Off out soon, meeting OH for a coffee [he is working locally] then off for a walk round the park and then some shopping!

Just going to give bub is porridge now and I think we'll try some carrot later? At the moment I am giving him chunks but also pureeing to see what he prefers.

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Morning ladies.
We've been up and out already today!! We went to meet a childminder, she was really lovely and got to meet the children she has and the other 2 childminders she works with which is really good. Also i got to see all the kids interacting and being messy (like kids should) She is a bit more costly than I wanted to pay but I think it's worth it? I've got till the end of next week to decide anyway.

We have this buggy snuggle for Lady M View attachment 36069
Very Pink!! Lol

No teeth for us yet but u can see then under the gums. It is a lovely day here so once I've done the housework ill take the little lady out for a walk with the dog.

La..M loved squealing! She did it first thing in the morning to wake us up!!

Nat..instead of purée you could just mash the carrot up? So it is a bit more lumpy? I've done this with a few veggies to see what M likes. Red pepper was a hit last night :)

Wilson..what car seat have you gone for? I'm going to get the Maxi Cosi Pearl as I have the isofix for it. M is 17lb 10oz on last weigh in and still fits in her car seat we have (I think she'll be in there a while longer).


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