May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Got this set up today :) just need a little person for it now lol


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Elouise is my friends little girls name and his mother's it's such a pretty name and works well for all ages and can be shortened to elle too lol I think it's perfect and goes so well with Sophie and zosha
That's so pretty nikki.
I'm starting to freat out how unprepared we are she better go overdue lol I need the extra 2 weeks lol
12-14 days here. I read a thing about a woman who had her babies at 43+1 and 44 weeks the other day! It was amazing. She just accepted that was how long her pregnancies were and had extra monitoring to check placenta was still functioning! Not sure I would have the patience for it mind! X
Eloise is lovely lisey. We are no further on names. We still have justa couple of girls names and no boys names. My bump is definitely more like it was when I was pregnant with my daughter but then I was a similar weight when I got pregnant this time as I was then! Was a skinny wee thing when I got pregnant with my son so maybe that's what's affecting it. I took a bump picture but my phone doesn't want to let me post it!

I'm off to register my son for pre school in a few minutes! Exciting. Ge will start in August, when my daughter goes up to primary school and stepdaughter goes up to high school! Then me and baby will have mornings to ourselves :) x
Thanks girls im feeling quite organised now only a few small bits left to get lol im very excited tho!

My youngest goes to full time school in September so will just be me and baby in the day but i am setting up as a childminder so hopefully ill have some work by then lol

They let us go to 42 weeks here although im not sure if that will be the same for me.because im trying for a vbac after 2 c sections and i think the longer i go the thinner my uterus gets but need to ask the consultant when i finally see him
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I've been filming the bump this morning. I'm getting lots of strong kicks that can be seen, especially when I lie on my side.
Nikki that is so cute!

Lisey I like all your options, including Olivia, I don't think it goes too badly at all. How often would you say it all as one name anyway? I've hardly ever used my full name in a sentence. What about Emily? I think that is a pretty and quite girly name.

I'm not sure how much over they let you go here, I know mine is different as I live in Wales but am going to an English hospital so the policy is different than the others going to the same hospital. Also there are different guidelines for first babies. I'm also likely to be offered induction earlier due to GD (which I'm still debating with them if I have or not as so far there is no supporting evidence), what a minefield lol.

I've bought a cot. Found it secondhand on one of our local facebook pages for £40, but it is lovely and has all the extra features like variable height mattress, drop sides etc and it is proper wood. Got to collect it at the weekend so I hope it is as nice as the pictures. We were't going to get a cot until little one was here but thought this would be worth a punt.
Emily is a lovely name ;-)

When I had Cam I was booked to go in for induction 12 days after my due date.

Snowbee you can get such good deals on the selling pages. You should buy a brand new mattress for it though and not use a second hand mattress.

Thanks ladies, I really want Eloise but I am not sure he will agree. Will give it a few days and mention again. I know what you mean snowbee, middle names are not used that often and her registered name will be Sophie, not Zosia but I am very particular about things being perfect, I think it would bug me. I do like Emily too but the teacher I worked for recently called her baby Sophia (think she actually got the idea from me as she was going to call her Isabella and I said I would call a girl Sophie) and her other daughter is Emily. Will seem like I am copying her!!

Lovely little cot Nikki, we have all the big bits but nothing put together at the moment, our room is still a mess from decorating, not much has been done lately which has annoyed me xx
Eloise is lovely, lisey. If you are looking for other options for the middle name, Marie or Ann would also go nicely with both Sophie and Zosia. I love the way the Polish and other Eastern European countries shorten certain names. Having Polish roots, I've considered it myself. Our struggle was our surnames- we just can't combine ours- the Polish-Dutch combo just doesn't work and would be a killer of a mouthful, so we've decided to use my dw's Dutch surname.

We've got quite a list:
Theodoor (Theo)
Sebastiaan (Seb/Bas)
Bellamy (Bem, which means good in Portuguese)
Elliot/Elias/Ellison/Elijah (Eli)
Michiel (Misha/Mishka)
Matteo (Teo)
Matthias/Matthijs (Thijs)
Nikolai (Niko/Kai)

My dw really loves the name Bellamy. It's growing on me, but I really want to be able to shorten it, but most shorten versions are very fem. We were thinking maybe Bem, but I'm not sold on it. I really want Theodoor for the middle name (after my great-uncle who I was very close to as a child) if we aren't going to use it for a first name. Not sure on Bellamy Theodoor.
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Thanks kabuk, Anne is my middle name and my Mums name so feel can't use that as OHs Mum might feel upset that we didn't choose her name as a middle. We said we won't use any family names for that reason.
I love the the way they shorten names in Polish too, I love how for a lot of the names there is a child and adult variation.

I really like your name choices, Ezra is nice, I heard it recently on a TV show and thought it was an unusual but lovely name. I also like Theo and Mishka is just too cute!! xx
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Kabuk I love Matteo and Tobias. Elijah I'm not so keen on the letter combination and it is a bit religious for me, although I know it is a super popular name right now and Remy I would associate with a girl (simply as I know a female one).

We aren't using any family names either Lisey, gosh it rules out no end though! Names I like but are ruled out for that reason include Kate, Hazel, Edward, Peter, Emma, Mary (although I can't decide about that one, not sure if it is still closely associated as a religious name). Ohh I've just seen you are at 30 weeks eeeeek! Exciting!

Emily it isn't coming with a mattress so we will be getting a new one, probably not for a while though as seems silly to get it too much before we need it. It is scary how fast this is starting to go now though!
Thanks, lisey and snowbee. Yeah, I'm iffy on all the really religious names. Who knows what we will end up with.

On another note, Russell Brand randomly walked into my work earlier- then left and came back again. He notices that I'm pregnant and asks, "Do you throw up a lot?". I wish I had a snarky comeback for that at the time but my bladder was distracting. One of the youth workers has convinced him to come back and talk to the kids.
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