May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy 37 weeks x

I'm having lots of naughty dreams but not much actual action I'll turn and put in a bit more effort after we've had a chance to see Guardians of the galaxy lol
My pgp is playing up a bit had to get a taxi to work best £4 I spent this week lol I feel so sorry for you feeling the qay you do for so long I hope the key you have her next week..... or she decidea to come naturally sooner!
Happy 37 weeks nikki. Hope you get some good news from the consultant. What time is your appointment?

I'm being kept awake with period type cramps - I'm assuming this is normal as in no way are they too painful or regular. I've got a consultant appointment tomorrow and I'll know whether we are still dealing with a breech baby, I literally have no idea anymore! Baby seems to punch or kick me so hard in the evenings down low I literally shout out and keep annoying oh! I've had a leg or arm in my ribs and stomach at the same time too. Fingers crossed it's the right way round! Xx
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lets hope so my friends given me some crutches now so ill try and use them.

i cant afford to get taxis everyday otherwise id do that lol i dread leaving my house at the moment!

its at 11:30 betty so at least its an earlier one tomorrow
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wonder how becsy is getting on with her induction
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I'm sure we will all be waiting with baited breath to hear the outcome! If they move it forward a week you will probably be next :O xx
wonder how becsy is getting on with her induction

Good point that's today isn't it?! I guess she is next then you maybe...although I had a dream where Lisey was next then peebles then you but for your sake I think you need to bump the cue!!! Xx
lol i was thinking the same order! but yeah im hoping she puts it forward a week then ill be 38+3 or if nothing else gives me stronger painkillers to get through the next 2 weeks!

i will update you all as soon as i can lol
morning Girls!!

very disappointing to see none of you have popped yet!!

my friend finally gave birth early hours of this morning, she has a huge infection tho and baby is fine and dandy weighing 6lb11oz and a half at 4 weeks early!

Ery, dont be saying that - i have packed my bag ready tho as i had the worst BH ive ever felt on saturday night, the OH whisked me away to a 4 star hotel in the lakes and made me walk half way round the lake! haha i managed and was completely fine until the evening hit!

Midwife today for a check up, Growth scan on Wednesday and then the Health visitor is coming out on Thursday

im not struggling too much right now just the constant foot under my rib and his rolls hurt me when he moves, other than that im doing well, period pains on a morning with back ache but i think its due to sleeping on my back, no matter what i do i wake up flat on my back xx
wow that was a good weight for 4 weeks early! sounds like she had a horrible long labour tho!

im currently drowning my sorrows of pains by eating easter eggs lol
very good weight, shes shattered bless her and has to be in hospital the rest of the week due to her infection.

ive already ate a bar of chocolate this morning on my drive into work!! haha so healthy xx
Happy 37 weeks nikki!

I've taken the yoga ball from the sports cupboard and sitting on that now. I'm going to use anything at my disposal to help. Not sure it can help bring on labour, but it's been helpful with my back.

Something decided to have a nibble on me the other night. I have to massive bites on my leg. I hate how my body reacts to them. They are always massive, red, itchy and swollen. As if I need any help with the swelling at this stage.

I bought some Burts Bees limp balm and hand cream to add to my hospital bag. Only thing missing now are disposable nappy bags, which I completely forgot to get.
Happy 37 weeks nikki!

I pushed my son's buggy up a massive hill yesterday and was so achey down there last night but nothing happening. Midwives arrive on island today though so operation eviction can begin starting with lots of dtd!! Don't feel like it in the slightest but really need baby out now!

I've spent the morning cleaning my fridge since the midwives will keep their drugs in there. Thought I'd better get it pristine!

It's been sleeting and hailing loads today! Hope we're not gonna get a freak snowstorm. End of April last year we had loads of snow dumped one morning! Was very random! Xx
its just pouring with rain here. yesterday was lovely and today is awful and wet and cold lol hate it when the weather keeps Changing. ive got a massive pile of washing to get through aswell
happy 27 weeks nikki!

pouring down here after a lovely weekend, but im not bothered as im stuck in the office lol x
I really want this baby to come. I feel agitated too, I think it's the lack of sleep and constantly feeling uncomfortable. The carpal tunnel is actually driving me mad too, my fingers have constant pins and needles, sometimes I can't even grip things. I hope it resolves quickly after she's born.
I had period cramps and pains in bed last night, a little more intense than they have been, I was hoping I would wake in pain, nope!! I feel periody but that's it xx
the waiting is horrible once you get to this point isnt it. think were all getting a bit fed up and impatient now. every night im hoping something will happen and it doesn't
Definitely, time has flown since Christmas and now it feels like it's standing still xx
I really hope things happen in the evening for me and not when I'm at work. If I could afford to, I'd start my mat leave now or at least at the end of the week. I'm not nearly as effecient and focused as usual.
im hoping things start in the evening aswell if i beat my c section date. going into labour with 2 kids here and oh at work would not be fun lol

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