May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

im getting pains like every 10 minutes at the moment ive had a bath that didnt help lol going to drink lots and go to sleep soon and see if they stop
Well, I've just had an argument with her about it. She's so flakey about when she's going and keeps saying I've got my boyfriend - he's two hours away! Also, if it happens in the middle of the night, she couldn't just jump on a train. I feel like I don't want anyone there now, tbh. I'm so fed up with people not taking this seriously.
Kitchen is lovely kabuk. Dovekie, I would probably be a bit annoyed too, you just want the security of knowing people are close by and ready for whenever it happens. First baby's are usually late but not always.
Nikki, do they feel like real contractions? Are you our next May mummy to have her baby? Xx
ive never had real contractions so i dont know lol they are still quite spaced apart tho. i doubt id go into labour this early
Oooo sounds promising nikki sounds like your body is getying ready at any rate
X x
My pains have all stopped now I've just got what feels ike a bruised foof. And mega sneezes which really hurt and make ne fart at the same time lol
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See Nikki it's you next :) kitchen is gorgeous :) dovekie I don't blame you for being annoyed I would be!

Leora has put on 30g in 2 days so we are going in the right direction! :) had our first outing to the pub today was lovely! I feel like I am in a dream! I have waited to be a mum for so long I can't I am one now :) x
Awwww wow :) fantastic lou x

And lovely kitchen.

OK so I've done another exorcist impression. Having a no2 my body decided now was the time to throw up. Never have I had so much in my stomach at so early in the morning :(
Nikki, sounds like your body is definitely getting ready.
Ery, I feel ya. I have the bruises feeling and the painful sneezes, although I'm glad the farting with it only seems to happen in the evening when I'm at home.
Lou, that's fantastic! So very happy for you!
Thanks for kitchen comments. So excited to have it done. I can finish nesting now!

Gosh, Ery, that sounds like an awful start to your morning. Happy 37 wks! We now have fully cooked bubs in there!
Lol I thought morning sickness was over but apparently it's my fully cooked present lol.

Happy fully cooked day!!!
happy 37 weeks girls!

ery i feel like im going to be sick this morning aswell :(
Happy 37 weeks xx

Lou, that's so lovely. And amazing that you are out and about already, I think I was in my dressing gown for 2 weeks lol xx
It's not nice lol. I need to buy drain unblocker now too as well lol
Ery, your ticker is so funny. I used to love zack morris and saved by the bell lol xx
Lol it was an awesome show lol

I feel so tired and grim today I wish I didn't have to go to work but I xant rake it off sick incase it triggers my mat leave argh so unfair lol I just want to sleep!
I don't think one day would trigger it and I think you have to be off with pregnancy related illness for it to trigger mat leave xx
I feel the same Ery. I don't think my work would trigger it for 1 day, but I don't want to risk it. My hips are really bothering me this morning. Not much sleep again last night. I'm sooooo tired. I get a burst of energy on my way into work, but by the time I sit down, have cereal, coffee and get myself sorted for the day, I'm knackered again.

At least this is my last full day this week. Off at lunch tomorrow for my scan and come in late on Fri because of my mw appt. I'll enjoy that. I've had a rather easy pregnancy and was very calm and happy through most of it, but the lack of sleep and various discomforts now have been rather cranky. I have lost all patients for these ungrateful, self-centred kids I work with. Not all are that bad, but enough are. It's been a really difficult cohort this year for everyone, so imagine that and being pregnant. At least my detention duty is out of the way. Hoping I can get out of here a little early today.

Looking forward to this weekend. Friends coming over to see the new flat and the skype baby shower. All my ebay stuff should arrive by then too.
Happy 37 weeks kabuk and Ery! Loving the kitchen too kabuk :) It is great when things come together isn't it.

Dovekie sorry you are having a tough time, I think I would be annoyed too but it doesn't sound like your mum is doing it on purpose, maybe she just hasn't thought it through.

I'm annoyed. Changing unit finally arrived and firstly it is cracked (so sending it back) and secondly I have lost the ability to measure as it doesn't fit my changing mat. I'm sure I checked that! I must be going mad. Rookie mistake of assuming changing mats were a standard size maybe! I only want one of the shelf type basic ones, if anyone sees a wide ish one please point me in the direction!
Happy 37 weeks girls! Kabuk what a lovely kitchen and great use of space :)

Dovekie I went through months thinking I didn't want a birth partner at all because I was so unsupported so I can totally sympathise with you. As much as this baby has been totally wanted, due to my own mental health issues and the actions and behaviours of the nhs, family and my partner during my pregnancy I feel like I've had some of the worst months of my life! It's so important to feel supported during pregnancy. Can you try to explain how unsupported you feel to your mum? It must be difficult enough that you can't live with your boyfriend and it does seem that maybe she just doesn't see that? Xx

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