May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I was on the drip for the duration of my labour, although I wasn't induced.

I had g&a and diamorphine and didn't have an epidural.

A c section is major surgery and the recovery can be hellish. You can't drive for a few weeks after so that's something to consider too. Personally I would try for a vaginal birth and avoid a c section. I was showered, dressed etc within a couple of hours after having Eleanor and if I'd have wanted to I could have gone home.

If you've lost some plug and having some painful niggles then that's a really good sign! That's how my labour with Eleanor started! Fingers crossed that things get going properly for you. Are you having another sweep?

I agree with Emily. It's major surgery with a long recovery time. Induction doesn't always lead to interventions. It sounds like your body is getting ready already so it's likely induction would be successful and you may not even need it by the sounds of it xx
I agree Emily. Recovery hasn't been easy, and it's usually worse for an emcs. My sister opted for a planned one with her second and found it much easier than the emcs she had with her first. And if all the signs are pointing towards a vaginal birth, I'd try for one. I don't regret trying for one, but I think if I were in the same situation again with a second, I would opt for the planned c-section as I'd be worried about having a similar outcome. But if the situation looked positive and like a vaginal birth was a real possibility, I'd probably try for one.

As for gas and air, I so wish I could've used that. It made me so nauseous, which is another reason I went for the epidural.
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I loved the gas and air, it did make me feel a bit sick at first too but literally just the first few puffs. If I had another I would go for epidural earlier, esp as could walk and still feel the pressure to push etc xx
I had no pain relief for labour, but I did have gas and air when I was getting numbed for my stitches.

I think it's great stuff - gave me the giggles and made me talk total nonsense!

I had an assisted delivery (ventous) with Cam but managed to avoid a c section thankfully and obviously Eleanor flew out like a salmon! Lol!!

I had no pain relief for labour, but I did have gas and air when I was getting numbed for my stitches.

I think it's great stuff - gave me the giggles and made me talk total nonsense!

I had an assisted delivery (ventous) with Cam but managed to avoid a c section thankfully and obviously Eleanor flew out like a salmon! Lol!!


Lol at the flying salmon comment :)

The gas and air just made me completely out of it. I felt like I was somewhere else inbetween the contractions. When I came to at one point, as they were prepping the epidural, I realised I had a hat on my head (hair net type thing). I was all confused and my OH convinced me I was wearing a top hat lol. Xx
I got hubby to have a go on it while the midwife left the room! Lol!

The diamorphine I had with Cam made me really sleepy. I'd sleep for like 10 seconds but it felt like I'd been asleep for hours!

Lol gas and air is amazing! It made me go super posh this time. I'm a common as muck girl lol and I had as proper queens voice posh mess to me my mum and oh were in stitches the gas and air eorked better than any med's. I did have remmy? Or do me thing but that had and 2.5 min cool down and my contractions were every 2 min so it annoyed me.
Once I got into it I found the gas and air great. It was only towards the end that it wasn't really cutting it (and I was induced with the drip). I really didn't want a section as the thought really freaks me out and with the extra recovery time (and my oh not having any time off work, so I would have had to do it all by myself while recovering) and was keen to avoid interventions so was pleased that I did manage it without. The last hour was fairly horrible but as soon as he was out the pain was gone and I was up and about with no trouble, so it was worth it.

Hope it all goes well Dovekie.
I'm confused by NICE guidelines. They are planning to start me off with amniotomy...

Are they planning on going straight to drip? Not the pessary or gel first? Xx
They want to go straight to breaking my waters, then presumably giving me a couple of hours before the drip?
They want to go straight to breaking my waters, then presumably giving me a couple of hours before the drip?

That sounds positive. If they will give you time before the drip, then hopefully you'll progress. I wouldn't go for an epi if you can manage with gas & air before the drip. I really tried for a little while, but the nausea wasn't going away and the back-to-back contractions were making the nausea worse. But it really works for many people, so hopefully you'll like it. Not going for the epi right away means that if you're going slow, you'll know it's your body and not the epi. Hopefully you'll progress well after your waters are broken and you won't need the drip at all. My problem was they checked me again before the drip and there was no progression from my 2cm, so when they decided to put be on the drip, I opted for the epi.

I really hope it ends up being a rather straightforward labour for you after you have your waters broken.
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you have already dilated a bit havent you? I was 2 cm, they said gel unlikely to do anything as I had started to dilate anyway. They gave me half a dose of gel, which as they predicted did nothing. Then I had the drip and they also checked my waters at the same time and found a bit more.
Dovekie I can tell you first hand that you want to try and avoid any intervention unless it is completely necessary. It all added up to make my baby distressed and led to my emcs. I'm having a hard time recovering physically and I struggle to settle baby as I think she bonded with daddy over me as I couldn't hold her and they spent an hour stabilising me on the operating table. There was atruggle reason this all happened the way it did for me though - because she was breech until quite late then tried to turn she ended up in a twisted position which meant she would never have been born vaginally, or we would both not have made it if we had tried. The ladies on the ward who had either vaginal or planned cesarean were up and about within a few hours and home within 24. Anyway I wish you all the best and hope you have an easy time xxx
Breaking my waters worked fantastic with my son just like a natural labour. The problem I had this time was I had a slow leak on my waters so when they wanted to break my waters there was nothing to break. But with my son they broke my waters when I was at 3cm I think then had a water birth on just gas and air it was the best I could have imagined a labour
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Were you overdue with your son Ery? And dilated? Did you know your Bishops score?
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Don't know the Bishops score but I was 3cm dilated and 2 weeks overdue I was t+12 and he was born t+13 (at 7am)
Hi everyone hope you are all enjoying your babies :) Teddy has been referred to a specialist at the hospital :( we had his first appointment yesterday. The poor mite is not doing so great bless him he's got silent reflux, severe constipation and a blockage and colic :( he's how a few different medicines daily :( he have movicol once a day to help the movement in his bowels and to soften his poo :( he has ranitidine 3 times a day for his reflux and also omeprazole once a day which is also for his reflux. It's so sad to see him in so much pain all the time the poor thing :( on a plus he's gaining weight nicely he's now 11lbs 8oz and is 6 weeks yesterday. Anyone else had any experience of reflux and the medicines iv mentioned? Xxx
Owen James, 8lb 3, born early this morning. Another eventful induction! All was going brilliantly. The pessary worked, didn't need drip. I dilated quite quickly to 9cm. Then baby's heart rate kept dropping. My cervix was swollen. Had to have EMCS! And, the contractions...... OMG. No more kids for me! X


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