May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

My eldest was breech i ended up having a c section because i didnt want him to be turned but they said rocking back and forth on all fours was a good way to get them to turn x
Aww what's up Nikki? :hug:

Just had some massive movements from my little lady. Goodness knows what she's up to in there!!

We've had a very productive day- hubby and I cleared all the junk out of the conservatory and put our new furniture in there so it's a use able room now rather than a dumping ground. I sorted through all Cam's toys with him so that's two bags of rubbish and two for the charity shop. Just need to try and sell the single bed that is in babies room over the next week, if not, it'll go to the tip and then we'll get her room sorted.

Her cot quilt arrived today :love:



aww thats beautiful - ive just ordered my nursery furniture from mothercare whilst they have the sale on
That's lovely Emily. I am so bored today, have just been pottering about, cleaning and washing clothes etc. I am very teary today. Just one of those days I think.
I have been getting massive movements too, sometimes my stomach just shakes too, like it's vibrating, she is definitely having fun in there xx
That is lovely Emily!

I've been having shaking too lisey, I've been wondering what on earth they are doing in there!

Hope you are ok Nikki.

Ohh what have you gone for Leigh? We still need a cot but are holding off for a bit yet. Car seat is going to be our next purchase, we are going for a birth to 4 years one, they are a bit more expensive in the short term but should be more economic long term, provided they aren't too big too soon. As we are both short we should hopefully be ok.
That's good to know about that site I may start doing them at some point in the near future. But don't get my crawling round on all fours at the moment for some reason I'm mega horny today and hubby isn't home til much later hahaha got to wait until son has gone to bed now lmao
Ive been getting massive movements aswell.

Woke up and kids were fighting, went to take them out and my tyre was flat, couldnt find my bank card. My eldests dad has asked me to drive his an hour away and ive got to take oh out and pick him up tonight for his work drinks just everythings going wrong so stressed out
I want the cream Lulworth cot Leigh, to go with the other furniture in, what will be, the nursery. It's not in the sale at the moment though. So annoying cos it was after Xmas. I should have just bought it then cos now I don't want to pay full price for it! I'm also waiting for the Tutti Bambini Cozee bedside crib to be released. I think it's out in March. It's like the Next to Me crib but I think it looks much nicer.

I get breathless after I eat.

I feel huge today, and look it. Totally constipated :( What can I take for it?
Well oh is out with that girl from work and other ppl he works with. Im going to end up overthinking everything now till i go and pick him up.

Hows everyone elses friday night?
Did you pick him up at a decent time Nikki? I can't sleep as I'm in a strange bed in Scotland, and my hips are hurting.
I think you can take fibergel dovekie.

I hope yesterday went OK nikki and it wasn't as bad as you thought x

I'm enjoying a Saturday off. Can't believe I'm now off every sat!! It's awesome. Just waiting for my son to get up. I need to start tea soonish. (Slow cooker)
Every morning I'm still waking up with a bad tummy ache that only goes after many many huge farts lol. Who said pregnancy was glamorous! Lol wonder if Beyonce has the same issues.........
Lol, Beyonce prob has double the trumps ;)
It really is not glam is it, right now I am looking at my swollen knees, I am like an old lady getting up as they are so sore from the fluid.
Nikki, hope today is a better day and dovekie, I think you can take lactulose. I was given it but only had one spoonful as was too scared xx
Hi everyone hope your all well ! I haven't posted in a while but have been on a few times keeping up to date reading posts. I'm finishing up work sooner than most of you on the 30th of march , using 4 weeks annual leave and 3 weeks maternity leave before my due date, had planned on working longer but my spd is pretty sore at work and as I do housekeeping it's fairly physical, in saying that I'm intending trying to finish my beauty therapy college course so am currently trying to rush through all my assessments as finishing date isn't actually until June! We had a hd live scan booked for a week tomorrow but have cancelled as oh doesn't want to know what baby looks like until he's born and I wasn't sure if I did or not! You all seem so organised, iv got all the big things but only 2 outfits, 2 blankets lol, no vests, cot sheets, bottles etc... nothing! :o

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