May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

God yeah, I've done my fair share of moans!

Plenty of time for more babies Leigh! :p

Now and again baby does something strange right down in my groin. Seems to be below the bump. I get a combo of pain and discomfort - not nice!
Lovely bumpy hun!!

Not sure I'm brave enough to do a naked bump shot!! I got lots of stretch marks when I was pregnant with Cam and they're kinda purply silver now. My belly button is so far out now too!! Lol!!

aw dovekie i reckon your about the same size as me lol lovely bump :) i dont have many stretch marks yet just a few about my belly button i was quite lucky with the boys aswell i only got a couple by my hips just hope i dont get loads when the belly goes down lol
My belly button still hasn't popped! I thought it would as bump is big. I don't have any stretch marks, I didn't with my son either but I assumed it was my young stretchy skin lol. Didn't think I would get away with it again this time.
Your bump is lovely dovekie xx
Lovely bump dovekie. I'll join you with my 34+6 bump. I still have an innie, no stretchmarks and my piercing is still fine despite how huge I am! Xx


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I've got stretch marks on my thighs and butt not my belly. I don't know why lol. My weight has bounced about so much recently thanks to pregnancits and heart issues. I'm durpriaed u don't have more to get fair.

Yeah it's crazy how it goes boy girl boy girl lol
I'll add a naked bump pic later. Son was so brave at dentist but was screaming on the way there and when the jabs wore off. He complained the most that he had soup for tea as it's not "proper food"

Becsybabe looks like she's next (9th may) she's being induced on Monday I think! She's already 2.5cm!
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Eeek! Another May baby on the way!!! :-)

I want my May baby :brat: lol!!

The skin on my tummy is so stretched and taught and it's really shiny! If I scratch it even gently, I get red marks come up right away and a dog jumped up at me the other day and I got this horrible bruised, blood blistery type line where his nail had scratched me.

so i had a call from a midwife at my hospital shes got me an appointment with a lead consultant on tuesday to review my case
Awwww no Emily that sounds sore!
And yay nikki hopefully you will be soon too!!!
Yeah, it wasn't very nice. It was the other week not the other day so it's all healed now thankfully.

I just don't see how I could get any bigger without actually splitting open sometimes!!Lol!

I really hope she's not late! I just want to give her squishes and cuddles and pat her little bottom for real rather than through my tummy!

thanks girls even if its 38 weeks at least thats not next week but the week after
Just noticed my ticker says 17 days left!!! :shock:

Really hope it's not more than that!

Glad to hear that nikki. Hopefully they will be sympathetic.

So, just had a better look at my notes after having more blood work done. It seems this will be a big baby. His estimate weight is over 8lbs already. Now I've been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios. It's mild as the AFI is 18.9cm (so under 24cm), but the deepest pool is 9.4cm (they like it under 8cm). Additionally, there is a little fluid in his left kidney, something that usually resolves itself after birth. So they are doing aTORCH screening to check for infection. I have to ring back on Sunday to see if they have any results from blood or urinalysis and to get my appt day and time with the consultant. The Polyhydramnios means I'll most likely have to give birth at the hospital instead of the birth centre, so it's sounding like no water birth. This can also cause increased swelling in the lower legs and feet, which increased quite a bit the last two days. Infection or gestational diabetes can cause it, but the cause is often never found.

Ugh. This is why I don't completely look forward to scans. I've had 9 or 10 scans now and only had 2 where everything was good. I just want him out and with me now, please. Unless there are other complications, they'll let labour come on naturally. As his head is well down and his umbilical chord is in a good place, a natural birth is still very much on the cards. I guess I'll find out more next week. I'm going to ask the mw questions about it tomorrow too.

Anyway, at home with my feet up now. At least with a mw appointment tomorrow morning I get to have a bit of a lie in!
Aww hun sorry it wasn't all good news x hopefully the results come back fine. Sounds like they are being cautious though which although annoying is probably for the best x
My consultant won't be making any judgements on my birth plan until 39 weeks! So who knows it's my own silly fault for leaving my notes at home. I left them by my handbag but forgot to pick them up oso dumb lol
Aww hun, hearing that things are not perfect is never the news that you want at a scan.

Hopefully you'll still be able to have a natural birth though.

Will you get any more scans off the back of today to monitor things?

Hooray for naked bumps! Betty, I think you look a bit bigger than me. I can't imagine getting any bigger.

I can't believe your baby is already 8lb kabuk! Sorry your waterbirth is unlikely to happen, but I'm sure everything will go well.

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