May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Lol gl. After my foof feeling bruised I've noticed a jelly like glob now the bruising feel's like it's gone down. She's just had a good wriggle but I think she's settling down for the night now :)
Mines been feeling bruised too, ery. And there is a lot of pressure down there- feels like he's settling in very low. Whilst mw said he's engages, he was only a 3/5 on Friday.

Sooooo ready for his arrival. Getting closer on the names too, although my dw just had to throw more into the hat this weekend. Made a post in baby names about it.
Glad your getting closer on names. I replied to your post lol
Baby has been kicking me in the left side for the last 24 hours. I'm guessing that means he's transverse? If he pushed instead of kicked, a bigger lump would pop out on the right.

Walked 8km today, some of it uphill! Knackered!
I get lots of kicks on right side but baby is head down. I always have little feet in my ribs on right side, can be very painful.
I feel bruised too and very tender. These poor foofs lol :lol:
Ery, maybe she is getting ready to arrive rather than settling for the night :shock: xx
I get kicks on both sides :shock: I feel her bum flopping from side to side too lol. The fact I get kicks all over and my size I still sometimes expect two to shoot out of me lol I hope she's not making her arrival just yet lol a few more weeks x
His bum is on the left side and pushing into ribs when he stretches. He's a bum wiggles too. I get the kicks on the right side and knees in my ribs there too. I've been feeling a little more movement now down low as he wriggles in down there.
Can anyone else literally feel them pushing their heads down? I do sometimes, its an odd feeling xx
sometimes it feels like my waters are bulging when she moves really low down its the weirdest feeling!
Yes I get that feel too. Sometimes I can feel her actually turning her head in my pelvis like she's doing a headspin! (I woke myself up by farting really loudly lol)
Just woke up after having a dream Leighs baby boy was born 4 weeks early :p
Haha Ery, I've woken myself up that way a few times.

I just sneezed and got a big kick in the ribs. He didn't like that!
Happy 37 weeks Nikki!

I assume the actual sex isn't required, you could just put the deposit up there for those who aren't feeling it. My husband and I are the only two in work this week so we aren't dtd just in case lol. Will start on Thurs though...

I'm getting kicks on the left, the bum and back are on the right more, baby is head down and I can feel it pressing down randomly when I walk. I was 3/5 last week too kabuck, the midwife did say it makes no difference at all as some don't go down until the last minute and others head down there and then hang about!
sex didnt work for me last night lol will try again next week! bit nervous about seeing this consultant tomorrow
I've lost my libido recently. Should really make more effort, especially if it'll help her come out!!

I'm feeling really short tempered and agitated again today. My back is aching, I've got a bit of periody feeling pain and the low down pains when she's moving especially. I just want her here now and I really hope she's not late!!

Plumber didn't answer when I called so I've just had to leave a message and hope he gets back to me quickly. I need to do a food shop today too so I can't be waiting in all day for him! Pluz I need to have a working shower!!

i dont really feel like it either with my spd im literally just doing it now to try and get her out lol

in so much pain again today im sure driving does it i felt not too bad before i took the kids to school and now i cam barely walk again :( really hope she says i can have her next week

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