May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I'm feeling so uncomfortable today.

My back aches, I've had lots of braxton Hicks and the low down pains and I feel really agitated and easily annoyed! So ready for her to come now!

And I think I may have started to waddle!

Wow only just started to wobble? Ive had a good waddle on for weeks now I could give leanne Battersby a run for her money!

Thanks for the comments it was lovely except the catering lady dropped a knife on my toe and didn't even apologise!!!

Wearing heels was bloody hard work too!

I never got a show with my son either I think I've been slowly losing my plug for a bit now. People have bets on me at work now as to when I'll go in to labour lol everyday I turn up to work I see certain people with dissapointed faces as they have lost the bet lol
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Nikki - no, no signs yet. The other week I was getting bh and back ache but it's all died down now.
I've accepted that nothings likely to happen before May.

I was reading that even with second babies it's more likely you'll go into labour after your due date than before it.

I'm ready whenever little one decides to come though!
I had a show after my sweep with my son, its was horrific lol. I was quite shocked. I will be more prepared this time, I haven't had any of my show at all yet.
I have decided that if they decide not to induce at 40 weeks, I am going for some acupuncture sessions to try and get things going. I saw a woman today who is a doula (I know her through dog walks) and she was saying to do some squats with one foot up on steps, I would probably fall over and break my leg knowing my luck xx
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Hahaha just butting in here but your comment came up on my unread section on tapatalk lisey and just had to say I got such a fright with my show too!!! They're awful aren't they lmao xx

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Hahaha just butting in here but your comment came up on my unread section on tapatalk lisey and just had to say I got such a fright with my show too!!! They're awful aren't they lmao xx

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Lol. I was warned but I was prepared for it lol xx
The midwife told us if I wanted to increase the chance of going naturally before induction the best thing was lots of semen up by the cervix. Apparently it is an artificial version of the same thing they use as the pessary.
The midwife told us if I wanted to increase the chance of going naturally before induction the best thing was lots of semen up by the cervix. Apparently it is an artificial version of the same thing they use as the pessary.

My OH said no lol. I don't think I would be able to anyway, I feel very tender, think it would hurt too much xx
It helped me snowbee defo! Before my induction I was in slow labour. It went on for a couple days on/off and I had progressed a good couple centimetres by the time of induction. Some of them got really regular and intense. Lol I dtd 3 times in 2 hours though like a crazy person as I read online that it needed to be a high amount of sperm ha ha ha xx

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Geez that's a lot lol don't think I have the stamina for that lol
I immediately started getting contractions after sex with my second. Only had to do it the once too haha xx
I wouldn't even want to do it 3 times in 2 days, nevermind 2 hours!! He wouldn't anyway though.
I am so ready for this baby now, I am utterly miserable today, the skin at the top of my bump is excruciatingly painful, like it's on fire and when I bend over and kneel down for anything the pressure is so uncomfortable. COME OUT BABY!!! xx
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My back is killing me today and the shower has broken again! :cry: Going to have to get a new one for sure! Hopefully the guy can sort it nice and quickly for us! I need a shower! I will die without one! Literally die!!!

Oh I meant 12 hours not 2 lmao just realised I wrote 2 !!! Hahahahaha xxx

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Haha 12 hours is more... reasonable still a lot if effort though lol.
My foof feels bruised today. I'm so ready for her to be here now. I need some sleep suits though. I still predict may 21st though. Although my dream lat night was April 30th. I hope we get to may at least!
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im going to dtd tonight lol if my spd can manage it! just want her to come now im so fed up

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