May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

They didn't really elaborate. I was getting a bit upset though as this is the first we had heard of it and it was all a bit of a shock and quite frankly I have no control over my emotions at the moment! I'm feeling fine, fingers a bit stiff in the mornings, ankles and feet a bit swollen at night but otherwise I'm ok, so pretty lucky compared to lots. Some things are obviously more difficult or uncomfortable but nothing that is unbearable and I'm not sure I'm ready to stop being pregnant yet after wanting it for so long! Ridiculous really!
I would ask for medical grounds for inducing early and unless they give me good reasons I would refuse and wait to go into labour naturally. Your birth choices are yours to make and no one can force you to do anything you aren't comfortable with. There are often good medical reasons but it does seem in your case they've been slightly over zealous. Whatever you decide midwives and hospital staff have a duty of care to support you xx
I would ask them to elaborate more just so you know the reasons and can make an informed decision. It's not nice when you feel something is forced on you xx
Aww no nikki :( hope it gets better soon I have a hated blanket that works wonders on my bad back
my back kills in the morning - but i think i must sleep on my back unknowingly as i always wake up on my back and i think it pushes him to my spine! i have pillows and things to stop me rolling but i still wake up on my back

i feel so sick again today and my joints hurt, not sure if i need to increase my calcium intake. its just my fingers and knees. but im not suffering with swelling i think i have a tiny bit of water retention in my legs but ive still got my rings on etc, i take them off at bedtime as i find that is when i swell when i get warm.

i get so excited logging on every morning to see if anyone has popped yet! ive still got 3 weeks till im at your stages but im fed up of being pregnant if they offered to induce me i would jump at the chance. i dont have a massive bump or struggling with SPD or anything really lucky, i just find im incredibly uncomfortable from the moment i get up till the moment i lay back down in bed! xxx
its really weird its like a pulsating pain in the middle and bottom of my back. ive got thrush aswell so just getting my prescription im all sore and swollen down there lol
i have thrush too - i had a bubble bath OH ran it and i coudnt say no even tho i know what happens
My ankles, feet and calves have really swelled up. There was some swelling the last two weeks, but much worse since yesterday. Very uncomfortable. The only relief is putting my feet up, but that's not always possible at work. I have very few socks I can wear that won't leave massive imprints on my ankles.

Scan at 15.40 today and I'll mention the swelling then. My mw appt is at 9.10 tomorrow.

I get excited to waiting to see if anyway has gone into labour or had theirs. I just saw an announcement on social group I'm on- one of the ladies just had a little girl, over 10lbs. I love seeing the pics.
i find socks leave marks anyway lol and i hate wearing anything on my feet! i walk round the office bare foot they have asked me to bring in slippers haha!

hope everything goes well for you Kabuk!

10lb ouch!!!! im just cooing over the photos my friend has put up of her baby she and her wife have had hes gorgeous! and so strange to think it will soon be me
I've got a consultant scan at 1pm. Pretty nervous about it! So glad hubby is coming with me. I've a habit of crying at these things. Xx
got my cream and my pessary now lol we only have a bath im wondering if its the bubble bath maybe.

hope everyones appointments go ok. i keep checking to see if anyones had their babies aswell lol
Oh my goodness, I actually slept right through the night last night with only brief wake ups but I didn't have to get up to pee or drink or anything!!! Bliss!!

On the downside, my shower packed up last night!! With me in it!!! Hopefully will be someone out today to look at it - just waiting on a phone call. My back gets so sore I'm in the shower every night just letting the hot water run over it to bring some relief. Hope they can fix\ replace it quickly!

only thing i can use in the bath these days is femfresh - i can sometimes get away with lush bathbombs but i havent used them since being pregnant.

any bubble bath gives me thrush pregnant or not!

i think everyone has checked in today who i think maybe next so no babies over night haha xx
I'm just enjoying a nice cup of raspberry leaf tea and tucking in to some yummy fresh pineapple. Got all my jobs done already, so going to have a nice relaxing day and put my feet up.

lisey was on early hours.

lucky you emily! im sat at work very uncomfortable. not feeling him move today i think hes facing backwards still has his foot jammed under my rib, going to try some sugary sweets see if i can get him to wiggle
Last night was my worst night yet. My whole body seemed to be aching from the moment I went to bed. I gave in and got up at 3 to take paracetamol, but they didn't work. I was so sore this morning. Is it the relaxin hormone, as well as my usual bursitis? I also just turned around when I was stood up and felt a sharp pain in my hip :/ I'm falling to bits! I know some of you can relate.

I guess there's still a big chance I'll end up being a June mummy. I'll be one of the last to pop anyways!
me and you both Dovekie unless they induce me.

im due 2nd June, but always been with you lot from the beginning as my dates were wrong
Wow, one arrival and a few sounding imminent!! Congrats Lou :)
Not sure what's happening with me, was happy as feeling her quite well the last few weeks as she is breech, then I made the mistake of checking out Dr Google!
Anxiety levels increased again, from worrying about her having an abnormality hence the position to worrying again about losing her.
GD not entirely under control. got prescribed pills but made no difference and its only marginally high so am finding trying to be more active after food and avoiding bread more effective.
I have another scan/consultant app next week, I am hoping she turns (she was always head down prior to this last month!!) am crawling on hands n knees in hope it encourages her to flip. I really hope she is ok, part of me is wondering about downs again, I had a one in 191 chance but surely it would have been picked up at the subsequent scans?
I keep checking in on everyone to see the progress you are all making, and thanks to hormones get over emotional at all the pictures ;)

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