May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

my diet is crap anyway and i barely eat - before i was pregnant id be lucky to have one meal a day now i eat tiny bits

yesterday i had half a toastie, tiny bit of lasagna and then half a portion of potato skins! i fail massively! trying to make sure i have fruit to snack on etc, but all i want is crisps lol

i think its a toss up between you nikki and lisey!

OH MY GOD! still doesnt feel real yet, and cant seem to get myself excited so scared of something happening.

aww thats such a lovely idea, i would do that for the OHs girls but one is 13 and the other is 21 so not sure it would bother them, i saw them at the weekend and they are getting so excited to meet their little brother! its lovely them asking me questions etc about the baby and if i can feel him move. we dont see alot of them but means the world when we do xx
We put together a gift bag for Cam from baby. We'll take it to the hospital with us so that he can have it when he meets her for the first time. It's got a Lego indominous Rex and t Rex in it! He's going to love of so much! Best baby sister ever!!

Oooh lisey I wonder if you'll be next?!

I'm trying to get up and get my chores done each morning so that I can then relax for the rest of the day and be ready if I go into labour. Really want to come home from the hospital to a nice clean house! Second load of laundry is just spinning in the machine and I'll get it on the line in a !minute to dry. Then.... Wait for it..... My laundry basket is...... EMPTY!!!!! Woah!!

I'm trying to eat healthy as I can and have certainly been more aware of my weight this time round. I think I've gained a healthy amount though and not gone overboard. I've not made any major changes to my diet as it wasn't horrendous to start with and if I fancy something I have it. I was just about in my pre pregnancy jeans within three weeks of having Cam but I'm expecting it'll be a bit longer this time round what with it being second baby and I think I might be a little bit bigger this time round too.

ive not even weighed myself too scared too haha!

i dont think ive put much weigh on just my bump - my face is a little fatter and i now have love handles! haha but im sure these will shift quickly afterwards.

think most weigh has gone on my boobs xx
Oh my God I'm just so excited to see who is next!

I think my baby has gone back to head up :( I've got a chiropractor appointment today then midwife tomorrow so we'll see what happens. I have a consultant appointment to start looking at possible ecv next week too. I feel a bit more confident about an ecv as it seems baby can turn head down and hopefully will just turn for good soon anyway. Xx
i got a lego set for my youngest, pokemon cards for my eldest and playdoh for my step daughter lol they are only 8 and the other two are 4 so they will love them.

ill find out tomorrow my date im getting so impatient and really struggling with the school runs im going to try and get it for 38 weeks but i know they dont like doing them before 39 so ill have to lay it on thick! hopefully my iron tablets will make me a bit less tired!

finished my hospital bag now so going to get that loaded into ohs car tonight just incase she decides to come early i keep having twinges and thinking something is going to happen lol
I was 10 stone last time I weighed myself but I can't remember how far along I was then - 30 something weeks though.

All you can do is just eat what you can and if you are able to then try and make healthy choices but at the same time a little bit of what you fancy is good for you! Says she who has just tucked into a toasted hot cross bun with chocolate spread on! Lol!

I just emailed the crossfit box about their postnatal rehab classes, wanting to know when new mums usually start and the best membership to start with. I'm still mainly all bump, but the swelling and bloating has made my legs a bit thicker (jeans tighter there), my face slightly more round, hands and feet, but not much around the waste, just the bump. My diet is still pretty balanced, but it is including a little more not so healthy things these days- loving pretzels and nutella and the M&S chocolate mouse - took me until the last couple of weeks to really want anything sweet, but loving a little bit of chocolate with a large glass of milk.

I'm missing CrossFit and generally being more flexible and mobile. I'm not one to sit still and it's hard right now, but the tiredness combined with the lower back pain keeps be on my bum most of the time now.

Now that the kitchen is done and pretty much all necessities are in place, I'm so ready for him to arrive. Feels like he's extra low today too, started last night.
i cant wait to get back into my running as well, i think im holding a bit of water too Kabuk, on my legs and face they feel chunkier but not fat!

im loving chocolate too and anything crunchy! i had half an easter egg on my drive into work and a packet of crisps lol i was all savoury in the beginning and just wanted cheese now i cant face it.

i need to get my hospital bag sorted, ive had a few very painful BH thinking oh o this could be it, but then they ease

one of my friends had their baby last night, they are a same sex couple and he is gorgeous, just one more friend to pop out her little girl then its my turn!!!
I'm feeling so excited for my little girly to arrive!!

Still anxious and hoping all goes well, but so excited to meet her and snuggle her! Really hope she doesn't keep us waiting too long!

Oh yeah, crunchy stuff too. Loving wasabi peanuts! Also been craving mexican. Good thing ranitidine works.

That's brilliant for your friend. I really can't wait to have my boy here. I have a few friends and collegues due soon, so it'll be interesting to see who pops first. The first reaction at work from people today was, 'WOW! FTB!'. It took me ages to get a proper bump. I went away for 2 weeks and came back with a massive bump for me and dropped.
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Yep. Im currently experiencing quite intense period pains in my belly snd back ive been sat down for 15 mins snd they are only getting eorse. Gonna try walking round now. Its quite ouchy.
Ooooh Ery!!!! Eeeeeek!!!

Labour watch for you then Mrs!!

I've got raging back ache but nothing else to write home about.

Nikki, it might be you :)

Its funny, we have gone full circle to symptom spotting again, my bum pressure (lol) has gone so think she was just pressing down more. I haven't had any show or anything yet, I might book some acupuncture appointments if I get close to due date to see if it can get things moving for us. I have little feet in my ribs most of the time and its so painful xx
Yep. Im currently experiencing quite intense period pains in my belly snd back ive been sat down for 15 mins snd they are only getting eorse. Gonna try walking round now. Its quite ouchy.

Oooh ery, is it constant or comes and goes? xx
I was thinking this last night Lisey! It's gone from symptom spotting in the tww and now it's all symptom spotting for labour watch!! Can't wait for all these little ones to arrive!!

It really has, I prefer this symptom spotting though :)
Everyday when I log in I wonder if someone will be saying they are having pains, its all so exciting xx
Me too, lisey.

I've been getting the period-like pains on and off. They seem to come in the evening. I guess I'll find out on Thursday just how engaged he is. No show or anything yet. Sooooooo tired. Really struggling to get through this day.

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