May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

yes its her first baby dovekie!

ive sorta given up on myself, OH says i look older - charming as ever! im so spotty and when i wear make up it makes them worse its so strange as i never got spots before i was pregnant now i have loads! yuk!

i try and make an effort on the weekend when we are both off but feels like such a chore lol xx
i managed to help with dinner last night thats as far as i could get :( i normally do all the housework and im a bit ocd so im struggling with the mess lol
I hope you get sorted Nikki that must be really hard! I do all the housework too and I hate mess! It's awful when u are used to being active!

Kabuk I hope u get a scan with a consultant soon xx good they are keeping a close eye on you though and I am sure all will be well, if in doubt they will get baby out x

Keep on having the pains ladies I am eagerly waiting who is next! Xx
Thanks Lou. Hope everything is going well with you.

I made some adjustments to my sleeping arrangement, moving most of my pillows to my feet to keep them elevated at night. It made such a difference. My ankles almost looked normal when I got up this morning. Of course the swelling is back with me being up and around. So glad I also bought one more pair of maternity jeans off ebay. They arrived yesterday and are a size bigger, so much looser and feels great.

After hearing at every previous midwife appointment that I looked small and then surprisingly measured dead one, I'm measuring ahead today, 39wks. Everything else was good. She confirmed that I will now have to go to the labour ward for birth. She was able to check my appointment, so my next scan with consultant is next week on Thursday- if I'm honest, I'm hoping that won't happen and I'll be in the labour ward. Next midwife appointment is the 8th May. Again, hoping not to go that far. If he doesn't arrive on the 27th, then I'm hoping he arrives on the 4th.

Back at work as I have some assessments to do later. I'm just glad it's Friday. Still have to finish unpacking the kitchen and organising the flat. Need to finish that this weekend. Then we'll be booking a regular cleaner to come once a fortnight.
eee look at lou wishing pain on us all :) haha love the pictures of your little doll melts my heart!

Bring the pain on if it means my little one will arrive by the end of next week! ;)
I'm also measuring 39 weeks on the bump kabuk. My growth scan shows slightly under 50th centile with estimated weight of just over 6lbs though. I can have induction from 38 weeks, as per NICE (? I think this is what they said) guidelines for my blood tests earlier on in pregnancy. However as since mine have been normal they have offered me 39 weeks, which I have declined but agreed on 40 week induction if baby isn't here beforehand, which they didn't object to at all so I assume if they really thought 39 weeks was better they would have tried to talk me into it rather than just saying ok to 40. I would ideally like to go naturally before, 1st of May would be good for me, lol if you are listening and feeling cooperative little one! We are booked in anyway so now just wait and see.

The accountants have messed up my maternity, according to them I start tomorrow, whereas it is actually a week tomorrow due to other people being on leave. Not sure how that is going to affect my pay this month, hopefully they will sort it soon as I'm usually paid the first week of the month and not had anything yet because of this!
That's annoying snowbee, hope they sort it for you.

I haven't aged, my skin is actually the best it has ever been, at least that's one thing. I hope it stays xx
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My skin is good too, though to be fair it is usually. What I have really noticed is I've not lost any hair at all, I usually shed quite a bit. Not looking forward to it all falling out and going crappy and thin again afterwards.
I just double checked his estimated weight, and it's worse than I thought- 8.5lbs. Just been messaging my sisters, and it seems big babies are common for us, but not 10lbs babies- but all my nieces and nephews were between 8.5-9.5lbs and 22 inches long.

Snowbee, hope they get your pay sorted. That is never good.
I wonder how accurate they are. I did ask and they said 10-15% either way but will be interesting to see if they are right and how close they are if not. My sister was huge, I think 11lbs. I think my mum said I was 8, I look chubby in my baby photos.

I really need to go food shopping but I really can't be bothered. Debating going tomorrow but haven't been on a Sat for years so no idea how busy it would be. Also debating trying an online shop for some of the bulky items, I might stock up on toilet roll and laundry detergent etc. Would be keener if I could use my usual supermarket but they don't cover my area for delivery.
My son was 9lb 1. I honestly don't think there would be much difference pushing a 9lb baby to a 7lb baby. Try not to worry. I think mine will be 8+. I would rather a bigger baby, not too big but a little chubster xx
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My son easy 7lb 2 the one us estimated 8lb 5 at birth. Both me and oh were 2 weeks late I was 6lb 1 hubby was 6lb 8 I think.

I've been getting more cramps and tightenings but less severe than Wednesday.

Finally finished tidying my bedroom bar one bag of shoes modes basket is up. Need to put laundry away.
Sons room has two new bookcases just need to put the books on them and move the safety gates. And vacuum cleaners.
Anyas room just has a small corner of crap to deal with an the cot putting in there for now it has the pram in it.
I still need to sell my old pram too. Maybe a weeks more work. I think if I could be arsed snd wasn't so pregnant I could do it by the end of sat. But on sat I've got pictures in the day and a formal black tie event in the evening and u have a ballgown to wear :shock: lol
We need ball gown pics :)

I have been getting pains on and off today, mostly when I was walking my dog. They actually made me feel a bit sick. They are not so much now I am home and sitting down but lower back is very dull and achey. My OH said to ring midwife but there is no point, I don't think they are contractions and even if they were they wouldn't want me in until regular anyway.
I am dreading the early labour at home, my son won't understand what is going on and could be quite stressful for him (due to his autism). I am going to have to try and stay upstairs maybe whilst my Mum watches him. In some ways, that's another reason I would prefer the induction xx
I second the ballgown pics!!

I've had a pretty much constant back ache this week, hence the broken shower! Lol!

So ready for her to come now and eagerly awaiting signs of labour. There's none though!

Hehe I had a really pretty one piced out but my tits grew too big lol so I'm on my 2nd choice one its a bit plainer but it's pretty. I'll be sure to get a few pics (as I'll be putting it up on ebay after ice worn it :rofl:)
I can see why it may be stressful for your son lisey. Is there any way you can prepare him at all? I did my whole labour in hospital last time as I went into natural labour ob my induction day.

I hope we all go into natural labour soon (just not at my do tomorrow lol) oh and bar clothes my hospital bag is packed just need to wash clothes dry them and put them in a bag
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A ball gown? What's that? I own next to no dresses and nothing would actually fit. I can't wait to see the professional photos though, as one is me in a wrap, closest to a ball gown I've got.

I was under 8lbs, but I was the only one. My sisters were all over 8lbs and my brother was just under 9lbs. I don't know what the donor was at birth, so at a disadvantage there.

He's been headbutting my cervix all day. Not pleasant. Hurts like hell when I'm up and walking.
I can see why it may be stressful for your son lisey. Is there any way you can prepare him at all? I did my whole labour in hospital last time as I went into natural labour ob my induction day.

I hope we all go into natural labour soon (just not at my do tomorrow lol) oh and bar clothes my hospital bag is packed just need to wash clothes dry them and put them in a bag

We are preparing him for baby but don't know that I can prepare him for labour, if I talk to him about things too early he tends to fixate on it. We will work around it, we always do. If it comes to it we could always go to OHs parents place and go in his old room but obv would rather be in my own house xx
I'm hoping my little lady isn't too big - I'd like her between 6lb and 7lb!

I want her ickle as if she's small it feels like she'll stay smaller for longer iykwim and I want to make the most of the newborn days when she's tiny as they grow waaay too fast for my liking!


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