May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Last time my bump measured the same as the number of weeks the whole time, so fundal height was 42cm at 42 weeks and baby weighed 8lb 2oz.

This time I was measuring 31 at 31wk, 34 at 34wk but then shifted to 35 at 36wk and 37 at 38wk. I'm thinking baby will be at bit over 8lb again, but hopefully they'll arrive earlier! I'm hoping for May the fourth too Kabuk!
We just found out twin peaks is back may 22nd... I may have to make hubby decide between watching the show he's waited 20yrs for and the birth of his child lol
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I wonder how accurate they are. I did ask and they said 10-15% either way but will be interesting to see if they are right and how close they are if not. My sister was huge, I think 11lbs. I think my mum said I was 8, I look chubby in my baby photos.

I really need to go food shopping but I really can't be bothered. Debating going tomorrow but haven't been on a Sat for years so no idea how busy it would be. Also debating trying an online shop for some of the bulky items, I might stock up on toilet roll and laundry detergent etc. Would be keener if I could use my usual supermarket but they don't cover my area for delivery.

Well leora was estimated at 6lb 9oz's at the consultant scan and ended up being just over 5lb's when born so only 9th centile! I think they can be out by as much as 20% each way.

Oh and with the old fiver ceasing to be legal tender from 6th may and the new £1 coin bring launched and that going obsolete in October we decided you count all our money pots... we've got over £100 alway and still got one smallish tub to go.
I am good, really happy just very tired! Little lady is a night owl so I am getting very little sleep! The things I am finding most useful at the moment is my paddle pod, great to take them around with u when needed, or to have them in front of u to sit and stare at!! Also my jolly baby wrap is amazing! Really comfy easy to do and she feels really secure and I can get lots done and she just sleeps! X
Well leora was estimated at 6lb 9oz's at the consultant scan and ended up being just over 5lb's when born so only 9th centile! I think they can be out by as much as 20% each way.


Ooo that's interesting to know!! That's a fair difference really! With my bump measurements with my son he was 30% smaller than they or predicted. I thought the growth scans were much more accurate than that though!
A ball gown? What's that? I own next to no dresses and nothing would actually fit. I can't wait to see the professional photos though, as one is me in a wrap, closest to a ball gown I've got.


I'd love to see your pics too if they aren't too risqué! Lol
I'm annoyed that the new pound hasn't got 2017 on it, I was hoping to keep one for junior to say this was out the year you were born. Nevermind. Will have to look out for any other coin with 2017 on..
There will be 2017 ones. I kept a coin of every denomination for my son's year of birth and I plan to do the same again this time x
I'll share a few pics once we get them, Ery. But that won't be until after he is born.

I'm sure hoping they have overestimated. For my sisters, they had their underestimated. Now that is a scary thought.

It was a painful journey home. Walking between stations was so difficult. He must've been pounding away at my cervix- almost constant pain when standing up. Had to walk super slow.
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I had to go in for monitoring earlier as I was feeling baby but not as much as usual. She woke up after a while and showed lots of movements, I wasn't feeling them all though. The machine picked up a few tightenings but nothing significant.
She said she seems a very happy baby in there which was a relief, it's scary when they are quiet, I tried everything to get her moving beforehand xx
Glad all is okay lisey. Quieter days are always worrisome.
Glad she's all OK hun.

These bubbas do like to key keep us on our toes eh?! Little monkey!

My bump is so itchy tonight :-( I've put some moisturiser on it in the hope that it will help. The thing is, the skin is so stretched and taught I'm worried I'll end up making myself bleed if I scratch it too much!

She was having a right wiggle around earlier. I felt lots of movements of little limbs across my bump and then she made me go all lopsided by sticking her little bum right out!

Glad all I'd OK hun. I thought I was having a very uneventful day today everything seemed normal. Now I've got a huge pressure down below and really intense tummy and back pain. Still don't think I'm near the big event yet but she's letting me know she's fully cooked!
Thanks ladies. The midwife said she is getting ready in there. Hope not waiting too long for the big day xx
Happy birthday Dovekie.

Glad baby was OK lisey. It is scary when they go quiet. I think my OH thinks I'm a bit obsessive about it. I was telling my MIL about my worry when baby seems to go a bit quiet and she said "well they do slow down towards the end". I didn't want to argue with someone who's had 3 kids but she is wrong and it's thinking like that can cause more harm! I know she meant well though.

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