morning girls!
baby is now weighing 3lb2 - everything looked good except i have calcification's on my placenta and the blood flow to baby is a little low - im terrified!
they said all the other tests where fine with baby, hes grown enough, fluid was fine etc everything else was perfect so they are now sure if the test was an anomaly as he had the cord between his legs. i have to go back for another scan next week to check. they werent worried but i cant help but worry. Midwife told me the placenta wont just fail suddenly it will be gradual and they will catch it within a week of scanning. she said if they were concerned they would have taken baby out there and then - she has told me any concerns to get seen straight away.
also i had an internal as i was bleeding and they found something on my cervix which they want to biopsy, it may be my ectropion which has evaloved, its not harming baby as its on the outside so i have to go back for this also.
i dont think ill go full term, and i cant help but blame myself about the placenta.
i just need to keep busy till next wednesday - i just keep crying at a drop of a hat. just wanted everything to be so perfect.
i just keep googling everything, i wish they had delivered him yesterday as my placenta is at the front so it cushions his movements anyway.
im terrified and alone