Nikki we said we would go somewhere about 1.5-2 hours away, but in the direction of our hospital which is a good 45 mins from us. Not really planning on doing much, just a change of scene and mooch about the odd tourist attraction and eat out.
I love jaffa cakes, I'll stock up (well I'll try not to eat them beforehand). I'm going to take something salty, peanuts and crisps maybe, as if it is hot I'll need salt to rehydrate. I'm also going to take some fruit as I've been mad for fruit lately, if that changes to something else I'll add whatever that is in too.
I'm not getting a steriliser, I'm going to use milton, which I have in anyway. Will plan on sterilising that way even if I can't breast feed, unless it is really inconvenient and then I can reassess. I don't see the point in buying stuff just in case, I'll get by until I can get what I need. I don't have a monitor either and I'm not sure if we need one to begin with as baby will be in with us (well that is the theory). Again I can always online shop if needed with next day delivery! I have bought a breast pump, just a cheapish electric one in the sales to see how it goes as I would really like to express so my husband can also feed in the evenings. I hadn't thought about warming up expressed milk, something else to consider!
My midwife appointment was good, all is well. My 34 week bloods are all perfect. Growth scan next week and midwife again in two weeks. She asked me if I had started packing my hospital bag, I said I can't until the builders go and I can get to things! So baby been told to stay put for a while yet.
Wow Lou three weeks! Exciting times