Nikki, moan away. After seeing my colleague pretty much breakdown. Today with her spd, you have every right to moan, especially if you feel the hospital don't care.
I had a 40 min wait from my appt time. The chairs here are awful. I'm only 5'2", so quite short and they are fraking high, which doesn't help with the swelling. It's gotten worse.
I'm now in the day assessment unit. He's grown a little quicker than expected. His estimated weight is now over 8lbs. One kidney is full, which I'm told is quite common with boys, but that it will be flagged with the consultant. There is a little more amniotic fluid than expected too. Lots of little things, so I'm now lying in the DAU waiting to hear back about my urine, blood pressure and so on. I don't know if that's all the tests. Hopefully I'll know more soon.