May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Well the texting back and forth isn't in your head! It could all be innocent but the point is, he should stop it at least reduce it as it upsets you. I think most women would have a problem with it, trust issues or not.
Like I say, I trust my OH 100% but I wouldn't be happy with constant texting to another woman as I would find it disrespectful. Don't let him switch it around on you. Yes, you may find it hard to trust, understandably with what you have been through but you are not imagining the messages. It must be hard and drive you crazy, he should be helping you, not making you feel worse xx
Thats what i thought and he did used to and then he just changed and decided it was my problem to deal with. It was so hard for me knowing he was out with her last night and i feel like hes taken that for granted now and taken it as a pass to talk to her as much as he wants. Everything has to be his way
Does he say what they talk about so much? Xx
No, when they message each other all day at work he said its just about work but from when i went through his phone before he changed his password they spoke about everything, me, his family, her dating love life. Everytime she got talking to someone on a dating site she would talk to him about it. Now he says she just sends him on funny pictures in the evenings which i also think is a lie. I only know its her because he will ignore looking at the message till i walk away and then he will reply. I stopped him doing drugs and she messages him.about that because she does them. Its like she tries to stir the pot constantly between us. I thought it they were going to be together they would have been when me and him have had breaks but that was only for a week. He says that hes not going to stop talking to his friends because if we broke up he would have no one there but she seems to be more of a priority than me. I asked him before Christmas to cut down the amount he talks to her but he hasn't. They sit next to each other at work, go to lunch together etc and he still has to message her all day
Sorry to keep on just really need to know if im the one in the wrong and if im being paranoid
You're not going on, you just have lots to deal with.
I don't think you are paranoid or in the wrong, not one bit. I think he is being unreasonable and possibly using your insecurities against you which is not on. You should be number one priority when it comes to that xx
You aren't in the wrong at all Nikki. Of course he can have female friends but his relationship with this girl just seems far too close. I would be furious and very upset if my OH was texting a girl like that and heaven help him if he went to her to discuss me/our relationship. But his tactics are working because he's making you question yourself. My ex was the same, so emotionally manipulative. I used to be in tears all the time at how he treated me but then I'd be the one desperately apologising. I swore when we broke up that no man would ever make me feel like that again!

You aren't in the wrong at all Nikki. Of course he can have female friends but his relationship with this girl just seems far too close. I would be furious and very upset if my OH was texting a girl like that and heaven help him if he went to her to discuss me/our relationship. But his tactics are working because he's making you question yourself. My ex was the same, so emotionally manipulative. I used to be in tears all the time at how he treated me but then I'd be the one desperately apologising. I swore when we broke up that no man would ever make me feel like that again!

My ex was like this too, so manipulative and would make me doubt myself. I was 18 though and was first real relationship. I was very timid then but now, I wouldn't stand for a fraction of what he did to me. He would even criticise my appearance in a round about way as a tactic to keep me insecure and 'his'. Some men are just horrible, for years I didn't want to be with anyone or trust anyone but then my OH came along and changed it all xx
Thanks girls i need to have it out with him really i just keep quiet to avoid an argument
Thanks girls i need to have it out with him really i just keep quiet to avoid an argument

I used to to do the same. Even when I knew he was lying I just made out to him that I believed him so that the arguments would be over. They never got us anywhere as he always denied everything and did the deflection tactics. It felt pointless, needless to say, he was a little shocked when I broke up with him and he realised I meant it! Xx
My husband has several close female friends (both attached and single) but he doesn't message them constantly and he is perfectly happy for us all to meet up/hang out together etc. Hiding it is suggestive that he knows what he is doing is unreasonable. I would be unhappy with the situation you describe, especially when I'm pregnant. I'm not really sure what the answer is but I hope you can reach an agreement with him to reduce the amount of contact he has out of work.
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Nikki, Snowbee is dead on. It's not the friendship itself that is the issue, it's the hiding. There is no reason to hide anything about a friendship. My oh and I have our own sets of friends and we both attending outings with each other's friends on occasion. There was one period of time in my relationship where I was texting constantly with a lesbian friend who was going through a bad time- in an abusive marriage and needed support with the split. I was open about it with my oh, obviously still keeping my friend's confidence, but my oh knew why we were chatting all the time, why I was going out with her and crashing at her place. I made sure to keep the communication open and my oh was invited to join us for outings and she did a few times. But, there was a good reason for all that communication. Now, we text a few days a week to keep up and hang out a couple of times a month.

Dovekie - fybrogel and lactolose can be taken for constipation. I've used both. The latter is preferred for me, but it's not advisable if you're lactose intolerant. Lactolose isn't absorbed, it pulls the fluids to your intestine to soften the stool.

I'm exhausted. I didn't get much rest this half-term at all. We do finally have our sofa, which is so comfy and looks great. We also got our rug and our bedroom furniture, which my in-laws have kindly put together! It's nice to have everything coming together. I spent all week shopping and then taking my in-laws all over London. I opted to stay home today because I just can't take another long walk. My hips and lower back are really feeling it. We finished the day at Harrods and I went into the cinema room set up in the technology are and sat in one of the reclining chairs. It was an ugly chair, but damn it was comfortable. I so wanted to take it home. It was the most comfortable I'd been in weeks- complete relief for my back, hips and feet. I would live in the chair.

I'm finally getting my pram. I'm getting a used bugaboo plus (2013) in denim with the cocoon. I'm collecting it next weekend. I can't wait. It's a little bit of a trek to collect, but worth it. I would respond to adds posted within minutes and would never get a reply. I'm taking this one. Next up- changing table, crib, bouncer. Hopefully some clothes shopping too. We have one sleepsuit at the moment, so lots more to buy. We'll be bargain hunting for newborn and 0-3 month clothing.

I can't believe I'm back to work tomorrow. Gosh I wish I could take more time off. There is still so much to do and I'm not ready to go back.
And the best news I got this weekend- my best friend is pregnant (the one I mention helping above). They have 8 month old twin girls that her dw gave birth to and now she is 13 weeks pregnant with a sibling. We'll actually be on maternity leave at the same time for part of it! She's due at the end of August.
Kabuk, that is so lovely that your friend is expecting too. If you are looking for bargain clothes, sainsburys have 25% off all clothing and my cousin says asda sleepsuits and vests are lovely, better than some of the more expensive shops like next etc.
The Half term has flown by hasn't it. I am looking forward to mat leave as I am constantly tired. I am actually a little worried I might have gestational diabetes, I am only at risk due to family history, no other factors but lately I am so thirsty, nothing quenches it and I am weeing constantly, it's not just a tiny bit either and that's how you tell the difference with frequent preg urination and diabetes. With pregnancy it seems you go often but not alot. I go often but normal amount every time. Plus, I didn't realise being tired was a sign, although, at almost 30 weeks preg, who wouldn't be tired?! Have my test on Tuesday so will know either way xx
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Thanks girls im going to ask him later who hes been texting all weekend and see what he says
Thanks, lisey. We'll have to check both places out. I need to figure out where my nearest Asda is.

As for worrying about gestational diabetes- you could always asked to be checked again. I go through phases of being very thirsty and weeing often and a lot. This was before and now during. Sometimes it's linked to my food- if my intake of salt is rather high that day, I tend to want a lot more water. I've been chugging water for the last week, but I'm fine now. My level of thirst can seem to increase when really I haven't been drinking enough. I find sipping on water throughout the day is the best solution, but when i get busy and dont sip, I feel super thirsty and chug it, which leads to more toilet trips and weeing quite a bit on each trip.
I drink loads anyway so I know I drink enough. It could just be that my body needs even more though. Will know Tuesday either way. Not looking forward to sitting in the hospital for two hours. Ladies who have had the test, what did you do to occupy yourself for 2 hours? It's not like I can even go and have something to eat.

You can order online with asda, or even tescos do nice bits too xx
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I sat in the day room/ lounge at the MLU and watched telly. I'd taken a book with me too just in case. I did a bit of facebook/pf-ing too. Was still pretty boring but not too bad.

I downloaded episodes of a Netflix show to my iPad and watched it.
I didn't know you could download things from netflix? I thought you could only stream?
I don't think they even have a TV in the waiting room? I can't get comfortable even on my sofa so I know it is going to drive me mad sitting on their horrible chairs!! xx
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