**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lol we defo know when she is pooing as she is very load with her pushes! Lol

Yeah she is a good sleeper, she did go through a few days of going to sleep round 8 and sleeping until 8 in the morning but she is waking at different times now (anything from 5.30-8.00) but she always goes back to sleep after her bootle.

Iv just bought The Wonder Weeks on my iPhone so going to try and have a read later if she lets me :) x
Yep C is a very grunty poo'er lol! Can't recommend the wonder weeks enough its fab xx

Yep C is a very grunty poo'er lol! Can't recommend the wonder weeks enough its fab xx

Well I did have a quick look at it last night but got a bit confused where Chloe is - she is 16 weeks and 2 days if go by due date (24th dec) but she was born on 19th Dec.....I should go by due date though shouldn't I??

Also don't think the next leap is until around 19 weeks but not sure so will have to check again. X
With Wonder Weeks you go by EDD, not actual birth date, so James is always a week ahead (as he was 9 days late)

I need to read up about the next leap as he can enter his fussy period anytime from now!

There is a leap from 14.5 weeks to 19.5 weeks I believe (from EDD). We've just come out of it and only had a couple of bad days thank god xx

I may be tempting fate but James hasn't had any bad leaps yet? No real fussy periods? No sleep problems or feeding issues?

We've been very lucky.

Well Lyla's feeding is back up - tends to take the whole 6oz bottle now every feed if not the whole she only leaves about half an ounce but her sleeping is another thing!

We had one good night when she slept through when she was sick and didn't want to eat now she's back to eating every 4 hours during the night and she was very fussy after about 5am and I had to pop the dummy in every 5 mins! I just took her in with me at 7 and she slept for another hour until we had to go to creche but I am sooooo exhausted!

Lyla is massive! I put her in a 6-9 month vest the other day and she looks like she could go into it very soon! Her 3-6 months ones are pulled down at the neck so you get a lovely view of her chest if she stretches! :lol:

In 6-9 months vest

my little chunk :love: baby rolls!
So we are starting on cloth 24/7 when Lyla is finished up in creche in 6 weeks time and because its cloth nappy week there have been some great sales on so I took the plunge today and got 15 bumgenius all in ones one size nappies


they are £10 each today only so didn't want to buy one to like it then have to fork out for more and can always send the unused ones back for refund.

They are too cute though!


This is my favourite! :love:

Can't wait to get Lyla into them!

Hello ladies! Hope you're all well. It's very windy here so we haven't been for our usual long walk just a quick trip to the shops. Hope the weather is better where you all are!

C sneezed today during dinner... To say that it was messy is a bit of an understatement. She thought it was hilarious though of course.

I am waiting for the postman to bring some equipment for my hobbies just now... I have an eyeless giraffe at the moment waiting to be posted to my friend :( xx

There is a leap from 14.5 weeks to 19.5 weeks I believe (from EDD). We've just come out of it and only had a couple of bad days thank god xx

Thanks Hun, thought she might be in a leap as she is a bit grumpy, will only sleep on me and when awake has to be entertained all the time and she is only napping for about 10 mins at a time!

I just knocked on my neighbours as she has a 4 week old baby and she just burst into tears, she feels confused and that at times she feels like she doesn't want her baby. And that she is a bad mum. Iv tried to convince her that what she is feeling is very common and natural and to be honest with her HV and I'm going to go over to her more often and told her she can have a cry when I'm there as I will not judge. X
PB we had days like that. There was one day where we had to take it in turns dancing in front of C or she would cry, and a few other days where we have been counting down to her bedtime lol. Not very many though thank goodness!

Aw that's lovely of you to look after your neighbour like that. I really feel for her as I struggled with my confidence around C until she was about 12 weeks (more other people judging than in myself - I am young so they expect me to be smoking, drinking and ignoring her I think lol) but I can honestly say that now we have perfect days, she is such a sweetheart and I love making her smile and laugh. Xx

PB we had days like that. There was one day where we had to take it in turns dancing in front of C or she would cry, and a few other days where we have been counting down to her bedtime lol. Not very many though thank goodness!

Aw that's lovely of you to look after your neighbour like that. I really feel for her as I struggled with my confidence around C until she was about 12 weeks (more other people judging than in myself - I am young so they expect me to be smoking, drinking and ignoring her I think lol) but I can honestly say that now we have perfect days, she is such a sweetheart and I love making her smile and laugh. Xx

Just felt so sorry for her but she has her HV seeing her today and she promised she will be honest with her and I told her id pop over to see her tomorrow. I'm on my own a lot so will be good for me also. She has a lot of family and friends visiting her all the time but feels like she has to put on a happy all is great face on when they are there so she was actually a bit shocked that when I knocked and asked her how she was that she burst into tears....I'm glad I knocked now! X
Oh bless you she's glad too probably. Were you close before? This could be the start of a lovely new friendship xx

Oh bless you she's glad too probably. Were you close before? This could be the start of a lovely new friendship xx

No don't really know her, been over hers a few times before I got pregnant but I was working in London so wasn't around. I live in a quiet nice road that everyone says hi to each other and sruff but I kinda try and keep myself to myself a bit as don't like the whole speak to one person and they tell another person so I only actually speak to a few people down here (but say hi and how are u to everyone of course) just don't like people who gossip so whatever my neighbour says to me about her baby will be between just us....think even though she doesn't really lnow me she knows I'm not a gossip, that might be one of the reasons why she opened u when I knocked bless her.

What advice would you girls give her?

Iv just told her that she is always welcome to pop over, to text me if she wants some company even if its just to have someone there to watch TV with and to be honest with her HV and as honest with her partner as possible. X
To be honest I'm not surprised she confided in you. It is so much easier to tell a stranger/acquaintance than someone who has expectations from you.

Honestly I think what you've already said is great. I'd just tell her to accept any and all help and really to just ride it out, after 6 weeks or so it does get better and the first smile will make it all worth it xx

Pb thats so good of you to check on her. Those first few weeks are hard. I hope she feels better soon. Maybe a walk once a day may help her a little. I know its tough to fit in with a young baby but it helped me.

Hows is everyone. I've had a very busy day. But mainly managed to sort out my return to work date. Its not till July and as a bonus my paid leave covers between june and july or I would of had to go back in june. Sooo happy I get more time with my little man. :D


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Everyone seems to have good plans for the day! I will be resuming my mad hunt for a baby tweed hat! Jack has been invited to the races xxx

They have little tweed flat caps in Next? I want one for J.
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Evening ladies,

Not right well today, i have conjunctivitis in my left eye :( knocked me for seven so going to bed early hope you are sll ok xx
Oh no Wilson, that's horrible, I've had it before. Do you have some ointment? Is Arthur any better? Hope you both feel better soon xxx

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