May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Congratulations, what a cutie :)

Dovekie hope things are ok with you and that you aren't waiting too much longer.
Thanks Snowbee. They certainly aren't Ery.

Betty, what actually happened? Were you induced or natural labour? Did you go on the drip? Then C section.
Aw congratulations betty! What a beautiful wee girl :) Sorry things didn't go to plan, I hope you are okay and recover quickly! Xx
congratulations betty i bet your glad its over and shes here safe. hope your both doing okay! shes beautiful xx
So, after consultation I have a scan on Friday to check placenta function. Then I guess I must make a decision about what to do. She said I can have an induction any day, or c section any day except at the weekend (so I might have to wait until Monday for that). It's so difficult to decide what to do, and so worrying that something might happen to baby before then :(
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Hi ladies so how are all your little beauties doing? My HV came yesterday to weigh Teddy he was exactly 5 weeks yesterday and he weighs a whopping 11lbs1oz now bless my little chunk :) xxxx


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Congrats Betty! Sorry for all the difficulties, I can relate, but all that matters is that she arrived safely and you two are doing well. So happy for you! Beautiful girl with a beautiful name!
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Wow becsy he is a chunky hunk! My little dude is 5 weeks today, he is being weighed next week, he isn't as big as that though I'm sure.
aw becsy hes gorgeous :) and a good weight too! aria feels loads heavier now but she was only 7lb 15 on tuesday lol
Thanks Snowbee. They certainly aren't Ery.

Betty, what actually happened? Were you induced or natural labour? Did you go on the drip? Then C section.

How are you getting on? Do we have a baby yet? Maybe sometime soon I might explain but I'm still very ill in hospital and don't really have the energy to explain. But to answer your questions yes to all of the above!!! Xx
Thanks Snowbee. They certainly aren't Ery.

Betty, what actually happened? Were you induced or natural labour? Did you go on the drip? Then C section.

How are you getting on? Do we have a baby yet? Maybe sometime soon I might explain but I'm still very ill in hospital and don't really have the energy to explain. But to answer your questions yes to all of the above!!! Xx

Aw, I hope you're well again soon. No baby here yet. I had a sweep yesterday and booked in for an induction on Tuesday at 40+13. I'm still torn between whether to have that (which they'd probably start with ARM), or go straight for a c section! Really torn! X
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It's a hard choice x I wish I had a c-section over my labour. But I'm not sure if my post recovery would have been more traumatic after a section.
Aw, I hope you're well again soon. No baby here yet. I had a sweep yesterday and booked in for an induction on Tuesday at 40+13. I'm still torn between whether to have that (which they'd probably start with ARM), or go straight for a c section! Really torn! X

It's a tough choice. I guess it depends are how important it is for you to at least try for a vaginal birth. I really hated the induction. My cervix was high and posterior, so the exams hurt like hell. Not to mention it's the exam followed by the insertion of the pessary or gel. The pessary was very unpleasant as it makes the area all swollen and sensitive. After the first gel, I knew that if the second dose didn't work that there was no way I was doing that again. I was demanding a c-section. I convinced myself that the second one wasn't going to work, so I came to terms with having a section then. Although I was trying to remain hopeful after my waters broke. But it was still very slow after that, even with the drip. I was glad I went for the epidural as I couldn't feel the regular exams anymore and my contractions started to get really strong and came really quickly, even though my progress was slow. At 2cm I'd have 3 contractions overlapping, not to painful then, but uncomfortable. It took awhile to get the epidural in because of them. Then with the epidural, it started to fade on my left side so I could feel the contractions, not full strength, but they were still so much worse than when I made my way to the labor ward. Thankfully turning onto my let side and getting a top of of meds rectified that quickly.

Do keep in mind that intervention is more common when labour is induced, be it forceps or a section. And a planned section usually means an easier recovery, and I think that it's because you're body wasn't put through the ringer beforehand and you aren't so exhausted. I was exhausted as I had been awake for for more than 36 hours (and didn't sleep much during the induction as I was uncomfortable) and hadn't eaten anything in more than 24 hours by the time he was born. With the epidural and the possibility of a c-section, they wouldn't let me eat, so it was a mixture of water and lucozade sport (something I never really drink, but at least it had some calories).

It's not an easy decision, but I do know that if I got pregnant again and they wanted to induce me, that I'd request a planned c-section. I think my dw would do the same after watching me go through it all. I think it was more traumatising for her to watch than for me to go through it.

Best of luck!
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Why did you need the EMCS kabuk? Thankfully, it seems I can avoid the pessaries and gel. I had a Bishops score of 6 on Friday - 1cm and soft cervix. I'm worried about the drip though, and what that might lead to.

Had a small amount of mucus plug this morning and a painful night of BH and period like pains low down.
Why did you need the EMCS kabuk? Thankfully, it seems I can avoid the pessaries and gel. I had a Bishops score of 6 on Friday - 1cm and soft cervix. I'm worried about the drip though, and what that might lead to.

Had a small amount of mucus plug this morning and a painful night of BH and period like pains low down.

That's great. Is your cervix low yet? Or is it posterior? If they are going straight to the drip it could be worth trying to go for a vaginal birth, but I would recommend and epidural. I started with a walking one, but as my progression was slow, I opted to change that and go for a catheter as I was thinking a c-section was a big possibility. Other have also recommended an epidural with the drip as it brings on intense contractions quickly. That said, an epidural can also slow down progression.

I had the emcs as he was very high and on his side. They did have a good look to see if they could do an assisted vaginal birth, but they couldn't. It was over 24 hours since my waters broke and I had a fever, so they couldn't give me another hour after reaching 10cm to see if he would descend. I was started on the drip at 2cm, but like I said, my cervix was still high and posterior.

In the end, you need to do what feels right to you. If you really want to try for a vaginal birth, then go for the induction.

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