**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Totally agree about crochet being easy to learn - although I was trying to teach a friend the other day and she just didnt understand how to bring your hook through a loop?!?! Then she crocheted about 20 sts into one stitch I was so confused as to what she'd done! I taught myself from YouTube!

Are you a photographer Amanda? Those pics are fab, I have an SLR but I'm thinking of selling it I never use it and cash is tight ATM xx

I tried to teach my SIL and it was a headache :lol: I learnt from youtube too xx
Haha it was some woman who had a dog hair stuck in her wool at one point, she was great though. I wish my nan had been able to teach me as she was the only one in the whole family who could - she kept assuming we all knew then forgetting we didnt! Lol xx

Not sure what was wrong. I think maybe a night terror. Hes had them s few times. The worst bit about them is even if hes awake he may still be experiencing it. So he just keeps screaming. Just have to cuddle him till he calms down.

Those photo's are amazing. Wilson. I love photography. I have s little sony nex 5 but it doesn't get much use at the moment.


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Wilson, sorry Arthur is poorly too. Sounds just like J, but he's settled now. He just called for his bottle and drained the lot. His temp is normal again too. Don't know if he'll sleep through now though, cos he's missed a bottle. Hope Arthur feels better soon.

All your handicrafts are brilliant! And Wilson your OHs drawings are amazing. You know I love your pics. The cakes are really good too. I don't have any arty talents like that.

Sazz the night terrors sound really horrid :( :hug:

Ruthiex - we're in size 3 here too, the active fit and stay dry for night, which are bigger than the size 3 newborn. Not sure for how long though. J normally takes 4 bottles of around 7oz and a monster bottle of 9-11oz split over his bath time. So around 38oz a day. He is a big boy though. We are now in 6-9 clothes.

If you're worried I would get him weighed. Nobody is going to judge you, we're all told to feed on demand! I was worried that J was packing it on, because he was taking 7 bottles at the time and guzzling up to 45oz a day (at about 8 weeks!!). But it seemed to be a growth spurt because he settled down himself and dropped a couple of feeds. We had him weighed and he was still more or less on the centile and they told me to stop worrying.

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Evening ladies! Gosh you lot have been busy this evening.
I am totally stuffed with dinner, cheese and OHs home made cake which was shamazing!
I have a few hobbies. I love music and play the Trumpet and a little piano, I enjoy reading (have discovered I enjoy a kinky books lol easy to read I suppose?), I enjoy keeping fit and running and I love baking haven't done much recently though. I'm thinking about taking up knitting as well as a little past time while I'm on maternity leave :)

M is in size 4 nappies as she was exploding out of 3s and still explodes out of 4s so I I've no idea how to contain her poop! I don't get her dressed till late morning now because of it.

La..hope you get to run your half marathon, oh did his first one last year and got a really good time I was so proud of him :)

Glad you've had a good day mrsw! I wish I was musical but I just don't have the patience - I want to be Mozart straight off the bat! Loving the kinky books lol! Xx

Livvi is in size 4 nappies now. Just we have the same problem mrsw with the leaking nappies. The poop is staining her clothes now.
She has 5 x 7oz bottles a day and 2 ice cubes of puree in an afternoon. She was 17lb 2 weeks ago and had jumped up to the 75th line. We are in 6-9 clothes too!
She is so scrummy though and i just love her rolls lol :-) oh and she has slept through the night 12-13 hours solid from being 9 weeks!

Mrsw im glad you had a good day. I hope m is good for you tonight.

You all are very busy bees! Im part of out local choir and we do shows every 6 months for charity. My grandma persuaded me to join and i love it :-) although i've just been singing to livvi recently. Dont have much time to go anymore :-(
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Oh wow Kerrie that sounds fantastic being part of a choir :) I used to do shows too they are so much fun!

We are just moving into 6-9 now it makes me sad! Where is my little girl going to?! Xx

Is my baby the ONLY one still in 0-3 clothes at 5 and a half months?! I don't go crazy when I buy clothes as everyone always says 'they grow so fast!' But if I'd known he would be wearing them at 6 months I would have bought loads more! Getting bored of seeing the same outfits but I'm wary of a unexpected growth spurt if I buy more! Xxx
Morning ladies! We had a great night last night - she woke at 12 just as I was going to bed and then slept until 7 so I'm very pleased :) hope everyone had a good night! Xx

Sally - that sounds like a great night!

J seems to be all better this morning, no idea what it was. He has his dreamfeed early at 9:30 and wolfed the lot so I didn't have a hope of him going all night. Sure enough, he had a feed at 3:30, his first night feed for about 2 weeks. He woke a few times for the dummy and wouldn't settle at 6:15, so he came into our bed for a cuddle and slept for over an hour. It was lovely, he hasn't slept in our bed for ages.

Shopping today with a friend I have only seen once in the last couple of years. Will be nice to catch up.

Wow Kitty, you have a little one there?

Was / is he small weight-wise? Or is he just a little shorty?? LOL!!

Yay to sleeping babies. James was his usual self - slept great until about 3am was then restless until he came in with me at 6am.

It's grey here but meant to brighten up later so I am thinking we'll walk to a park that has deers and goats and stuff. James will be asleep but I like to have a nosey :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow Kitty, you have a little one there?

Was / is he small weight-wise? Or is he just a little shorty?? LOL!!

Yay to sleeping babies. James was his usual self - slept great until about 3am was then restless until he came in with me at 6am.

It's grey here but meant to brighten up later so I am thinking we'll walk to a park that has deers and goats and stuff. James will be asleep but I like to have a nosey :lol: :lol: :lol:


He was born 7lb8 and now he's 14lb14 which seems tiny compared to everyone else especially as I sneaked in here and he's actually a late October baby! I suppose he's just quite slim and a weird in between size. I put a 3-6 sleep suit on him and its big on him so he manages to get both legs into one leg hole and wakes up like a mermaid.

Everyone seems to have good plans for the day! I will be resuming my mad hunt for a baby tweed hat! Jack has been invited to the races xxx
Lmao Kittyrooroo at the mermaid! C is also quite small at 14lbs 10 on her last weigh in but very long - she's never filled anything out width ways before she's grown out if it lengthways lol xx

Hi kitty. Bless your little man. I'm sure he'll catch up in time.

Yey to little ones sleeping. Toby didn't have anymore screaming fits but he was really restless. Poor little man. He just a bit grumpy today.

Nat the park sounds lovely. I love how many great places London has to go.

We're off to a baby group this afternoon. Hopefully this morning I can get stuff sorted with work. They owe me a yearly review and I'm trying to use my leave for an extra month off but they are so bloody evasive. I need to confirm my return date so I can sort out nursery for Toby.


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Oh such cute little things!!!

James is 15lbs 1oz [25th centile] and I am always getting told how "big" he is?? He is long and skinny though with a little pot belly :lol: :lol:

LOL about mermaid baby. James is the opposite, he manages to get his skinny legs out of the gaps between poppers so it's like he has 4 legs lmao

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Morning all :)

Well Chloe fell asleep last night around 10 ish then woke this morning for bottle at 7 and then went back to sleep. She is now just woke u again and is on me trying to do a pop......nice! X
Lol PB that sounds like an awesome night! I find it hilarious when C is trying to poo, such a bad mummy! Xx

Chloe is such a good girl.

I don't even know when James is poo'ing half the time - now that is a bad Mummy :lol:


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