May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Kabuk, that sounds awful. Think you did the right thing staying at home xx

Betty, I don't even like my OH massaging me, it really irritates me!! Will have to let him though I guess. My OH already won't let me do much because of it. He is really good at looking after me. I do hope your OH realises you need to support.
I didn't know we couldn't even hoover?! So basically do nothing? Did he/she recommend any exercises? I look at some online and there is no way I could do them, leg lifts from sitting and squatting. It's too painful xx
Well today was horrible. Was my ohs nans funeral and hes been so quiet today im not used to it. Just let him have a soak in the bath.

Met loads of his family and its amazing how your belly becomes public property when your pregnant and everyone needs to have a rub lol
Been up since 4am being sick :( maybe i ate something dodgy
Hope you are feeling better soon Nikki.

I've not had a problem with anyone trying to touch me, I think I have a death stare and people are too scared to try haha.

Last day of builders for a week, after today they are back a week on Monday to continue. Will be nice not to have to hoover sawdust and crap up every night. I would say I'm looking forward to a lay in tomorrow but I'm at work. I'm looking forward to my lay in on Monday, I'm shattered!
you feeling better nikki?

i felt awful last night, not sure where baby was sitting, could barely feel him move, so my guess is right on my spine. had trapped wind, indigestion, felt sick feel much better after a early night. with minimum of 3 toilet stops lol

i feel like i spend my life in the loo at the minute - constantly feeling like i need a wee for a tiny trickle but im obsessed with having an empty bladder cos all baby does is kick it - im terrified of peeing myself

everyone rubs my belly too! some total strangers altho im only now just beginning to show properly

feeling stressed at work, im an accountant for a business so all my accounts are clean, tidy and in order and im trying to train someone who knows nothing about accounts !!! i fear ill come back and they will be all over xxx
Im feeling better now i was only sick once but felt sick from 4am till 10am then managed to eat something and feel better now so weird.
Baby was still moving around tho so at least she is ok lol

Think oh was still drunk this morning when he got up for work.

Hope you feel better soon leigh
hopefully you have gotten whatever was in your system out :) glad your feeling better.

haha my OH does that regular he stinks on morning.

feeling much better today - his movements are really hurting me tho, i dont think he has much room in there.
I slept terribly too ladies. I woke up at 2.30 due to sore hips. I couldn't sleep sitting up and kept getting acid reflux. I was sick later too!

The great name debate is in full swing her now! Thinking about naming him after his dad now. What do you think about doing that?
I had my first nights full sleep in ages! Not even a toilet stop! Was amazing but I'm still knackered today. Woken up with a bunged up nose and my youngest is snotty as hell with a temperature so just having a very easy day. So is baby though apparently, currently lying on my side trying to get him/her to move. Have had a few wee movements but not normal so will give it a bit longer and then see where we're at.

Hope you feel better nikki. There's some really horrid sickness bugs going round here atm.

Dovekie my DH is named after his dad but we decided we couldn't name another generation as it's too confusing. His name and my son's name sound fairly similar anyway and im always muddling them up haha. We also have 3 A's in this house so this baby's name will definitely not start with an A! Xx
My boyfriend has mentioned it before, but now I'm considering it he thinks it'd be weird!

My bump has grown - 29+2

It has been really popular around here to use dad's name as a middle name. My husband has his dad's name as his middle name as do nearly all of his friends and some of their children now have the same. We won't be doing it, we aren't naming after any family (so rules a lot of names out!). I did ask him if he wanted to do the same but he said no, he would prefer to choose a name that is different.

Nice bump Dovekie :) mine has gone mad, it seems to be expanding by the day now eek.
You have a lovely bump dovekie. Nice and neat. Mine is huge!!!
As for naming after, I don't like the idea myself. We aren't using any family names and I didnt with my son either. He has my exes confirmation name as a middle name but that's it. If he had his first name it would drive me mad as I can't stand him and wouldn't want the reminder. I personally like everything to be indolividual, not be named after family etc but that's personal preference xx
I don't get much sleep either. I'm up about every 1.5-2 hours.

We aren't getting anywhere with names. We just keep adding to the list. We really need to start eliminating some.

Dovkie, that's a lovely bump.
Aw dovekie lovely bump :) everyone keeps saying mines growing everyday lol

Had my last day at work today so pleased to leave lol
Mine seems to be a bit bigger everyday. It's amazing how much it can stretch!

Hooray - time to relax Nikki (or get prepared!) :)
Up partly because of hip pain and headache, and partly because of big kicks from baby! Is everyone getting limbs popping out? It tickles! It's been almost non-stop for 24 hours on my top left side. So much for the movement pattern I was monitoring!
Kabuk, that sounds awful. Think you did the right thing staying at home xx

Betty, I don't even like my OH massaging me, it really irritates me!! Will have to let him though I guess. My OH already won't let me do much because of it. He is really good at looking after me. I do hope your OH realises you need to support.
I didn't know we couldn't even hoover?! So basically do nothing? Did he/she recommend any exercises? I look at some online and there is no way I could do them, leg lifts from sitting and squatting. It's too painful xx

My oh would do things if I really made a fuss, but I don't want to have to be like that! Also I've stopped the majority of my work now so I can do housework and take my time with it. Oh works full time so I don't mind doing it when he's working and I'm not.

It was a she and she did recommend some yoga type exercises which are really good, nothing heavy :)

The other good thing to remember is that you only have another two months and it will ease up so quickly after birth. As much as I love having my baby on board, I'm also looking forward to holding her and getting my body back! I just realised I said 'her' without thinking...can't wait to find out!! Xx
Dovekie you have a lovely bump :) I totally get what you mean about the movements tickling. Have you been to physio about your hips?

Missyeovil I am keeping track of baby with the kicks count app. It's showing that baby has fallen into a pattern of being active to not very active over 3 days, so I have a graph that looks like waves of that makes any sense. Hope yours is on the move now.

Nikki hope you're feeling better and you too Leigh, yay for finishing work nikki, it's a great feeling xx
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I've been a bit worried about baby's movements since wednesday. I am feeling movements, they just feel a bit more muted than usual, so the rational side of me isn't really worried, it's just because my little one shared our bed on Tuesday and I ended up sleeping on my back and unable to move really. So I googled back sleeping and it got the panicky me worried!
I found one article that had a look at the risks of back sleeping which was very balanced and showed the risk to baby of being very small, but then it said the there was a similar increase in risk found amongst pregnant women who go to the loo once or less in the night compared with those that go twice or more. It was supposed to show that the risks are that low, cos no one would advise you to go to the loo more to reduce your chances of miscarriage, but then that got me worried too because I rarely need to get up in the night!
Like I said, I am feeling movements, I just thought they would be more uncomfortable now that baby has less space. Maybe I'm just getting used to them.

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