**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Katie yes ive seen the bumpers thankyou, might invest in some or buy some nice material and pin it on :) are u looking forward to london?? Hope weather is nice for you. Glad joe is loving water babies, i cant wait to start ours next month :) our bright swim nappy came the other day. Think we will take arthur swimming this weekend xx

Well arthur loves the jumperoo, hasnt stopped bouncing away in it bless, trouble is he loses his arms in it so just bobs away haha, if hes not in that hes holding onto his feet for dear life no hes found them haha.

Sally i forgot to wish cathy happy 5 months too earlier xxxx
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Hi Amanda :) how come you were up so much with Arthur last night hun? He is a a wee cutie finding his feet! I can't believe it has been 5 months already. Where have our little babies gone?! C is like her own little person now and has definite likes and dislikes!

Hope Arthur likes swimming :)

Today we moved C into her 6-9 month sleepsuits. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Quite sad really! Lol xx

Hi sweetness :)

time has gone so fast hasnt it, this time 5 months ago we had just become mummies awwww xx

Arthur just has a very tender tummy to wind and thrashed about alot with it, no matter if i wind him, not feed him or give him wind medication, his tummy hurts him. Ive been talking to mums in out sling group and some babies do suffer with wind more than others, and it can get worse when weaning them, so wish me luck lol.

Oh my cathy, please stop growing lol, 6-9 months already, im not far behind you, arthurs bottoms really could do with going into 6-9months but i refuse to do it yet, hes growing to quickly xxxx
Aw bless him I know you have had so many problems with his wind. I think keeping away from gassy foods when weaning will help though (I don't know them off the top of my head but things like broccoli, sprouts etc - Google should help!)

It's just the length on her legs - her tootsies were getting squished. All her outfits are fine just now but it won't be long! Granny kindly bought her some bits in the George sale today so she is all set when we do fully move her. The thing I like about her growing a size is I get all new clothes to look at lol! Xx

Morning everyone.

Hope you all had a good night. These babies are growing so fast. Toby is in his 6-9's now. I got him weighed the other day and hes 17lb 10oz:eek:
We recived a job lot of clothes off of ebay and they are all look brand new for a nice low price. So veey happy now.

Toby has decided half five in the morning is a good time to wake up but I'm persevering with resettling him till 6 at least and it worked. He woke at half six instead.

I've seen carnats thread on this but wondered if anyone else has been suffering with joint pain? The last week I feel like I've been hit by a bus. Luckily my oh has been a real star. But picking up toby is becoming really painful but the docs jyst said painkillers and waiting it out are all that can be done. Just wondered if multi vitamins might help. I've always had a varied diet but my body may need a little help right now.

If the weather cheers up we're off out to a local village for some geocaching and hopefully the walk will loosen up these creaky joints. Xx
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Morning sazz

have you tried codliver oil for your joints? i know when i broke my pelvis in many areas i was advised to go on this and it helped me recover alot quicker. Maybe an idea for you., hope you feel better soon.

Arthur has started to get up early but if he gets up early i put him to bed early, so we are going to bed now at 7.15pm, but he is up 7-8am normally but past 2 morning his tummy has woke him up with bad wind then we have heard 2 almighty poo explosions :(

Thanks for your advice sally means alot :) i shall avoid all trumpy foods :) haha, i cant believe how beautiful cathy is, your piccys of her on fb are adorable, they are growing far too quick and it does make you sad, that we will never have this moment again, thats why i dont complain to much on when arthur doesnt sleep and i have to have to co sleep with him, thats mine and his moments as because one day we wont do it and last night will be a past memory :( im making every moment of these bad winds at night, leaking boobies, early morning, micky mouse club house 7am starts as they wont last forever xxxxxxxxx
I'm on a multivitamin sazz, but I do need to start cod liver oil again.

Mine is mire specific joints - one ankle and both knees?? But that in turn has given me a backache.

I am still trying to get some exercise [just walking] but it's not eased up yet and to top it off my hair is falling out??? Not masses but enough for me to think it's not normal.

James has been up since 5.30am. I tried my hardest to get him back to sleep but he was all wide eyed and gorgeous so he won me over and we had a little play instead.

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OMG arthurs bottom tooth has started to poke out of his gum :O we have peggy's lol xx
Oh wow to toothy-pegs!!!

How crazy is it that our little November babies are weaning / teething / going into 6-9 months clothes???

PS: L_a I meant to say have a fab weekend in London, I'll be watching tomorrow (from the sofa LOL)

Yey too a toothy peg arthur.

I'll give the cod liver a go. Thanks hun.I might start glucosamine tablets aswell. I used them when I was recovering ankle injury. I'll be doing 3 sessions of physical exercise each week with work and it wont be easy. Best get my joints protected.


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Any idea what the joint pains are guys? Is it water retention? A certain amount of this is normal during and after pregnancy. I had carpel tunnel like pain in my left wrist from it, but it's pretty much gone now as the water has eased. Only the last couple of weeks though. Physio helps with this.

Wilson, have you tried infacol for Arthur's wind? It's a really harmless med that just helps all the bubbles to form into a big one so that they can get them up or down easier. It really helped J in his earlier months when he was struggling with wind. You just pop a little pipette full in their mouth before feeding, it must taste nice because J laps it up. Yay for the toothy peg, hope he's not suffering with it.

Js been in 6-9 clothes for a while, although we do have a few 3-6 sleepsuits he still fits. He even has a 9-12 jacket that he wears and a couple of tshirts labelled 1 year :shock: sizing is so random.

I'm supposed to going for a run now while my mum takes J for a walk, but my leg's a bit achy from training on Thursday and I'll be doing a lot of walking around London this weekend, so I've decided on Pilates instead.

Have a lovely weekend - I won't have Internet access so see you on Monday xxxx
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Well I think we can safely say today was the first day of summer!

James and I went to my Mum's, saw half my nephews and my sister. She had James proper laughing his head off.. Then went for a lovely long walk. He was awake the whole time though ?? It is usually when he has his long nap.

He actually decided to nap properly after his 3 o'clock bottle so OH and I have been on the balcony and I had a Corona with lime, it was like being on holiday LOL - bliss!

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Hey ladies.
What a gorgeous day in the West Country! We took a trip to the seaside (as did everyone else), had a lovely walk around and even had an ice cream :)
I think you're right Nat, summer is on its way! About the hair loss I was loosing a lot of hair, enough to make me worry but apparently it is perfectly normal after pregnancy as you don't loose during pregnancy. My hair loss has settled down a lot now though :)

Sazz, snap about weight! M weighs the same as Toby! She is still in 3-6 months I'm expecting a spurt and for her to wake up needing the next size. I haven't got much in the next size!

Wilson hurray for teeth! What a wee surprise :) has he been bothered by them much?

La..have a great time in London :) ill be watching the marathon from the comfort of my sofa, oh has sponsored a friend who is running it so going to look out for him :)


Us girlies decided to go shopping to let Daddy do some work. Lyla went forward facing in her pram for the first time and was shouting the whole way round M&S because she couldn't see me! She does this shout that sounds like "HIYA" I'm guessing because that's what we say to her in the mornings (she shouts this at us to wake us up) and she's probably copying the sound! People were starring so I had to turn her round to which I got a massive grin and she passed out within minutes :lol:

So cute Chloe!

OH keeps saying James needs to go forward facing? Poor sausage has only been in the bigger part of pram since Sunday so for the time being he is facing me!

Today he was awake the whole time we were out and it was amazing seeing his little face as we were walking around. I popped out to the shops and ended up being gone for 90 minutes as I just kept walking with him so I could watch him :lol:

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Lyla never went into a carrycot as Derry is just one massive hill and she would have slid all over the place :lol: Just went straight into her seat and has been facing me the entire time. I love watching her as we walk. Felt so weird walking and not being able to see her! She must have felt the same :lol:

James is too cute! Bet it's surreal for him to be sitting up instead of laying flat :lol:
I never thought about hills? We don't have that many where I am but yep carrycot had no straps so James would have been tossed about like a pancake.

He still naps in the pram so I lay him flat but he knows it's different, we've had a few sunny days as well so he seems more interested in looking around than sleeping.

I could see him when he was in the carrycot but with the shite weather we had the raincover on all the time... It's lovely to be able to see his little face.

He may have got my up at 5.30am but he has been so bloody lovely the past few days the more time I get to spend with him the better!!

hello all

you mummys don't half gossip lol, Iv had to read about 10 pages and then I forget what to say to all your posts lol!

Lovely piccies everyone, cant believe how big our babys are now! Beautiful xx
hello all

you mummys don't half gossip lol, Iv had to read about 10 pages and then I forget what to say to all your posts lol!

Lovely piccies everyone, cant believe how big our babys are now! Beautiful xx

Lol same... I've only been "away" a day as well! Xx


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