May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Oh his beautiful, congratulations!

I've been seeing all your beautiful babies arrive and it makes me so excited but soo anxious too - is it normal to feel so scared? lol xxx
Hi everyone hope you are all enjoying your babies :) Teddy has been referred to a specialist at the hospital :( we had his first appointment yesterday. The poor mite is not doing so great bless him he's got silent reflux, severe constipation and a blockage and colic :( he's how a few different medicines daily :( he have movicol once a day to help the movement in his bowels and to soften his poo :( he has ranitidine 3 times a day for his reflux and also omeprazole once a day which is also for his reflux. It's so sad to see him in so much pain all the time the poor thing :( on a plus he's gaining weight nicely he's now 11lbs 8oz and is 6 weeks yesterday. Anyone else had any experience of reflux and the medicines iv mentioned? Xxx

Oh poor little bubs. I hope the meds help him and offer him some relief, it is just awful when they are in pain xx
Congrats dovekie.... sorry it all went tits up at the end though. He's lovely xxxxxxxxx
Congratulations dovekie, sorry yours didn't go to plan either. I know how it feels to have had an emcs! I hope you are recovering a lot better than I did though! I'm only just starting to recover now but normally I think a day or two later and you wont feel so bad xx
Congratulations Dovekie! He is lovely :)

Becsy hope he is feeling better soon.
Oh his beautiful, congratulations!

I've been seeing all your beautiful babies arrive and it makes me so excited but soo anxious too - is it normal to feel so scared? lol xxx

Thanks :) what are you scared about? The birth? The responsibility of a baby? Both?! They are both scary!
Oh his beautiful, congratulations!

I've been seeing all your beautiful babies arrive and it makes me so excited but soo anxious too - is it normal to feel so scared? lol xxx

Thanks :) what are you scared about? The birth? The responsibility of a baby? Both?! They are both scary!

Your right they are both scary!! Lol I think for now I'm more scared of the birth! Hope your recovering well and enjoying those cuddles! xx
It's totally normal to feel worried hun.

Just go into it with an open mind and do what you need to.

Yea nerves are normal x I was so scared begin ny son I wrote down all my banking filing systems etc just in case!

Dovekie! Congratulations ending the may mummies the way it's been all along with an eventful time! He's lovely though well done mummy!

Becsybabe my son had gastric reflux which is similar his just was far from silent! It was projectile across the room! He had omeprezole and gaviscon for his. With infacol to settle his wind. The omeprezole was interesting it tasted bad way hard to get it down him and stained his clothes but it did the trick ish... we ended up having to start weeing at around 3 or 4 months with baby ruce to get something thicker in his belly that's when we noticed the biggest improvement
Congrats all on the arrival of the May babies, most seem to have made fairly dramatic entrances in the end but hoping all mums and babies are doing well.
I am still one handed and trapped on the sofa...think I am starting to accept it as the norm!
Ayda still seems colicky or just generally unsettled, am trying the medicine but am unsure if its effective or even if that's the issue in the 1st place.
Think am struggling a bit tbh, over emotional and def grieving the end of my 1st and last pregnancy, hoping things pass as spending time being sad about whats passed means I am not cherishing the present :(
I am allowed to drive again this weekend so maybe that will help?
So pleased your babies are here Dovekie and Betty, but sorry it did not go the way you wanted, hoping your both doing well and have speedy post op recoveries. x
Congrats, Dovekie! He's a cutie. Take it easy and hope recovery goes smoothly.

Wow! Can't believe they're all here. It's been eventual.
The end of an era! Buy onto the next step of our lives! Also loving the 4 letter girl named beginning and ending in A lol Aria Ayda and Anya!
Just had a look at the front page. I knew the 13th was eventual, but wow, 6 of us welcomed our little ones on that day. What a crazy day.

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