Here's a photo I'm glad I've given her something to do whilst waiting for treatment wis she didn't need it at all though but its do much prettier than I expected!
I've packed two - one for baby and one for me and hubby. I've not quote finished mine yet but once I have if there's room for all of babies stuff in there too, then I'll pop it all in together as the less there is to carry and remember the better!
Last time I had it all in one large holdall type bag mine on one side babies on another and snacks etc in various stash pockets.... so it could direct hubby at certain points or else it would have been raided within the first 15 mins of arriving lol.
I've thrown a nighty towards a holdall and that's as far as my bag packing has got lol
Just a clean t shirt, phone charger, drinks, snacks and a book is all that's on the list. Just a few bits so he can be fed, fresh and occupied if needs be! I've also started collecting change for parking too.
so lovely to read all your comments over the weekend.
id be quite happy if baby stays put for another 4 weeks please haha - we still need to move argh!!
i love that blanket Ery, i never looked at pink when i found out i was pregnant now its all i can look at! boys can wear pink right??
i collected a few bits for my hospital bag and got the car seat out ready just incase. hoping im wrong and everything looks good on wednesday
he was so active thursday and friday then quiet over the weekend and today so far, ive felt him just not as much. i have the midwife at 2pm so ill make sure everything is okay
That's helpful Emily. Thanks, I will do the same for my OH minus the book as he hates reading (unless it's a car mag). Does your hospital offer special parking? I didn't realise until recently that when in labour we can get a day permit to park in staff area so that we don't have to worry.
Leigh, please don't delay if you have reduced movements, it's best to get checked asap rather than leaving it. Even for peace of mind as it's worrying and stressful when they don't move as much xx
ive packed 2. still got to put few last bits in mine like dressing gown, slippers etc last minute lol ive just packed a change of clothes and ill put snacks and drinks in for oh and like his toothbrush etc
Aww, the blanket is beautiful. That reminds me that I should get cracking with mine (which is a bit unconventional). I won't use it until he's one but something tells me I won't get much done over that year!
I've got two bags so far. Baby's is packed. Just mine to go but I'm struggling to know what to put in and when. I might pack new wash stuff so I don't have to pack that last minute. I don't know what I'd wear in a birthing pool??
I started knitting a blanket when I fell pregnant. I might have it finished by the time she starts school!! Lmao! Just not got the inclination to do it! That's a lovely blanket dovekie, I really like the colour!
I'm going to get completely finished and ready this week and then relax. Well relax-ish as it's half term so my son is home!
My freezer is stocked - in fact I can't actually fit anything else in it! Need to sort out a birthing outfit, pack an overnight bag for my son, finish organising the nursery, put the isofix base in the car and then I'm done. I think?! Brain is like a sieve at the moment so I need to check my list!
I love the blankets ladies. I knitted one for my son but didn't think I'd have the time this time.
I have got a cardigan I started knitting for my niece 2 yrs ago! If I get any time over the next few weeks I might pick that up again, although I'm not sure who for. It's pink so if I have a girl I can keep it!
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