**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

hello all

you mummys don't half gossip lol, Iv had to read about 10 pages and then I forget what to say to all your posts lol!

Lovely piccies everyone, cant believe how big our babys are now! Beautiful xx

Lol same... I've only been "away" a day as well! Xx

Me 2! Lol

Well little miss has just woke up for a feed, usually she always goes back to sleep after but as I'm at OH mums on sofa and haven't got my feeding pillow with me I think I better stay awake. Usually we both go back to sleepb(me sitting up) until 9-9.30 ish.

OH has just left to go paint balling so god know what state he will be in when he gets back, I will prob have none state moaning about how much it hurts! I can't see the point really, not my kinda thing.

Ohhhhhhh Noooooo! While she was drinking her milk she started to push and I could tell it was a big one......then I think it got to much drinking and pushing the same time so she has just puked up what seems like half the bottle! It's everywhere!! Even on my phone! Mmmmmm nice baby suck on my Pj's - isn't it funny how it does effect them at all, I'm all "it's ok Mummy's here" panicking and they just want the bottle back! Lol x
^ bless she has gone back to sleep and I'm on sofa wet and uncomfortable! I should of gone paint balling!! Lol x
James has done that a few times, vommed up what looks like a whole bottle?

Usually once I've sorted us both out he's ready for more milk :lol:

It looks lovely here again today so we'll pop out for a walk in a bit.

Had another very early morning alarm call from bub today, I am so tired!

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James has done that a few times, vommed up what looks like a whole bottle?

Usually once I've sorted us both out he's ready for more milk :lol:

It looks lovely here again today so we'll pop out for a walk in a bit.

Had another very early morning alarm call from bub today, I am so tired!


Touch wood iv got a lazy baby, the worst I get is 5.30 but she defo goes straight back to sleep (sometimes while drinking) until 9.30 ish

Yesterday we had to wake her as it was nearly 10am!

Her Dad bought her a dummy clip yesterday what I totally love as now I haven't got to play Find the Dummy :) x
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Find the dummy is a nightmare, we have a wooden dummy clip but I wouldn't use it at night-time as I am not sure if it's safe?

It's one of those Heimess one's so the instructions were in German LOL!

I only use the clip when we're out really?

Find the dummy is a nightmare, we have a wooden dummy clip but I wouldn't use it at night-time as I am not sure if it's safe?

It's one of those Heimess one's so the instructions were in German LOL!

I only use the clip when we're out really?


That what I said to OH but he said she needs dummy straight after milk when she wakes up so best to have it on her ready and that he will put clip further down on her sleeping bag. I think I will just have it next to me from now on and while she is drinking attach it to Dummy as I don't feel safe with her having it during the night also. X
I have spare dummies all over the place - in my handbag, under the pillow, in my underwear drawer (it's near to the bed LOL). I pop them in the little pots I got with my breast pumps so they are sterilised and ready to be shoved in at 3am :lol:

morning girls

well i've decided i hate teething, Arthurs bottom tooth that is poking through has caused issues through the past few nights. :(

last few night hes up crying his heart out :( because of the excess of saliva with teething hes swollowing it which is causing alot more belly ache and the acid in it causing causing bad bad wind :( im waking to a very upset little boy easily 6-7 times a night, only way to sooth him is put him on boobie let in fall asleep holding his mummy :( even calpol isnt working, so im off to get some teething powder today. xx
I have spare dummies all over the place - in my handbag, under the pillow, in my underwear drawer (it's near to the bed LOL). I pop them in the little pots I got with my breast pumps so they are sterilised and ready to be shoved in at 3am :lol:


Yeah OH also bought some new dummies yesterday, the ones with covers on them and will she suck them.....No she wants the pound shop ones! Lol x
Someone bought James Nuk dummies and now that's all he'll have - snob!

Wilson, it sounds horrid! Poor A.

Yep get some powder, also some gel (if you've not been using it already) and I'd maybe even speak to pharmacist and see what else he can have? I am sure he can have baby Nurofen?

Hes already Got Gels, calpol, infacol, gripe water nothing helps, going to try the powder, poor ickle man xx
Teetha granules work a treat for Lyla. Also try and get some Anbesol teething gel. It's a lot more effective than bonjela. It even numbs my gums! Can get it on Amazon don't think they sell it in pharmacists. Hope Arthur feels better soon xx

Lyla will only take MAM dummies. Tried others and she gags and looks at us like we are trying to kill her!

She probably has about 20 all around the house because she has learnt she can take them out and throw them even when she still wants them like in the middle of the night >< She's getting there with putting them back in herself but most of the time can't and gets frustrated. :wall: Want to tie those little hands up sometimes! :lol:

James can put his dummy back but only if he really concentrates LOL!

He certainly can't do it in the middle of the night :lol:

Teething granuals work great for Chloe also....thank god!

Chloe also tries to put dummy back in.....sometimes backwards! Lol x
James can put his dummy back but only if he really concentrates LOL!

He certainly can't do it in the middle of the night :lol:


He might surprise you! Jack used to chuck his dummy out of the cot then shout for me to get it back! At one point I was up 10 times a night then he suddenly stopped. I assumed he'd weaned himself off needing it until a few days ago when I watched him roll over on his play gym, grab his dummy and stick it back in, the right way too! God knows how long he's been doing that! Xxx
James can put his dummy back but only if he really concentrates LOL!

He certainly can't do it in the middle of the night :lol:


:lol: yeah the stare and veeerrrryyyy slowly moving dummy towards face with mouth open tongue out :lol: Lyla does that

Just bought some powder, and ibrofen, hope it works. Arthurs had a bit of sweet potato and quite enjoyed it xx

We have nuby dummies, ones the glow in the dark lol so im not searching all night lol, but since hes started teething hes not botherd with them, xx
Thanks pink, me too, forgot to say went to church this morning as he gets christend a wk today eeekkkk xx

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