May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Really can't get comfy tonight!

If I sit one way I can't breathe and the other way gives me raging back ache! Might just have to throw in the towel and go to bed! Which will only be marginally more comfortable! Lol!

Ahh I sooo want to go to bed. I'm exhausted but waiting on dinner still. Not sure I even have energy to eat. I actually feel a lot like I did about 8 weeks pregnant. Exhausted, nauseous and very emotional. Except now I'm bloody uncomfortable too :( x
I feel like that too. I feel sick again, hungry but cant eat much, like i could sleep for a week, hormonal lol
I'm so hungry! We are supposed to be going out for tea but my oh isn't back from work yet and they stop food at 9 so he is cutting it fine!
I can't get comfy either but it's a pain in my side. I think she has her feet digging into my side because every so often something pops out a bit just where I have to pain. A long soak in the bath will help I think and might get her to move xx
Cant believe your 35 weeks tomorrow lisey. Are you having baby early?

On saturday we will be able to say were having babies next month :)
I know. It's mad isn't it.
Not as far as I know :shock: she is head down now so no need for early c section which is good. I hope she stays put for a little while as everything is all over the place still. I have boxes everywhere and I don't know what's in any of them!

I wonder how many of us will end up being April Mummies? I have a feeling I will be but who knows xx
My sickness never stopped but it has got a little worse again recently. I'm very tired too. And hormonal! I feel like it's all a bit much for me emotionally!
My house has a new carpet but now everything is everywhere and it's now a case of why do why have so much crap! !!!
I really need to get my tyre fixed too :(
Yeah I hope Leigh is ok, my legs are driving me mad, how are u meant to get good sleep before baby comes with such aches and pains!

What sterilisers have people got? Anyone got the Phillips avent 3 in 1 steriliser?

Has anyone bought any baby carriers or slings suitable for newborns?
Still no word from Leigh? Hope she is ok.

We aren't getting a steriliser, I'm using Milton as I don't have room for the extra stuff in my kitchen and I've got milton already and use it for other stuff too. Plus I'm hoping to breast feed mainly so it shouldn't be too much of a faff.

Iwould really like to try a sling but there are so so many different ones. I've seen in the next town there is a meet up and try group so I'm going to hold off buying one until I can get there and actually try some out.
If you live near a sling library lou I would just wait and try some. Ive got two, one is a woven wrap that ny friend has lent me, not sure on the name, and another is a stretchy wrap which I think will be easier when they're really tiny but I live like 70 miles from the nearest sling library so I've just had to take a punt! I had like a buckle carrier with my other two and I hardly used it because it put way too much pressure on my chest and I couldn't breathe (I have asthma). Hoping the way the wraps spread the weight won't put so much pressure on that area, plus there are different ways to tie them which might be better.

Really hope leigh is ok! Xx
morning girls!

baby is now weighing 3lb2 - everything looked good except i have calcification's on my placenta and the blood flow to baby is a little low - im terrified!

they said all the other tests where fine with baby, hes grown enough, fluid was fine etc everything else was perfect so they are now sure if the test was an anomaly as he had the cord between his legs. i have to go back for another scan next week to check. they werent worried but i cant help but worry. Midwife told me the placenta wont just fail suddenly it will be gradual and they will catch it within a week of scanning. she said if they were concerned they would have taken baby out there and then - she has told me any concerns to get seen straight away.

also i had an internal as i was bleeding and they found something on my cervix which they want to biopsy, it may be my ectropion which has evaloved, its not harming baby as its on the outside so i have to go back for this also.

i dont think ill go full term, and i cant help but blame myself about the placenta.

i just need to keep busy till next wednesday - i just keep crying at a drop of a hat. just wanted everything to be so perfect.

i just keep googling everything, i wish they had delivered him yesterday as my placenta is at the front so it cushions his movements anyway.

im terrified and alone

I think I may end up with a wrap or a sling this time round, bit we've got a sling library in town so I can pop in and try some thankfully.

I think it'll be handy to have one as I'll need to be dealing with Cam etc and can have my hands free.

Hope Leigh is OK and just too busy to update us.

Big hugs leigh. It isn't your fault at all, don't blame yourself and they sound like they are looking after you well. I hope time flies past to your scan next week and that all is well there.
Leigh! Don't feel bad about your placenta!! How on earth is that your fault?! There is so much that is out of our control when it comes to pregnancy.

If you feel at all worried about his movement etc then go in for monitoring, especially if you know that there may be an issue there.

Big hugs sweetheart.


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