May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I got any day now too.

My bhs seem to be accompanied by a crampy feeling sometimes, but they don't hurt down below, just across the bump.

I've had a small amount of gummy discharge on a couple of occasions now. I hope that's the start of the plug.

I've been sleeping a bit better recently but last night I was woken up by heartburn every hour :(

You'd think I'd know what I'm looking for with having a child already but he was so not ready to come out when they induced me.
So I've never had a "show" or had my waters break or had natural contractions. It's quite exciting, all this symptom spotting, but also quite stressful not having any control over it!

I had 4 teeth taken out for overcrowding when I was in my teens. I don't remember any pain.
Is anyone else still worrying that something could go wrong? I'm 38 weeks today so I know they can always deliver the baby if there's any cause for concern. And there hasn't been any issues.
I just keep thinking I'll be happier once baby is born safely.
pebbles i cant believe your 38 weeks already! not long now for you!

i still worry something could go wrong. i still knicker check for blood and worry about her movements lol and we will still worry when they are here!
Happy 38 weeks Pebbles! I do still worry that something will go wrong, I think it is because I find it hard to believe this is actually happening. I still find it difficult to picture this ending with a baby.

I've packed my bag this morning, just need to add snacks, drink, clothes for me afterwards and my toiletries like toothbrush that I'm still using. So all things that I can't really add yet.
ive done mine too apart from bits i cant pack yet just need to get some snacks for me and oh even if i have my c section im still going to get hungry in the hospital lol
I'm still very anxious that something might go wrong.

I literally can't wait until she's here safe and sound!

You guys will be fine and any doubt just go and get checked xx good thing is everyone is full term now pretty much so inductions should be without complications. Snowbee that sounds like a show? Maybe u could be first! I keep checking In on u all :) x
I've not had any more. He is lower though and I've not felt that great all day but can't put my finger on what it is. Still not had any BHs or anything else so I think I'm still a while off. He has been busy thudding about in there all day, going to miss that. Both car seats now installed. Annoyingly though we have had to put our 'main' car seat in the car behind the driver, as otherwise I can't get the door open to get them out when I park if it is on the passenger side (due to the garage wall being in the way and I can't park the other way around as I wouldn't be able to get out the drivers side!). It is fine for me but my husband can't get the seat far enough back to drive anymore. Shouldn't matter most of the time as it is my car but he is going to have to drive to the hospital and back in it. Luckily he isn't hugely tall but still it is a bit irritating.
ive had such a bad headache this week :( just fell asleep on the sofa for an hour
I've had a good nap this afternoon. Really needed it after having such disturbed nights the last few nights.

Pretty much have had constant back ache the last few days too so I'm really feeling uncomfortable at the moment. Still, on the home straight now and really should make the most of the last few weeks of what will be my last ever pregnancy.

thats how i feel emily im so done with being pregnant now but at the same time its my last so i should make the most of it lol
My lower back has been killing me. I also get pain in the middle of my back when I'm sitting down. I have to readjust and usually need a bit of a rub to ease it.

My bag isn't packed, but everything is together in a pile. I bought a night shirt for labour from Primark today (£4) - had nothing. I still need a regular night shirt for after labour and snacks. I have a list and will sort them this week. I'm waiting on my Emma Jane nursing bras to arrive, as I just have 1 mothercare one for now. The baby's bag is nearly packed as well. I think I might be overpacking a bit on the baby clothes, but you just don't know with the weather in Apr/May or how long I'll be in. I have one more small lot arriving this week off ebay and those will get washed and added to the bag. I still need nappy bags. Everything else is sorted.

Final touches on the kitchen will be done tomorrow, so that will get fully unpacked this week. I started, but there are a couple of drawers/cupboards that are in the area where a little work is still needed (under cupboard lights need wiring, a panel is needed to cover the pipes to the boiler, a drawer needs readjusting, changing one cupboard standard hinge to one that extends back further and he was one handle short for a cupboard) and then it'll all be done. There are a few things we need to buy because we lack it or it needs updating, but it's so nice to have a kitchen I want to cook in.

I really can't wait to see who is next. I'm hoping that I'm not too far off. Can't wait for my scan on Thursday- hopefully it'll give me some idea on where I'm at. Then I can confirm my birth preference on Friday. I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow. It's not working that's the issue, it's the damn commute.
Is anyone drinking raspberry leaf tea?

I have some left from TTC so thought I might start drinking a cup or two a day.

I'm debating starting raspberry leaf tea after the house is done.
Not much more to do. Put moses basket up car seat in car tidy up some crap. Take rubbish to tip. Put bookcases up. Put wall sticker up. Put cot up. Sort out clothes and pack hospital bag. Hopefully by the end of the week!

So excited to see who's next!

How's life as a mummy lou?
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I've started with the raspberry leaf tea last week, but I haven't been drinking it everyday. I'm really not much of a tea drinker. I'm more for my coffee. The only tea I usually drink is fresh mint and chai lattes, so it's an adjustment. I'm trying to have a cup a day.
I'm going to try and have a couple of cups a day. I went right off coffee in the first trimester and could only stomach tea. I used to always start my day with a cup of coffee but I'm very take it or leave it now.

Need to check if the rlt I've got is still in date as I got it while TTC at some point and just found it lurking in the cupboard.

What does raspberry leaf tea do exactly? Once Wednesday passes, I might try it as so uncomfortable now xx
It's supposed to help tone the uterus and there's the thought that it can help make the second stage of labour (pushing baby out) go quicker and lessen the need for forceps.

Not sure there's any concrete evidence to support it though.

Mine went out of date in February so I'll have to get some more.


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