May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Aww leigh, totally understand why you feel like that! The main thing is he is okay. It's not your fault there is a problem with the placenta so don't blame yourself. It's just one of those things and the main thing is that it has been spotted and they will monitor you and baby so closely to make sure you are both safe. Big hugs to you lovely, it must be incredibly hard being told that but just try and concentrate on looking after yourself and bubs. Fingers crossed he keeps growing and your placenta keeps doing it's job for a good few weeks! Xx
im terrified and just keep crying - i hope its an anomaly with the scan

i just want him here safe and sound - the consultant did everything to reassure me yesterday but im such a dweller.

i just hope he is getting what he needs to grow and be healthy. nothing but worry.

just feel i should do better and im failing him already :( xxx
i wish they hadnt told me and just told me to keep an eye on his movements and come back in a week. xxx
Glad baby was ok leigh its not your fault at all but they will keep an extra eye on you now to make sure nothing bad happens! Hope next week comes quick for you we were all worried.

I want a newborn sling not sure what one to get though? Wont have to use the pram all the time then lol

Ive got an avent steriliser microwave one but bought tommee tippee bottles as i prefer them lol
Glad the baby is growing and okay. Hopefully this week will fly by for you, Leigh. Every little thing makes us worry, especially when we can't see what's going on. It's scary waiting for our little ones to arrive. It's hard to place out trust completely in the doctors and mws, but ou have to try and remember that they wouldn't have sent you home if they had immediate concerns. But I can relate- all the little things that have been flagged up throughout my pregnancy were nerve racking, but the consultants were alway reassuring that they were performing test and scans as a caution rather than as a concern and everything has always turned out okay. Hopefully our little boy will be perfectly healthy what he is born (and not too big). Hang in there and remember tracking movement is down to what is normal for you and your little one, not what's normal for someone else.

I have a wrap that I was give for a sling, which I'll try early on. My sister is send her spare carrier, the ergobaby, over with my aunt, so I'll have that. I just need to buy the infant insert to go with it. I'll probably buy the weather protector as well.
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You're not alone Leigh, we're all thinking of you! And we all know how worrying it can be at times (most of the time!). If you need to talk, get in touch. I think your baby will be fine - you just need some extra monitoring, and it is definitely not your fault. I have been crying randomly over the last few days because I'm worried my mental health will have affected my baby. Not just physically, although I feel convinced that he'll arrive early, but mentally. And it's not something I'll discover immediately. The thought that I might have harmed him and could have avoided it really breaks my heart, and I worry how I'd cope looking after a child with those problems (autism, etc.). Especially if I do end up alone.

Does anyone get pains around the belly button area? I think my placenta might be around there, according to my notes.

I have some wrap/slings that were given to me. They look confusing! I also have a carrier that was given to me, which I'll not be able to use until he's around a year old. My friend had a good sling with straps. I'm going to try to find one of those, but there's also the sling library.
i wish they hadnt told me and just told me to keep an eye on his movements and come back in a week. xxx

Hey Hun I blamed myself for Harrison but as my hubby said the placenta is part of them, it's not you that has caused this it's part of him and placenta issues are very common but also treatable, scanning you in a week will catch any issues, I understand when they say watch your movements is scary but they have to say that to cover themselves. He may not go full term but he is a good weight for his age so therefore your placenta has been working well. I remember feeling the same when they told me about the notching which is reduced blood flow from my uterus to the placenta but she is still growing well and they assure me weekly Doppler checks will pick up any issues so please try not to worry too much xx thinking of u and if worried just ring them, you could just go in for a CTG if u are worried between now and then xx if there are any probs it will show on that xx

Big hugs xx
thank you so much for all your support, feel like i have a ticking time bomb in my tummy.

the consultant did say - if she was worried i wouldn't have been leaving the hospital yesterday- i just need to relax and try and go with it.

i have never been worried about his movements he has busy days and quiet days but now i feel ill be extra sensitive to them, already writing down when ive had a movement.

i dont think my anxiety helps things either with worry!

i also have those concerns Dovekie, that i will pass on my silly mind.
i wish they hadnt told me and just told me to keep an eye on his movements and come back in a week. xxx

Hey Hun I blamed myself for Harrison but as my hubby said the placenta is part of them, it's not you that has caused this it's part of him and placenta issues are very common but also treatable, scanning you in a week will catch any issues, I understand when they say watch your movements is scary but they have to say that to cover themselves. He may not go full term but he is a good weight for his age so therefore your placenta has been working well. I remember feeling the same when they told me about the notching which is reduced blood flow from my uterus to the placenta but she is still growing well and they assure me weekly Doppler checks will pick up any issues so please try not to worry too much xx thinking of u and if worried just ring them, you could just go in for a CTG if u are worried between now and then xx if there are any probs it will show on that xx

Big hugs xx

thank you Lou, when you lost Harrison, did you know about your placenta issue?

sorry if i upset you im just trying to gain some belief and hope.

thank you so much xxxx
Just saw the consultant midwife at the hospital and shes made me want to carry on trying for a vbac. Id had enough im in so much pain i just wanted her out early but she said they can book a section for 41 weeks which gives extra week to go into labour on my own because im not sure i would want to be induced
Leigh, any issues with the placenta are not your fault. Like they said, they would keep you in if they were worried and they will not take risks. If you feel anxious at all then call in and explain, I am sure they will put you on monitor for reassurance.

I have the tommee tippee steraliser and I have a baby carrier that someone gave to me. I don't know if I will use it as I am scared of falling over whilst baby is in it. Not that I fall over on a regular basis, just a fear I have. It would be handy for when I walk dog though xx
you just look for answers when something worrying happens. counting down till next wednesday!

i was after a sling but my OH wont let me due to if i fall over as well - i cant even remember the last time i fell over!!

i was like how am i meant to walk the dog and he said take the pram - im not pushing a pram across the beach! xx
I fell carrying my wee boy when he was a few months off 2 years old, but I literally had him on my hip going from the car to someones house! Can happen with or without a sling so unless you are prone to falls I would get one if you think you need it! When I fell with my son I completely instinctively manouvered my body to protect him. I really bruised my knees and knocked my pelvis out and had months of physio, grazed my hand where I'd moved it to behind his head - but there wasn't a mark on him and he cried for about a 30 seconds with the shock. Ruined my best leggings too haha x
i wish they hadnt told me and just told me to keep an eye on his movements and come back in a week. xxx

Hey Hun I blamed myself for Harrison but as my hubby said the placenta is part of them, it's not you that has caused this it's part of him and placenta issues are very common but also treatable, scanning you in a week will catch any issues, I understand when they say watch your movements is scary but they have to say that to cover themselves. He may not go full term but he is a good weight for his age so therefore your placenta has been working well. I remember feeling the same when they told me about the notching which is reduced blood flow from my uterus to the placenta but she is still growing well and they assure me weekly Doppler checks will pick up any issues so please try not to worry too much xx thinking of u and if worried just ring them, you could just go in for a CTG if u are worried between now and then xx if there are any probs it will show on that xx

Big hugs xx

thank you Lou, when you lost Harrison, did you know about your placenta issue?

sorry if i upset you im just trying to gain some belief and hope.

thank you so much xxxx

No it's fine Hun xx no I had no idea until his post mortem results :( if I had had extra scans it would have been picked up and he would still be here today. The fact they have picked it up means he will be fine as they will monitor u closely and get him out in time. It takes time for it to affect the baby, it happens slowly overtime so scanning u in a week means they will catch it before it starts to badly affect him xx
thank you for telling me Lou, i really appreciate it, and gives me that hope i need. its such a massive worry. everything ive read says they try and get you to 36 weeks if the placenta allows, its only 5 weeks away eek.

i think im more scared than anything even tho the consultant did inform me it wouldnt just stop it would gradually fail and weekly monitoring will pick up the signs, slow growth, less fluid etc. i just have to believe and listen to my instincts

thank you so much for your reassurance xxx
Hi hun my placenta failed at 37 weeks with my eldest luckily they picked it up through scans and as he was breech anyway i had a planned c section at 37 weeks. Id lost the fluid around him aswell and he had stopped growing so he was only 5lb when he was born but he was perfectly healthy apart from he had problems keeping his body temp up but after a night in hospital we were allowed home the next day
Hi Nikki, thank you for the reassurance. i think i have been very lucky for them to have picked it up so soon, so if i need steroids to make him grow etc i have time.

thats such a relief to read. just going to take each day as it comes and prey for wednesday - hoping it wont have failed anymore or anymore calcification's on my placenta.

i have my 4d scan on wednesday night too, he may be here by then if they decide wednesday morning! xx
its very quiet on here today lol. we finally bought our 7 seater today :) well its for me for ny childminding and for when we have all 4 kids lol oh is getting a nice brand new astra! alright for some lol
So glad they found it eatly leigh and you're being well looked after.

Lol I'd prefer the 7 seater I love big cars :) my car now has new tyres after the screw incident a £300 unexpected bill. My car is a high maintenance lady! But we we'll get there only 2 months of big bills left now and the house is done..... and we fill it with baby crap. I think we are easily on 50+ bags of rubbish to the tip and two carpets on top of that. And the garage is loaded with tip stuff ready to take. Maybe my car self inflicted the screw injury as she's sick of going to the tip!
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ery that sounds like me when we moved lol i did so many trips to the tip! still got loads more stuff to take aswell that i havent got round to doing yet

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