May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy birthday, Dove. Alnwick sounds lovely.

My little monkey seems to have a very prominent booty that he loves to wiggle and push into my ribs. That was how I knew he was head down- there was no way to mistake what that was pushing up int my ribs and occasionally stretching my belly out as well. He's been wriggling away this morning. Think he's happy now that I've eaten, much calmer.
Happy birthday dovekie, hope you have an amazing day xx
I don't think my OH understood the importance of changes in movements either until he was reading it all over the hospital yesterday xx
I've had so many people say to me that they slow down movements at the end (mostly the older generation) and I've just said well they shouldn't stop or slow down but the type of movements will change as they get bigger and just left it at that.

Feeling tired and hungry today and really ready to snuggle my little bubba!!

Happy birthday dovekie, have a lovely day xx

Lisey I'm so glad everything is OK xx

I was getting lots of braxton hicks and cramps yesterday and so many really painful movements down low, hope this all means baby is getting into the right position :) xx
It did for me! I was getting really low down pains and at my next MW appt she said she was 2/5 engaged. Been having a few period type pains this morning, lower back ache, braxton hicks and low down pains when she's moving so things are certainly heading in the right direction. I still reckon she'll be late though! Lol!

I reckon you'll be soon Emily! Sounds like she is ready and so are you so I don't think it will be long at all! Xx
I think because I've been so organised and I'm just sort of twiddling my thumbs, she'll be late and I'll be bored out of my mind!

I think things are certainly heading in the right direction but I can't see her arriving any time soon! If she wanted to come today then that would be fine with me but I reckon she's comfy where she is!

I however am not comfy! TMI keep feeling like I need to poop but I don't/can't!

happy birthday dovekie!

me and oh went for dinner last night i fell asleep at 10pm lol then been at a birthday party with my youngest today. going to try and paint the fence in the garden today
Emily, I have had that on and off too. Had some more tightenings today. OH thanks she will come soonish, I am not sure xx
Here's my naked bumpy from yesterday at 37+5...

Have been told on the space of a matter of days that I look ready to pop and had someone surprised that I only had just over two weeks to go! Just goes to show that gauging bump size is just a matter of personal opinion!



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Aye lol. It really annoyed me at the start people comments on my bump now as long as they keep their hands to themselves I don't mind at all lol I forgot your take my naked bump pic! I'll do one tomorrow lol. I'm in the bath now but I can't get all my bump in the water lol ita like I have an island ill miss heing pregnant. I won't miss the heartburn the inability to walk without having to stop and catch my breath not being able to roll over in bed or these heart pills that taste like a cats arse!
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I'm so over having heartburn! It's horrendous sometimes! I can literally feel it all running back up my throat as I bend over! Eugh!

I don't have a bath, only a shower which is why I nearly had a heart attack when it stopped working the other day! I was all ready to go and move into my parents house so I could use their bath and shower. Lol!

I've not been able to shower for about 18 months now it still makes me go dizzy and feint. I'm not sure why. It might not do now I'm back on my heart pills but I don't want to risk it.
well i didnt get very far in the garden. after a trip to homebase and tesco i can hardly walk again so going to try and do it tomorrow. my friends bringing her crutches round for me later so im going to try and use those
Aww hun, I'm sorry you're in so much pain :-(

Will it resolve itself right away after baby is born or is it likely to take a while?

with my other 2 it went straight after so hoping its the same this time! just gets worse the more babies i have lol
It must be horrible for you. I'm struggling enough with my back aching so I can't imagine how tough it is for you :-(


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