Glad to hear that nikki. Hopefully they will be sympathetic.
So, just had a better look at my notes after having more blood work done. It seems this will be a big baby. His estimate weight is over 8lbs already. Now I've been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios. It's mild as the AFI is 18.9cm (so under 24cm), but the deepest pool is 9.4cm (they like it under 8cm). Additionally, there is a little fluid in his left kidney, something that usually resolves itself after birth. So they are doing aTORCH screening to check for infection. I have to ring back on Sunday to see if they have any results from blood or urinalysis and to get my appt day and time with the consultant. The Polyhydramnios means I'll most likely have to give birth at the hospital instead of the birth centre, so it's sounding like no water birth. This can also cause increased swelling in the lower legs and feet, which increased quite a bit the last two days. Infection or gestational diabetes can cause it, but the cause is often never found.
Ugh. This is why I don't completely look forward to scans. I've had 9 or 10 scans now and only had 2 where everything was good. I just want him out and with me now, please. Unless there are other complications, they'll let labour come on naturally. As his head is well down and his umbilical chord is in a good place, a natural birth is still very much on the cards. I guess I'll find out more next week. I'm going to ask the mw questions about it tomorrow too.
Anyway, at home with my feet up now. At least with a mw appointment tomorrow morning I get to have a bit of a lie in!