**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Sally, I'm a bit further on with the book now (I read it whilst James naps on me!) and it makes so much sense.

It's still very scary though.

James has been doing the side roll for weeks and no sign of actually flipping over.

He does kind of wriggles around though. So he starts one way on the playgym and then ends up upside down LOL

C does that lol, wriggles all over. I think if I left the room when I came back she would be halfway across the floor lol xx

Awww lyla looks stunning :) lovely big eyes, how is she today chloe?

Danielle did u have a good holiday? My oh is away for 4days next week :( i hope arthur isnt bad like he has been then.

James looks so up on it there, does he nosey round in that position? Arthur is a right nosey mare lol, hes turned half way round in his gym today, again for the first time, dreading the rolling n moving stage lol.

Sally im coming to live at yours cooking food like that lol yep this leap is really hard, im debating putting him in his own room tonight, see if that helps or do you think it wont?? Xx
I'm really not sure hun, it definitely worked for us but my OH has Tourette's and kept waking her up coughing (the most annoying cough in the world and it NEVER GOES AWAY sometimes I wish I could have my own room! Lol) so she has slept loads better since then xx

Nah it's not the swearing kind fortunately can you imagine C's first word! It's just a cough/clearing of throat but very loud - we have described it like a sonic boom lol and it is always setting off the monitor.

Well I just pooed myself - I left the bedroom window open to air as its getting foisty in there with the heating on all day. Well anyway I looked up as I'm sat on the sofa with C playing and a cat is walking round the corner of the sofa, I'm terrified of them so I grabbed C ran in the bedroom and closed the door! I had to ring OH to come from work to get it, thankfully he is only 5min away. I'm so scared of what might of happened if C had been in her cot asleep I would have been none the wiser. My window wasnt even open very far! Can't believe I was so silly :( xx

Chloe - Glad to hear Lyla is feeling better :) poor wee thing. Great she slept through the night though! Long may it continue...

Wilson - We're not weaning until 6 months either. She goes in her high chair at mealtimes if she's awake but only for the social aspect atm.

Mrsw - So glad you had a lovely holiday! M looks soooo cute in all the photos - bet it's a shock to her to get back to this country and have to wear a coat again!

I have FINALLY convinced OH to buy me an electric breast pump. I had a wee manual one but it was hurting my wrist and there was no chance I would ever get enough milk to go for a night out with that! And it seems to have just about given up as well...and I'm planning on BFing till a year now so I can totally justify use of it :) Pretty sure it will make my life a bit easier!xx
Sally it was the thought of carhy and if he was swearing lol i had a chuckle to myself lol, my oh has the horse cough going on but his hay fever is starting up :(

Missy which one have u gone for?? Just becareful you dont over stimulate on the pump as you'll have alot of fuller breasts , ive stopped using mine as i was getting engourged alot because i wasnt using it regular, it messed my supply up :(

Well arthur is currently napping in his nursery in his cot bed, hes just whinged the house for ten mins down but i hear silence :) here a piccy of him today xx

. Up the owls :)

Amen lol xx
Lol yeah it made me laugh as well! Thank God he doesn't - the cough is annoying but I am lucky really.

Arthur is such a cutie hun. He is always so happy! Xx

Lovely pics Amanda.

Anyone elses bubs trying to sit up? Everytime Lyla is on her back she will try her hardest to pull herself forward, scary when she's in her car seat/pram even though shes strapped in!

If I sit her on the floor she can last a good few seconds sitting straight but if she slumps forward a little with her hands on the floor she can sit for ages like that!

Yes Chloe lol I find it hilarious as C grunts with effort while trying to sit up she will have washboard abs soon lololol.

Clever Lyla! She will be sitting unaided for periods soon I should think (not sure how fast they go?) xx

Clever Lyla indeed! I am glad to hear she is feeling better by the way...

James is a proper lazy bones LOL as he is not trying to pull himself either... As soon as he does we'll have to swap the pram over (he is still in the carrycot part - no straps!!!)

Just trying to decide what to wear for christening tomorrow's (OH's friends son, I won't know hardly anyone!!). Man I hate still being so overweight...

Lyla grunts too! Hard work this sitting up business! :lol:

If Lyla was in no straps she'd be out of the pram Nat :lol:

I'm still over my pre pregnancy weight and I hate it :(

Yep we need to put pram up to the next setting soon, I was just waiting for the weather to change as I don't have a footmuff!!

James can't quite reach the edges yet but that's all I need, being out and having him pop up in his pram :lol: :lol:

Love Arthur's football outfit! We keep meaning to get James his first Arsenal kit BUT they are so expensive (and Arsenal have had a pretty crap season - they are on the up now though!! Hopefully will finish at least 4th!!)

aww thanks girls, Yep Arthur tries to pull himself up alot like hes doing sit ups, i put him in his bouncer chair andhe wont rest his head back is straining so hard he does fart alot lol.

well last week i started to get back into feeling good in myself, im a size12 and im happy with that i have no intention in being a stick size 8, i love curvy girls :) but in certain places like my arms and thighs i just want to lose it a bit, so i went swimming, did 300meters, and changed my diet, stopped eating crips, choccy, anything sweet as having alot of sleepless nights my body cravys sweet stuff for energy, and ive replaced them with nuts and fruit for snacks, and main meals eating more veg, fish, rice red meats etc, and ive dropped 5lb in 10days which im chuffed about, i just want to drop iit off a little for the christening. going to step up the exercise next week so hoping to drop to 9'11st by the end of the month so wish me luck xx

p.s i applied for a new job the other day and i got an interview today :) HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY xx
Wow Wilson, sounds like it's all coming together! Good luck for the interview.

I think the pill is the reason I am struggling to lose weight. I'll give it one more pack then I am coming off it.

On the upside I do need to return a size 14 (for a size 12) and I bought a size 10 in a baggy top / dress thing.

Aela tries to pull herself up too - I'm a bit worried she'll tip the bouncer the way she's going! I'll need to stop using it fairly soon anyway as she will be too big for it!

Nat - I bet James will love it when he gets in the pushchair! We had to ditch the carrycot ages ago because A was too long for it but she was in the pushchair lying flat till fairly recently. Now she sits up in it and absolutely loves it! Especially as our local shop isn't big enough to take a pushchair round so I leave her at the door (as if you could do that many places!) and she just watches everyone coming in and out and get's lots of attention. Think she's scream the place down if I put her lying flat again!xx
Chloe - that is so gorgeous!

Wilson - I forgot to reply about the breast pump! I went for a Spectra one on Amazon? It's more or less the cheapest electric breast pump I could find as we really can't afford to go any more that the £60 it is, but it seems to have really good reviews so hopefully I can add another one to that! I worry about over-stimulating but hoping I can work something out so that I can express fairly regularly (ie. enough to get a wee stock built up) but not fuck with my supply too much! At the moment I try and express a couple of times a week when A goes for a longer nap than usual.xx

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