**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Great photo sazz!

Our dog is the same he'll stink the place out and have an expression of I didn't do that! Sometimes he'll go sit next to Madison do it then stay there so I think it's her! Dirty thing! Lol

M had a try of sweet potato broccoli and asparagus she liked the potato and played with the rest.

Evening ladies

Feeling a bit better today thanku, i have been put on eye drops :(

Lovely piccys mrsw n sazz soo cute in their chairs :) we havent bought ours yet, he has his bumbo chair with his tsble for time been but debating which 1 to buy?? Any suggestions??

Well we bought arthur a jumperoo today :) he also found his toes after talking to them all day, also rolled again yesterday.

Heres a piccy of today :)

Let me catch up now, and add to my
post xx

Our dog bloody farts all the time, tuck him to my friends today and her dog n mine have constantly tried to bum one another, full on lipsticks out, dirty baskets lol, i gave up bsnging on the patio at them! But if george jumps up on snything he farts lol guite funny xx

This little lady is close to having more pram shoes than I have real shoes!!

Hope everyones well xx
Love my cuddles after creche!

Big smiler!

The duck was not a hit :lol:

Aww Chloe that last pic is funny! It's so random what they like and what makes them cry sometimes! We have those ducks for the bath xxx
I am evil but ha ha to the duck piccie!

James is napping so currently I've mopped the floors, cleaned the toilet and rest of bathroom. Just the bedsheets, washing up, kitchen, hoovering and dusting to do now. Also I am going to pop out for weekend supplies!

Had James in with me from 5:45am today and he was whimpering in his sleep, it was horrible actually as he was doing it for about 20 minutes....

Aww those pics are gorgeous. Shes not happy with that duck.

Nat that sounds like a busy day.

Toby has discovered rolling so this is how hes just fallen asleep in his cot

Hes so cute.
I'm off out for lunch with a friend later on but thats it. Xx
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aww Toby is gorgeous!

Well my little madam has become an exhibitionist :lol:

Any time I try and take a picture she does this to me

Aww sazz hes a cutie, is that a night light?

Chloe shes a little stunner, arthur wont leave his feet alone now lol.

We've also got issues with arthur and his cot, keeps getting his arms n legs trapped in the bars because hes a figgit lol xx
Ha ha shes so cute chloe.

Its a sing seahorse. He loves it. Sings for five minutes at a time and glows for a bit too.

How are you and arthur feeling now? I had to put cot bumper s up as toby would put his arm througb then try to chew his hand and end up head banging the bars :banghead:

We've been so lucky as toby loves his cot and hated his basket. Xx

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Aww I'm loving all these pics!

Aela has properly found her feet now so she is loving them and she is SO close to rolling over - but only when her playmat is in a certain position ie. near the TV! The thing is, the TV is broken and therefore was off! Strange child...she knows it used to be full of bright lights and noises...

We were just out for a wee walk and Aela was fast asleep so I popped in the shop - who was there but my step-daughter's granny...so what did she do? Shoved her head in the pram and woke Aela up! Grrrr. I have no idea why people need to do that!!!

Anyway, it is a gorgeous day here today so the washing is out on the line. Am leaving Aela with my mum for a couple of hours tomorrow as I've been offered a couple of hours cleaning a holiday cottage this weekend. I want to get something like this every weekend so will be a good test to see how A behaves for my mum and how much I miss her!xx
Im better thanku, arthurs not to bad, still waking alot at night, 6 times i was out of bed last night. Also HAPPY 5 MONTHS to my beautiful Artie Bear :) cant believe it xx
Hey everyone! Hope you all got a decent sleep :)

Chloe woke up at 6.30 for bottle then went back to sleep and I had to wake her up at 8.30 as we are going round OH mums for the weekend and we both had to have a bath and pack some bits. We stay at his mums from Friday to Sunday every other weekend as my OH has a 9 year old daughter who he sees every other weekend and she lives near OH mum so we stay there so she gets to see both of her grandchildren.

Hope you all enjoy your day!

P.s - Carnatt you always make me feel like a lazy bum when you list all the stuff you do.....you are always so organised!! Xx
It's the first time I've cleaned in over a week PB (other than the basics)

I don't clean like this very often anymore!

We have a roller!!

His back to his front - twice - so proud of my little boy :lol:

Woop well done James! What a clever little man :) has he done more rolls?
Woop well done James! What a clever little man :) has he done more rolls?

Nope that was it for today LOL!!

But he waited for Daddy to be here as well, so happy we both saw him do it.

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Well done James! Js nearly there don't think it'll be long. He just wants to spend all his time sitting up though so we've got him a baby nest and he loves it.

Wilson - have you seen the mesh bumpers (air flow bumpers)?. Safe but stop limbs going through the bars.

We have had an awesome day today, I've been as high as a kite! J has been on brilliant form. We stormed through our waterbabies lesson, he was chilled and smiled and didn't even cry when he did 2 underwater swims with release. Then we went out for lunch and shopping. I've had so much fun with my gorgeous boy.

We have such exciting plans this weekend too! Tomorrow we're going into London by train to spend the afternoon and stay with our good friends (who have bought a travel cot, sheets and blankets just to entice us to stay more often :)) and then Sunday we are going to see several of our friends running the marathon and a celebration dinner afterwards. Can't wait!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx
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