**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Everyone seems to have good plans for the day! I will be resuming my mad hunt for a baby tweed hat! Jack has been invited to the races xxx

They have little tweed flat caps in Next? I want one for J.

They're not on the website :( I've looked everywhere! I've been bidding on some on eBay but I'm sooo rubbish at it. I suppose its not the season for tweed anymore.

Wilson, if you have hayfever take some antihistamines so it doesn't make the conjunctivitis worse now there's pollen about. My OH gets conjunctivitis a lot and its always worse in spring and summer xxx
Aww no wilson. I hope you feel better soon. X

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Feel better soon Wilson!

We popped over to in-laws about 6pm (gave James a feed over there) we were home by 7.30 but it's really thrown James' routine.

We wouldn't be doing anything much at that time of evening but the over-stimulation knocked him out so he napped until after 8pm and is now grunting away in his cot.

Just heard from a friend and her daughter didn't get into any of her choices for primary school. London is shocking for over subscribed schools. I feel so sorry for her...

That's a shame about the schools Nat :( V. glad we don't have that issue up here! I think when Aela goes to school there will be 4 of them in her year unless any others move to the village!

It's great that your neighbour was able to open up to you PB and hopefully she will be honest with the HV and get any help that she needs.

Aela has her 4 month jabs tomorrow...a couple of weeks late! Hoping she's not too grumpy after them because my step-daughter is off to a birthday party after school and will no doubt be hyper afterwards! Think tomorrow will be a very tiring day!xx
Everyone seems to have good plans for the day! I will be resuming my mad hunt for a baby tweed hat! Jack has been invited to the races xxx

They have little tweed flat caps in Next? I want one for J.

They're not on the website :( I've looked everywhere! I've been bidding on some on eBay but I'm sooo rubbish at it. I suppose its not the season for tweed anymore.
I went to look and you're right they're not tweed - this is what I was thinking of - Flat Cap
Thanks girls:) i think its an allergy form as i got it really bad while i was pregnant, going to the dr 's tomorrow, arthurs ok thanku, missing his daddy, he rolled from tummy to back today but was on the bed so i dont think the matress was true to his roll lol, co slept last night as hes getting up every 2hrs, hoping he doesnt wake lots tonight i need my rest :(

Very bad wind here today, xx
My recycling has blown all over the pavement so I was out at 6am sorting that.

James has now decided to go back to waking up at the crack of dawn (he was sleeping until 7am). I can't complain as he is being quite good at night and I get a solid few hours before he starts getting restless. I had 5 hours uninterrupted last night.

Think it's meant to rain here today?

We're going to meet OH for an early lunch as he is working locally then off fo food shopping and a nice walk in the rain :lol:

Morning girls Carnatt - Enjoy your walk in the rain ;)

Wilson - how are you today?

Well Chloe got to sleep round 10.30 last night then woke up for a feed at 5.30 then I had to wake her up about 30 mins ago as had to go to the toilet and she was asleep on me so when I put her in her crib she always wakes up.

Not sure what we are doing today, going to text my neighbour later and see if she wants me and baby butterfly to go over.....

Wilson hope your feeling better today.

It is super windy here today and I've just got soaked running in from the car in a heavy down poor of hail stones!! British weather is nuts!!!

I've caved in and bought an isofix base for the car, I am so fed up on securing the seat belt so this has been a great purchase for me. Plus I made sure it was compatible with the next size car seat which it is so oh is very pleased ;) it would be rude to go into mothercare and not buy Lady M something so I picked up some toys for 6+ months :)
I'm going to start Crotchet, hopefully teach myself, I want a little hobby and I think this is perfect :)

So I've decided I'm going to be a brave mummy and just do blw as I've ready the book looked at the meals and I'm very happy with the process and ideas behind it. M is loving her porridge so this morning I have her some pear to play with and while a lot of it was thrown around she did have a good chew.

Hope everyone has had a good day xx
You finished the BLW book already?? LOL

Maybe I should read it instead of coming on here (also I need to read about the next leap as well)

I like the premise but I just don't feel comfortable yet?? I have a hand blender so am going to give pureeing a go over the weekend. Just some apple and pear (not together) and maybe some butternut squash.

We'll start porridge in a few weeks.

James has decided he doesn't need to nap anymore, his usual 3 hour nap was just an hour today? Bet he is a misery guts later.

The music thingy on his playgym has got stuck so it's just playing the same 3 bars over and over. OMG it's like Chinese water torture. James is chuckling away at it...

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J seems to have decided on a shorter nap at lunchtime too, Nat. Except today he went for over an hour, just so I would have to wake him up to go out to my coffee meet :roll: perhaps it's a getting older thing.
Hello ladies! Hope we are all well.

Amanda how is the eye today? Getting better I hope :)

Keep us updated on the BLW mrsw, I've been wondering when to introduce finger foods, not for a while yet though I'd imagine (although C eats anything and everything including people's fingers)

C's naps are only about 30 mins at a time now, every 1.5-2 hours. Xx

Hi everyone.

How are you all?

We've had a good day here. Been swimming and have finished turtle tots level 1 and we're starting level 2 next week.

Toby normally has a 30-60 min long nap every 2 hours but today he slept for 3 and half in his pram. Didnt know what to do. Lol.

He tried broccoli for the first time today and this is how it turned out

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Thanks nat.
I think his chair and the sofa enjoyed it lol. He had a little but was more interested in what we had.

Found out the dog like broccoli though :o

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Aw Sazz what a cutie! Don't give the dog broccoli lol he will have a rotten bum! My dog used to fart then run away... Lmao xx

Ha ha. my dog will get up from the other side of the room sit next to you drop one then walk away. Or she'll just look at her bum like was thst me????
She cracks me up.
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Well my OH has just given our car left overs from dinner so she had sausages, bread and beans.....now that's a crazy cat! I wonder if she lies broccoli?? Lol x

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