May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

I still have those moments quite often. The realisation that there is a little human in there!!
You would think the fact that I am the size of a house would give it away!! Xx
Any tips for spd girls? Im in tears everyday literally dont think i can cope for another 9 weeks!
I'm so sorry nikki, I don't know anything about SPD. Is it something you can get physio for? Maybe give the doctor a call tomorrow and see if they can give you any advice. Hope it eases for you xx
Im not sure might try and see the doctor. I feel like a house. Finally got a bump pic today 30+1 :)


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Physio is the best option I think nikki. I get that look of shock too when I say I've got 9 weeks left lol. And I too get moments of disbelief that there is actually a baby in there! I've been so uncomfortable and tight today not sure why! Just hoping she satay in until her due date or later lol. I had a dream it was may 20th the big day. The day before my first wedding anniversary! Awww just thought our 1st wedding anniversary isn't that paper? How about a birth certificate for our 1st present!!!!!
Great bump BTW hun.
I've not weighed myself since booking in either I was 65kg then then went down to 60kg with the sickness actually I think I weighed myself to send a parcel a few weeks ago and I was 70kg but I think that's all in my bust bump and backside! It's safe to day I have curves now lol
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I've just started a baby hunch poll for my friends ( )
Made me think what do we predict about our own babies?

Scoring System (LOWEST score wins)
Birthdate 1 point(s) added for each day off
Gender 3 point(s) added for incorrect hunch
Weight 0.125 point(s) added for each ounce off
Length 0.25 point(s) added for each quarter-inch off
Hair 2 point(s) added for incorrect hunch
Eye 2 point(s) added for incorrect hunch
1st Letter 2 point(s) added for incorrect hunch

I'm guessing for mine:
Birthday 20th may (12hr labour)
Gender girl
Weight 8lb 1
Length 19inch
Hair blonde (though I keep dreaming of a dark haired baby)
Eyes blue
1st letter I've said E but ummed and Ahhhed over A too lol
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Scoring System (LOWEST score wins)
Birthdate 12th may
Gender girl
Weight 7.2lbs
Length 19inches
Hair brown
Eyes blue
1st Letter A
I think theres more oxygen getting to the baby when you sleep on your left. I always start on my left but end up on the right and on my back lol i couldnt sleep on my belly too uncomfortable!
Later on in pregnancy you should try and avoid sleeping on your back, as the weight of baby etc can put pressure on everything and affect blood and oxygen supply. Left side is the best to sleep on but as long as you're comfy and not on your back then you should be fine. I end up on my back but I just roll back over and have told hubby to give me a nudge if he sees me lying on my back.

I somehow managed to switch to left and sometimes right side sleeping subconsciously at about 16 weeks. I do wake up quite sore but swimming and pregnancy yoga help. I wake up many times a night needing to turn to the other side. I went for physio too and that helped it not get any worse, and they gave me crutches for the bad days. Xx
I tend to sleep on my left now. I've mostly adjusted, but I do miss sleeping on my stomach. I can't even fall asleep on my back or on my right anymore. My acid reflux gets really bad at night and sleeping on your left is suppose to help. I must say, I notice the difference almost immediately when I switch from right to left. It doesn't go away, but it's not nearly as bad. Leftside sleeping is also suppose to help with blood and oxygen circulation. If your blood pressure is on the lower side of normal and you usually get lightheaded after lying down, rolling onto your left side for a little before getting us is suppose to help, pregnant or not.

I'm really questioning if I'll make it until my planned mat leave start date. This acid reflux combine with my bladder is killing me. It takes me way to long to fall asleep and no sooner I do, I'm up again to pee and the cycle starts again. I'm averaging about 3-4 hours of sleep a night. With the stress levels of my job, I'm so tired and struggling to get to the pool. I need a workout to help destress. Public transport isn't helping- I've had to deal with delays and cancellations since Thursday- morning and evening. Evening has been worse. Sometimes these issues resulted in a 2 hour journey home. I haven't gone home the same way in several days. I had my day planned out to arrive at work and see changes to the timetable and just lost it. Had a rant and then hated myself for ranting and went to the loo to have a cry. I've been on the verge of tears most days at work at some point.

It's only Wednesday and I'm ready for the weekend. 3.5 weeks and then the Easter break is here. I can't wait. I need that break. Work has been crazy and I was thrown into a new role with no guidance or handover. Things are piling up as new things are being thrown my way, things that I could've resolved over the course of the year begining over the summer had someone answered my questions about the role. Now it's exam time and they want to throw a load of extra crap my way as I'm also trying to prepare for my mat leave. I need to make sure revision booklets are in order for all students, that the schemes of work are accessable to the mat cover teacher, put things in place so when I return my exam and curriculum responsibilities are in order (not that I know at least what some of them are) and schedule my KIT days for Oct. I will probably have to bring my little one with me, so it's more likely that they would be half days to catch up with things before we head to the US at the end of Nov. Plus I'm only planning to work 3 days per week when I return to see out my contract.

Sorry for the rant/ramblings. Part of me is so ready for my little boy to arrive and start mat leave. I sure hope he isn't a late one. Going to book a pregnancy massage and reflexology in the coming weeks. I need some relaxation.
ive still got a tiny bump, i start off with all intentions of sleeping on my left but always wake up on my back, even try to sleep on my belly ive slept on my belly for 26 years its a habit i need to break.

i still havent given my date of when i wish to leave for maternity - work is pissing about with it.

i have the date stuck in my mind that hes going to come on the 26th May i dont know why but i just have a gut feeling

sleep for me is a nono! struggling like mad, i just drop off then something wakes me or im hungry, or i need to pee. next thing i know its 4.45am and his alarm is going off, not bad if he would just get up! but he doesnt he snoozes for about half an hour - it kills me ! then my alarm goes off at 6.30 for work.
Kabuk1 are you taking anything for your reflux? If not then deffo see your gp as they should be able to prescribe you something stronger to help.

Part of my RA is about commute so maybe ask work if you could change your start/finish time?

I'm so lucky as I finish work next week and then on holiday until mat leave kicks in on my due date. I'm definitely ready for it as I'm struggling at work now as it's pretty full on!

Night times are pretty mixed for me. Some nights I wake but don't have to get up, just readjust my pillows and nod back off. Other nights I'm up a couple of times to pee, really thirsty, heartburn and insomnia! Fun fun fun!!

Kabuk I had to give up work earlier than I wanted to as I was just so stressed and didn't realise until I stopped that it was due to being physically exhausted constantly. I can't imagine how you are coping with everything you have going on. Is there no way you can tale some time off or start maternity earlier? I really feel for you, and anyone else still struggling to go to work.

I average about 4-5 hours a night. I feel like I've become the lightest sleeper ever and it's in preparation for being sensitive to my baby in the night. I was already a light sleeper but this is way off the scale! I've moved into the spare room to try and help the situation and it's been lovely having my own bed and space, oh is enjoying it too and it's strangely brought us closer the last couple of weeks. And the best bit is that it is closer to the bathroom!!! Xx
Well ive got one day left at work on friday and then im leaving i am so ready aswell im in so much pain its unreal
Oh I wish I was leaving this week. Really struggled today. Knees so sore, had to keep sitting down and feet so swollen. I had to go to doctors as knees hurt so badly. I thought it was from fluid but it's a joint issue and knees not coping with the weight of pregnancy, causing inflammation and swelling. The joys!! No wonder it has been hurting so badly. I have come to the conclusion that I will just have to come home straight from work and do nothing else. Apart from walk dog xx
I really feel for you all, Lisey this is what I get too. Apparently caused by an overproduction of relaxin hormone. It's even started to affect my upper joints now too. It'll all be worth it in the end. Xx
Yes, she mentioned that and because the knee joint is having to work hard, it protects itself by causing inflammation. Do you find it hard to walk up and down stairs, kneel down etc? I have been told not to stand in one spot at all. At work today, I literally couldn't stand for more than a minute. Each time I helped a child I had to get a chair as was too uncomfortable. Will definitely be worth it. Do you have to go to physio too? I am dreading that. Hate people touching me xx

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