**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

So how old did you girls start your lo onto solids, I know you have to make it really mushy first but not sure when I should start trying.....to be honest the thought of her having something to swallow iykwim frightens the life out of me!

Saying that I'm always picking hair of off her so she has prob already eaten plenty of that :-/ x
I'm just starting James now.

We started baby porridge yesterday and he has a taster of something in the afternoon. Today was broccoli, same again tomorrow.

He has a few mouthfuls of the porridge but it's more about getting him used to different tastes and textures.

There is traditional weaning (pureeing) and baby led weaning. Have a Google PB and see what you think.

Weaning is not recommended before 17 weeks. 6 months is the current guideline but James is so interested in food we've started letting him have a little, more to play with than anything :lol:

it all depends if you want to baby led wean hun or go straight to puree.
They do advise 6 months to start any weaning, but with baby led weaning they learn to chew before they swollow so they dont actually eat it.

If you do start on puree foods and skip blw only give blended fruits and veg like pears, potato, sweet potato, banana, blue berries, mango as they are all mind foods and not much acid in them xx
I'm just starting James now.

We started baby porridge yesterday and he has a taster of something in the afternoon. Today was broccoli, same again tomorrow.

He has a few mouthfuls of the porridge but it's more about getting him used to different tastes and textures.

There is traditional weaning (pureeing) and baby led weaning. Have a Google PB and see what you think.

Weaning is not recommended before 17 weeks. 6 months is the current guideline but James is so interested in food we've started letting him have a little, more to play with than anything :lol:


Thanks Hun :) I will have a nose.....x
Aela has got the hang of pulling her dummy out and popping it back in again too - she does it at bedtime and it is soooo annoying! She quite often pulls it out and sticks it in the other way but I think she's onto something they're gumdrop dummies and they have a wee tab on the back which is almost like a teether! It turns out she definitely is teething - I thought she was but mum took a look and said it looks like a tooth is gonna pop through anyday now! Poor wee thing.

She's still been in fairly good spirits though, here's her laughing her wee head off the other day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l_YgX33sFb0

And here's a pic of her gummy smile - I shall be sad when she gets teeth!xx


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awww Aela is so gorgeous! I've been trying to get a vid of Lyla laughing but she goes straight faced the minute I try! xx
Hey mummies,
Nat James looks so adorable with his broccoli!

Missy..Aela is super cute. She sounds just like M when she laughs. Their laughs are infectious it really does light up my day :)

M won't take a dummy I've tried a few times but she just bites it then spits it out! The wee snob, I thought it might help her settle when she woke in the night but no such luck!
Had a lovely day today, weather hasn't been great, went to my friends for Sunday dinner which was yummy then chilled at home :)
Madison has been a joy over the past week. I haven't given her any solid as today as she was a little constipated so will try again tomorrow. Ive been bidding on clothes on eBay in 6-9months as I hardly have any so just after a few bits and bobs :)

Hi ladies :) wasnt on yesterday much as it was my nephew's christening and then we had friends over for tea (then they stayed til 9:30!) C was an angel in the church and didn't make a peep, unfortunately my nephew had been in hospital the night before with sickness and diarrhoea so was very subdued the poor wee sausage.

Weaning is going well except for the fact that my OH somehow never finds time to give her breakfast lol, I'm about to give her it now. She has slept through the past few nights but woke at 2 last night for me :(

Not many plans today but its looking lovely out there already so we will have to get out for a walk at least. Any plans ladies? Xx

Morning sally

Bad night here, arthurs been up every 2hrs with his tummy :( before every feed ive gave him infacol, im just sooo tired, as its gone from bad to worse :(

D&v is really going round in the babies isnt it?

Only got the hairdresses today, think i may have the wig chopped lol, thats about it xx.
Thanku, means alot, it is really hard, his daddy struggles too as hes working from home. Im just lost on what to do?? I try not to feed him through the night because of his tummy but he cries till hes sucking :( what do u do?? Xx
C only wakes once and it's usually for food so I dunno! I don't have any experience :( xx

Morning ladies,

James slept until 7am today (he came in with us from about 5.30 though)

All I can think is that it wasn't as bright today as it has been? Although he did go to bed later last night.

Wilson, poor A (poor you as well). I don't think James used to wake up that often in the night even when he was a newborn?? He'll pay me back for it one day of course :lol:

It's not as nice today but will still be quite nice so we're going to walk to a park about an hour away! There are ponds and lots of birds and squirrels and stuff.

Also need to pick up the stuff I ordered from John Lewis... I've had a bit of a spending spree :shock: Although I am allowed as I got a lovely letter from work on Friday telling me I will get a £900 bonus in my next pay !!!! We debated a holiday but decided to treat James to a few bits and save the rest for the last few months of mat leave when I got no pay at all.

Sorry to hear you had a bad night!

My Chloe is still asleep!! We are going to have to sort ourselfs out soon and go home so iv put bottle on and going to have to wake her up......she feel asleep last night round 11ish but she never wakes up during the night.

She is so like her dad, wants she is asleep that's it!!

I shouldn't day to much as I'm sure soon on here I will be saying HELP she is being a nightmare.....I'm not looking forward to it if she does changed!

The annoying thing is iv been awake since 7 waiting for her to wake to, she looks so cute asleep :) x
Aww Wilson, poor Arthur and poor you! When will you get a decent night's sleep? It's a good job he's such a cutie pie, love that piccie :hug: text me if you want a rant! xxx

Nat £900 bonus that's fab! At our place the "bonus" is not worth mentioning and you only get it if you've been there all year so I bet I don't this year. Technically illegal I know but it really won't be worth arguing about.

We had an absolutely brilliant weekend and j was such a star! We went into London to our friends by train on Saturday and the weather was just lovely, so we had lunch on their roof terrace and walked around the local "village". Eventually settled outside the pub for some pimms. J was fascinated by the drinks and kept trying to suck the straws. They cooked a 3 course meal for us in the evening and J went down in the travel cot in their spare room just like he does at home.

Yesterday we went over to docklands to watch the marathon. We managed to find a spot where it wasn't too crowded and saw most of our friends who were running. It was so hot, we had sun cream and tshirts on. Had to buy some baby suncream! He had a little sun hat too and looked so cute. Mostly he slept in his pushchair but he was so excited and squealy when we lifted him up to see. The tube back into central London was a bit of a problem, we had no chance of getting on the trains with the buggy it was too packed, so we had to go out east a few stops and get on an empty one to come back. The only time J was upset was when the crowds joined us at canary wharf, I had to kneel on the train floor so he could be close to me.

We ended up getting home about 9pm (he slept on the train on the way home) and had a normal night last night in his own cot. I can't believe how easy he's been all weekend. I don't think I would do it again with a 5 mth old though, the tubes were just too crowded and we could only have the maclaren which is forward facing.

J is 5 months old today!! Where has the time gone?

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Must be a nightmare for you Wilson, I'm a right grumpy cow if I don't get enough sleep (and even worse when I'm hungry!) hope he sleeps good tonigh x
Aww wilson poor you and a. I hope you can get a decent nights sleep one day. Its so hard but your doing amazing.

Yesterday we all went out walking and doing bits and bobs. Today is just cleaning day for me and I'm gonna try to do meat balls and sauce in the sl9w cooker as the evenings are just a bit crazy at the mo so trying it out.

Naps are becoming a 20 min battle as toby keeps wanting to roll over but he gets there then cries and then cries more when you turn him back over. But he can now roll off of his changing mat so I'll be getting everything put away that he can get into trouble with. Loving the pics thses babies are adorable. Xx

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Happy 5 months to little J, L_a, bless him!!

Sounds like he was on his best behaviour all weekend?? Which makes it easier to do grown-up things doesn't it?

James is always fab when I take him out, I used to be so paranoid he'd get all fretful and scream his head off but he never has done??

James' daytime naps are a bit hit and miss at the moment.

He normally naps for half an hour in the morning, a few hours early afternoon, an hour late afternoon and a short cat-nap about an hour before bed.

Now he has stopped with the long early afternoon nap? He seems fine with it and we're normally out and about so he is very entertained and occupied.

It all coincides with changing his pram over and the nicer weather. We'll see how he is today as it's a bit cloudier than it has been.

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