My OH will not go anywhere near my lady garden with a razor or anything! he hates the sound of it! haha
he usually sits in the bathroom with me and he cant stand me shaving my legs let alone him doing it - i think he did one stroke and freaked out! think its just going to be a guessing game! as im not massive so with some funny positions i think i will be able to manage! going to tackle the forest tonight lol.
i feel like ive become a yeti again, 2nd tri hair growth stopped and i loved it! now im hairy everywhere, back, tummy, legs, urgh feel like a mammoth!
i have started getting BH, they arent painful, just uncomfortable and they come and go. also felt very under the weather recently, nausea seems to have returned, so struggling to eat along with the constant heartburn its killing me - but not long left for everyone!
i love reading though everything and catching up with you all and your progress! crazy to think some of you have finished work already, by the time i have finished work the majority of you will have your little bundles!