May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I'm counting down the minutes until lunch, which is when I head off. I have to pick lunch up on the go and it'll take me some time to get to the hospital for the scan.

Of the 5 of us pregnant at work, two have had theirs, one boy and one girl. I'm the next one due. The one I work with regularly has her c-section scheduled for the 19th. She's gone home today has her spd flared up badly. The last one is already off as she's not part of the school so accrues regular leave; she took that and then will start her mat leave straight after. She's due on the 15th.

I'm sitting at work with my feet up and mainly working on getting my Ofsted curriculum folder in order and my cover work for tomorrow sorted. I also have to help interview my possible replacement tomorrow.
Hi Gesic, i think they would have flagged something if she had any issues by now at your other scans.

my little boy is transverse and i didnt realise this could indicate an issue, im not worried tho about his health as the scans ive had would have picked up an issue i think - dr google is bad!!!

i keep putting my feet on the desk to, the boss makes a comment and i just say i could just get signed off for the last few weeks and he changes his mind haha xxx
Lol yea I keep tuning in expecting someone to have started! Ibe started to do the tidy up of my house and in think ive made it worse :'s lol. Sorry dome of you are in pain and uncomfortable x
lisey hasnt been on since midnight i wonder if something has happened with her lol wonder if we will have anymore april babies
Lol. I am here :) I woke feeling very achey so when we my son went to school I went back to bed. No baby yet for me xx
I don't seem to have any of these aches or discomfort that you are all having. It makes me think you're all a bit closer to labour than me.
Baby's wriggles can be very uncomfortable. I've nicknamed baby Squirmtum. You mums with kids already are probably familiar with Tree Fu Tom...
I don't have to get up for wees in the night but I do wake quite regularly with heartburn. I ran out of gaviscon yesterday and last night was a killer. I'd got a few bottles on prescription but since it should only be a couple more weeks I'm going to buy a small bottle today.
Now that I'm so close to 40 weeks I think baby will stay put for now.

Snowbee, I would want to know why they are suggesting the early induction. I'm hoping to avoid induction this time because I think it makes the process more painful. In my head it's like forcing your body to go through labour when it's not ready. I imagine that if your body is doing it by itself it will be over a bit quicker.
I haven't been through a natural labour for comparison though. Maybe it makes no difference.

Good luck everyone with scans and mw appts.
I agree. It made the process more painful for me, I was having continual contractions they you should get at the end, at the beginning, before I was even 3cm. That's what put me off but if they offer, I am taking it. I do wonder if might happen before anyway, feel very periody xx
37 weeks today!! We're not ready for baby to make an appearance just yet as we're still painting the staircase, hallway etc. I've had such an easy pregnancy so far that I don't really feel like I should complain, even when I wake up at 2am with stomach acid running up my throat! I'm also wanting to just make the most of these last few weeks on mat leave without baby. I slept until 11 this morning after my OH left (and I had my breakfast of course)!
I'm hoping that the last bits for my hospital bag arrive today. Then it'll be sorted apart from snacks/drink and toiletries.

Last night was my worst night yet. My whole body seemed to be aching from the moment I went to bed. I gave in and got up at 3 to take paracetamol, but they didn't work. I was so sore this morning. Is it the relaxin hormone, as well as my usual bursitis? I also just turned around when I was stood up and felt a sharp pain in my hip :/ I'm falling to bits! I know some of you can relate.

I guess there's still a big chance I'll end up being a June mummy. I'll be one of the last to pop anyways!

The first time I got that sharp hip pain I thought I'd sat on a knife that I had somehow dropped in my sofa cushions! I was screaming at oh to help me get the knife out my hip and there was nothing there lol! I could be a June mummy - if baby turns and I go overdue the latest I'll have baby is 9th June I guess. I'm counting down the weeks! 7 max now. Xx
Wow, one arrival and a few sounding imminent!! Congrats Lou :)
Not sure what's happening with me, was happy as feeling her quite well the last few weeks as she is breech, then I made the mistake of checking out Dr Google!
Anxiety levels increased again, from worrying about her having an abnormality hence the position to worrying again about losing her.
GD not entirely under control. got prescribed pills but made no difference and its only marginally high so am finding trying to be more active after food and avoiding bread more effective.
I have another scan/consultant app next week, I am hoping she turns (she was always head down prior to this last month!!) am crawling on hands n knees in hope it encourages her to flip. I really hope she is ok, part of me is wondering about downs again, I had a one in 191 chance but surely it would have been picked up at the subsequent scans?
I keep checking in on everyone to see the progress you are all making, and thanks to hormones get over emotional at all the pictures ;)

I have a breech baby too and wish I'd never read any info about it as I'm also worried now but take heart it's still a very slim chance. Xx
girls i honestly dont know how im going to get through another 3 weeks of this im in tears again i cant handle this pain :(
Oh nikki, it's so unfair that they won't induce you earlier. I don't see why it can't be done as soon as you reach full term xx
i just cant cope its making me severly depressed :( apparently the hospitals dont class full term till 39 weeks now
Oh, Nikki. Things sound awful. My colleague was in tears today waiting for her oh to come collect her as her sod came on strong. She also has fibroids and sciatica. I really feel for you both. Hope your body gives you a break soon.
the consultants just brush it off but unless you have it you have no idea how bad it is or how much it affects you. ive sent a complaint to the hospital i thought id feel better once i had a date but everyday is getting worse i just cant cope anymore
ive complained to my hospital and doctor now so will see what they say
:( im sorry you're in constant pain. Mine is only when I'm lying down, which I feel is bad enough, as it's affecting my sleep!
It's quite amazing what we go through to bring these children into the world! Xx
no more after this, this is definately my last lol. my youngest doesnt understand why i keep crying i feel so bad i cant do anything with him. im ok when im sitting down but then i cant get back up again. my kids are off school at the moment because i cant drive to get them to school i dont know what to do

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