May mummies and rainbows to be :) the wait is nearly over!

Glad things are working out for you now betty! Hopefully you get your home birth :) xx
Awww congratulations snowbee. I'm hoping our Lil miss arrives begone or anniversary so the birth certificate can be out 1yr present to each other lol.
bet lisey is well on her way now :) im a little bit worried about babies movements. i dont know if she hasnt been moving as much or if i just havent paid mucb attention
Happy Birthday Emily!

Is that standard if you go in twice Betty?

Nikki, I feel like my baby has been quite quiet today too. Definitely different to yesterday. I have felt some kicks though.
I'm missing having a routine but feel better about being closer to the hospital. I just feel like all I do is eat and sleep. Did go out the other day and picked up a couple of old cheap PS3 games that I never got the chance to play, so I've started the Assassins Creed series now. But as much as I enjoy gaming, I've never been one who could sit there all day and play. I miss crossfit and ring active.

My upper belly has been super tight today. Quite uncomfortable, especially when trying to move. Fell asleep around 3 when it started and woke up about 20 mins ago and still hard. Then felt it tighten in the middle and go lower- lasted for a couple mins. I can't tell if the upper part has relaxed a bit because he is now pushing his bum out. I'm assuming these tightenings are normal & bh.
Happy birthday Emily x I am still stalking u all x hope lisey is ok and cuddling baby :) good luck Leigh for your growth scan keep an eye on those movements and if in doubt go in Hun x you are all getting so close, thinking of u all and can't wait to hear the announcements x I wonder if any of u will be on the same day!?

Leora is piling on the pounds she is now 6lb 3oz's so she has put on almost a pound in a week. Struggling with reflux it's awful to watch and hear so I don't really get much sleep! Finding it tough on some days and been so emotional this week with Harrison's anniversary and birthday tomorrow, I cry lots! Leora is keeping me going! Just need a bit more sleep and for her not to be in discomfort it's heartbreaking at times. We are on our way to Peterborough for the weekend as hubby is taking part in a 20 mile obstacle course in order to raise money for the refurbishment of the bereavement suite at the hospital where we had Harrison and Leora. It seemed only right with it being on his first birthday!

Lou x
Awww that's lovely of him x Has he got a just giving site?

Kabuki sounds normal hope it starts to get stronger for you! We've been playing on the ps2. We finally finished lucifers call we only started that about 10 years ago lol
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Lou, that's great about the weight she's putting on.

Yeah, people have been telling me for years to play assassins creed, so finally doing it. I still have Uncharted 3 to finish. Started it when it first came out and then got to a frustrating part and stopped. Need to find it so I can complete it. Also got bioshock 2- really enjoyed the first one. Got my dw final fantasy XIII-2. We have completely different taste in games.

Glad that sounds normal. I feel like I have no clue what I'm looking out for. So many people say you'll just know when you're in labour, but plenty don't. None of the tightenings hurt, they are just unconfortable. Getting up is hell as I can't use my stomach muscles at all and feel like everything is being pushed up into my ribs.
I didn't know when I first went into labour with Cam. I was having contractions but didn't realise what they were to begin with. When they were coming and going continually I eventually cottoned on that something might be happening! Lol! Then when I got into bed and my waters popped I knew for sure!! Lol!

I stopped working early in comparison to some but my maternity leave doesn't officially start until Sunday. I think it was certainly the right thing for me to stop when I did as my job is both physically and emotionally demanding. I get lots of holiday though having been there for 12 years, so that's why I've been able to have so long off.

We've got a Chinese takeaway en route and I've just cracked open the pink raspberry lemonade I've treated myself to for my birthday. Had a few visitors but generally quite a quiet day although I'm knackered despite that. Planning on eating so much food that bubs has no choice but to come out as there's no room for her! Lol!

Awww that's lovely of him x Has he got a just giving site?

Kabuki sounds normal hope it starts to get stronger for you! We've been playing on the ps2. We finally finished lucifers call we only started that about 10 years ago lol

Yeah we have a crowdfunding page x target is £2,000 and we are at £1,300 so getting there :)
Great plan Emily. I think I'd be enjoying the extra time off if I was more mobile, but going out is such a chore now. I'm getting some reorganising done in the house, but with my belly remaining rather tight at the top most of the day, it limits my range of movement.

That's fantastic Lou! Good luck!
Hi ladies.

Haven't had a chance to catch up properly. Been an eventful day. Little one was born this afternoon and she is perfect, she weighs 8lb 1.

Little birth story, not straightforward...
I Dilated really quickly, had one internal to check when first went down for breaking waters and was 2cm. Had the drip to make womb contract...ouch is the word but gas and air was my best friend. I ended up having epidural as were too intense, amazing stuff. Second exam where they expected me to be around 4cm, was fully dilated and ready to go. Three loads of pushing episodes and she was born, I have to say the experience was amazing, with my son I didn't feel him being born at all, with her I could feel the pressure and feel her head there and knowing I was about to bring her into the world was unbelievable!
I did have PPH as expected and was rushed to theatre where they did all sorts and gave blood transfusions etc. Feel a bit battered but so I'm love. She is absolute perfection and worth every second of it all.
I don't want to scare anyone with what happened to me, we kind of knew it might so they were all ready and truly amazing!!
Will be in hospital for a while and in a special unit tonight, for me, not her so am being looked after bit can't wait to get home. Have been a bit of an emotional wreck today as I am so happy, a bit traumatised by what happened and obv exhausted.

I can't wait to see who will be next now xx
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Congrats lisey! Sorry about the traumatic part, but glad they were prepared and you have your little one. Hope it's not too long before you can take her home! Rest up and hope recovery is quick.
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Awww congratulations hun!!

Sorry you've had a bit of a tough time of it but sounds as though they were well prepared for everything and looking after you well.

Enjoy this special time with your precious baby girl and I hope you feel better soon and can get home quickly.

aw lisey im so pleased for you and she was a good weight :) hope you recover soon!
Congratulations lisey! Sorry you had a PPH but it's good that everyone was prepared for it. Must have been very scary. Glad they are looking after you and I hope you are feeling better very soon xxx
Congratulations Lisey. Glad you are both safe and well now and sorry it was difficult but sounds like you are a soldier! Xx

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