May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Happy 37 weeks girls!

my nausea has returned for a good few weeks now but i think its from his rolling movements, they hurt so badly and make me feel grim

Oh Nikki i cant decide if its you or lisey first! haha every day i change my mind!

lovely kitchen - im still waiting to move and getting so inpatient now!

i woke up this morning with lower back ache and period pains with intense pains now and again, the intense pains have subsided but ive still got the cramping and the back ache! its giving me the final push to try and get the last few things sorted before he arrives xx
Happy fully cooked day girls!!

I've had such a productive morning! Stripped and washed all the beds and hung on the line to dry and got the towels in the machine at the moment. House is clean and tidy and I've just taken the dogs for a nice walk.

Popped into town earlier to stock up on my gaviscon supply and thought I'd nip into the pharmacy to try and sort out my other ailments because as well as a swollen up, varicose veined vagina, I have been a bit constipated and now have hemorrhoids!! Joyful!! So I asked to see the pharmacist and in he walks... Mr young, tall, dark and handsome!! Cringe!! I was like great! I'm now going to have to discuss my bulgy arse hole and bowel movements with a total hottie!! FML!!! Ah well!!

In my focus on my bottom I've totally forgotten to get my raspberry leaf tea! Never mind, I'll get some when I have to pop out later to get Cam from school.

Haha, Emily that's funny! I've noticed my downstairs region looks a bit different. I've been having a shave and a trim this week - bloody hard work! I got stuck in the bath!

Betty, this has also been the worst time of my life. I know a lot of it is to do with my own mental health, but I also feel like I'm surrounded by selfish people. All of my concern is for the baby. I don't know how to speak to my Mam. She gets really defensive. I tried to explain how I want a quiet and peaceful birth and she complained that she wouldn't be able to talk. I agreed to let her be there and now she's saying it's not the end of the world if she misses it. It's only 5 weeks of her life! I don't think she considers why I'm worried and upset. If you look at what's happened so far, it's obvious to me. I'm still looking for flats too as their house is too small really. It'll be so crammed with a baby - I'm in a box room!
Thanks ladies.

My ticker is making me want pizza, but I've got chilli for lunch. Might have to pick one up for dinner and then have a salad to get my veggies in.

Leigh, that must be frustrating. I couldn't imagine waiting. If I was off, I'd be nesting everyday.
my bump is so low maybe thats why im in so much pain. scan in a hours :)
2 hours that was meant to say lol and then pleading with the consultant time
im getting so frustrated every day and also i seem to want to flip at a drop of a hat! very angry and i have no reason to be.

im in agony, he has nestled himself right under my ribs i cant get comfy at work! my chair wont recline any further

Dovekie - i havent enjoyed pregnancy either due to mental health and eating disorders/body dis-morphia - i feel disgusting even tho i know my body is doing amazing things creating this life i cant help but wish the days away to get my body back and be in control of it again. i do have support from my mum and dad but im living with my OH who doesnt always seem to have my back or support me in anyway.

i got how can you be tired you havent done anything all day the other day - i just wish for 1 day he could carry a baby, with my mindset and my body type to see how hard of a struggle it is everyday.

Aww, Leigh. I know that feeling. I have no torso, going from hips to ribs, so he's spent a good portion of this trimester all up in my ribs. And when I would adjust enough to relieve the pain my by ribs, my back would start hurting. I hope you find some relief.

He's really dropped now. Just a few sips of liquid and I have to pee. I'm not feeling it in my hips. No more walking around the classroom, and I usually can't sit still, so it's an adjustment. A few of the boys today went, "I'm so glad to be male. I never want to experience carrying a baby or labour." At least they acknowledge that it isn't easy.
its so painful, i have quite a long torso, so he is either stretched right out or he is going to be long, i just cant seem to get comfortable - feel like i need to lay down all the time not sure how that will go down in the office.

he rests his head on my bladder so i cant drink anything without needing to pee, also scared of his headbutts as they come from nowhere and im terrified ill wet myself! so i have become a bit obsessed with going to the loo haha

yea my OH does say that sometimes that men have it easy, i just say its because woman are superior and there is no way a guy could go through all the pains, aches and worries xx
I'm really struggling to get comfortable but all my discomfort is in my back.

I need to pee every couple of hours although I do end up going more often than that. Although last night I managed to go for six and a half hours over night! Actually had quite a nice, restful and undisturbed night last night.

I don't think that it's anything to do with how she's sitting though, just that there's literally no room left in there anymore!! I'm feeling sooooo huuuuge! Sometimes I catch sight of my reflection and I'm like :shock: woah I'm super pregnant!!

Oh no. I sat in a chair yo catch ip on posts now I'm beached lmao and my hot chocolate is just out of reach. I'm in the staff room so super embarrassing hahaha
haha ery i make sure everything is to hand now before i sit down because its near impossible to get back up! just waiting for my scan now :)
I have to make extreme sound effects to get up etc now! It's all very hard work!

My little miss has just had a right wiggle on! She sticks her little butt right out and then I feel little hands or feet poking me too! I'll definitely miss the feeling of her moving inside me once she's here.

Good luck hun!

I know Emily as much as I want her here I will miss it!
scan was fine shes had a growth spurt shes just over average size now lol weighing approx 6.4lbs. now im just going to be waiting hours to see my consultant
Emily, that made me laugh about the pharmacy!!

I had midwife today, all good. Before she did anything she said she wanted to book me into see doctor at hospital as they often like to induce IVF babies. She said they may decide not to and wait until 40+12 but they often do it at 40 weeks. So if that is the case then bubs will be here soon. I didn't want to be induced but will do what's best for little miss and to be fair, I am so uncomfortable, I would rather have her sooner rather than later xx
ooh lisey could only be 2 more weeks for you then! what date is your due date again?
I know :) due date is the 4th. I will prob be annoyed if they don't induce me now lol. I just don't want the experience of last time, contractions came on too quick and had to have epidural. We will see, one week to find out xx

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