I feel the same Ery. I don't think my work would trigger it for 1 day, but I don't want to risk it. My hips are really bothering me this morning. Not much sleep again last night. I'm sooooo tired. I get a burst of energy on my way into work, but by the time I sit down, have cereal, coffee and get myself sorted for the day, I'm knackered again.
At least this is my last full day this week. Off at lunch tomorrow for my scan and come in late on Fri because of my mw appt. I'll enjoy that. I've had a rather easy pregnancy and was very calm and happy through most of it, but the lack of sleep and various discomforts now have been rather cranky. I have lost all patients for these ungrateful, self-centred kids I work with. Not all are that bad, but enough are. It's been a really difficult cohort this year for everyone, so imagine that and being pregnant. At least my detention duty is out of the way. Hoping I can get out of here a little early today.
Looking forward to this weekend. Friends coming over to see the new flat and the skype baby shower. All my ebay stuff should arrive by then too.